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Geddi makes concessions while Kanyare regards that as conspiracy to the peace efforts

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Geddi makes concessions while Kanyare regards that as conspiracy to the peace efforts in Mogadishu.


May 02 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


Fresh dispute among the members of the two councils here in Mogadishu seems to prevail while prime minister Geddi and his delegation are making concessions to the efforts of the two councils aimed at restoring peace to the capital city.


Mr. Geddi recognized that as a national effort sponsored by the government.

Such dispute comes mainly from Mohamed Kanyare, the minister of national security who personally made it clear today that the current visit to Mogadishu by the prime minister and his delegation was aimed at undermaining the ongoing peace efforts in Mogadishu.


Mr. Kenyare who did not attend those meetings told the public that the prime minister should personally concede to the public that his government rescinded to the deployment of front-line states troops to Somalia, and Mogadishu would be a workable place for the government to relocate.


Having done this, says Kanyare will pave the way for any possible meeting aimed at resolving the stalemate between the prime minister and the members of the two councils who are currently in Mogadishu.

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I raise my hands up as a person who previously opposed Geedi and his management as a PM. After having seen how the 'man' has made a U turn in all conflicting factors and conceding to the members of the two councils in public. I dont think you can ask for more but praise him for his efforts and his intention to re-egnite Nationalism once again. I say without hesitation in doing this Geedi has shown to be a man of compromise and in the path to reconstruct a Somali Nation once again.

hence in the matter between Qanyare and Geedi I see the former as being 'qori qori ku tag'.

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Originally posted by Jumatatu:

I say without hesitation in doing this Geedi has shown to be a man of compromise

Finally, something we can agree on. You know that the American Republic was built on the powerful concept of compromise - PM Ghedi is an educated invidivual who knows the value of such a concept. Raga madaxa adag - namely Security Minister Qanyare - are showing their 'true colors' everyday because, at the end of the day, they don't want to be the employees of a man (Ghedi) who wasn't involved in their 15-year halgan to economically and politically dominate Somalia's capital.


Like I said, PM Ghedi mad an excellent move towards compromise - even Yalaxow made a move. But Caato and Qanyare are suspiciously immobile - which will continue this deadlock until all the MPs, other ministers, etc. realize that these men are ultimately up to no good and gradually isolate them. I pray, for the sake of Somalinimo and peace, that these officials follow the path of truth for once so that our once-mighty Republic can once again stand up and walk towards national recovery. Amin!

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I'm finally happy that MP KANYARE said what all the others wanted to say, but didn't. C/yusef and Gedhis plan for Somali is an unbright one, and we need more pms like kanyare to step up to the thug whom caged himself in the kenyan hilton hotel.



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