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The Secret Letter

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Key words:

-Eritrea sidii looga rarri lahaa ARS nagala shaqeeya

-Daqaale aanu Indhacadde iyo kula hadalo nasiiya


What a trash way of presenting a position. A non-starter! How can you table your interal weaknesses in a negotiation as big as that one. Display of high level immaturity.


Yet agian, I wonder why the negotations falied. The request from this men was too benign. Someone wanted it not to succeed. And broke No.4. I said that will happen.


XINN, I now challenge you: Do you think peace is acheiveable as long as Ethiopia is involved? If you say yes, then I am shifting my suspicion's about you being too pessimist to beig a hypocrat!!!

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MMA the letter is authentic sxb - it is only that the author thought it will never make it to the public domain, how ****** of him to trust his TFG counterpart and question whether he merits the title he was accorded.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^How do you know the letter is authentic yaa Juje?

I just know

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^^You came short adeer


A & T, waxbaan kuu sheegiye dhegtaada xoogaa i daymi,


1- Shirku wuu socon inta heshiis laga gaarayyo

2- Waa lays qab-qabsan oo some time lakala caroon.

3- warqaddaa juje leeyahay waa uathentic is irrelevant to the big scheme of things

4- kolley marka la heshiiyyo waad ila dabaal degi e, shiddada naga daa...


War warkaas maku galay waryaa A & T?

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Heshiiskaad iigu bishaaraynaysay ma kan maanta la sheegaa??????? Kaas ma rabo anigu kugunna raaci maayo marnaba. Inta dhalinyaradii dhiigooddii lagu soo caan baxay baa maanta intii soo hadhayna la qayaamayaa.


Sheekh Shariif was the suppossed leader of the Resistance. He was taking credit for that. He can't just issue a statement denouncing the armed struggle without consulting the commanders he sent to the field.


Meesha ma malcaamad buu moodayaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Kola uu odhan ha la soo xaadiro, kolnna maanta waa fasax; siddi macalinkaygii quraanka- Gadh Shilin.

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