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Opposition leaders visit victims of Riyaale's folly + Pics

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Isniin, 14 September 2009 (HOL): Guddoomiyayaasha Axsaabta Mucaaradka ah ee UCID iyo Kulmiye, Faysal Cali Waraabe iyo Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), ayaa maanta booqday dadkii ku dhaawacmay Mudaharaadyadii Rabshadaha watay ee Sabtidii ka dhacay Magaalada Hargeysa.


Dadkan dhaawacmay oo yaala Cusbatalka guud ee Magaalada Hargeysa, ayaa Guddoomiyayaasha Axsaabta Mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE iyo UCID oo ay weheliyaan Masuuliyiinta sarsare ee Xisbiyadaasi ku booqdeen, isla markaana ay mid-mid isu dul taageen. Waxaanay adeegayaasha Caafimaadka ee Cusbatalka iyo dadka dhibbanayaasha ahba waydiiyeen Xaaladdooda Caafimaad.


Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), ayaa halkaa uga ballan qaaday mid ka mid ah dadkii dhaawaca ahaa oo u cawday. “Waxaan halkan yaallay 5 sanno, waxaana igu dhacay Kansar, hadaad wax ii qaban karaysid waxa laygu xidhay $300 Dollar.” ayay tidhi Haweenaydan oo ka mid ah dadka kale ee Cusbatalka ku jiray, waxaanu guddoomiyuhu u ballan qaaday in uu siinayo Lacagtaas.


Dhinaca kale, Guddoomiyaha UCID Eng. Faysal Cali Waraabe oo ay weheliyaan hoggaanka kale ee Xisbigaas, ayaa isna booqashadiisaas ku maray dadweynihii ku dhaawacmay Rabshadaas iyo kuwo kale ee ku jira Cusbatalka.


Waxa Cusbatallaada Magaalada Hargeysa yaala dadweyne ku dhaawacmay Mudaharaadyadii Rabshadaha isu-rogay ee Sabtidii la soo dhaafay ka dhacay Magaalada Hargeysa.





Guddoomiyayaasha Axsaabta Mucaaradka ah ee Somaliland oo booqday dadweynihii ku dhaawacmay Rabshadihii ka dhacay Hargeysa (DAAWO SAWIRADA)



Isniin, 14 September 2009 (HOL): Guddoomiyayaasha Axsaabta Mucaaradka ah ee UCID iyo Kulmiye, Faysal Cali Waraabe iyo Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), ayaa maanta booqday dadkii ku dhaawacmay Mudaharaadyadii Rabshadaha watay ee Sabtidii ka dhacay Magaalada Hargeysa.


Dadkan dhaawacmay oo yaala Cusbatalka guud ee Magaalada Hargeysa, ayaa Guddoomiyayaasha Axsaabta Mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE iyo UCID oo ay weheliyaan Masuuliyiinta sarsare ee Xisbiyadaasi ku booqdeen, isla markaana ay mid-mid isu dul taageen. Waxaanay adeegayaasha Caafimaadka ee Cusbatalka iyo dadka dhibbanayaasha ahba waydiiyeen Xaaladdooda Caafimaad.


Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), ayaa halkaa uga ballan qaaday mid ka mid ah dadkii dhaawaca ahaa oo u cawday. “Waxaan halkan yaallay 5 sanno, waxaana igu dhacay Kansar, hadaad wax ii qaban karaysid waxa laygu xidhay $300 Dollar.” ayay tidhi Haweenaydan oo ka mid ah dadka kale ee Cusbatalka ku jiray, waxaanu guddoomiyuhu u ballan qaaday in uu siinayo Lacagtaas.


Dhinaca kale, Guddoomiyaha UCID Eng. Faysal Cali Waraabe oo ay weheliyaan hoggaanka kale ee Xisbigaas, ayaa isna booqashadiisaas ku maray dadweynihii ku dhaawacmay Rabshadaas iyo kuwo kale ee ku jira Cusbatalka.


Waxa Cusbatallaada Magaalada Hargeysa yaala dadweyne ku dhaawacmay Mudaharaadyadii Rabshadaha isu-rogay ee Sabtidii la soo dhaafay ka dhacay Magaalada Hargeysa.



Barkhad M. Kaariye Hiiraan Online

Hargeisa, Somaliland

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This is old lame trick by Dictators to blame the opposition. If Riyalle is accsuing silaanyo that the latter is doing everything to grab power, the simple question, by way of reverse reasoning is "What does he want too?" STAY On power perpetually, inventing one or other trick??


Riyaale is responsible for all this, as it is a backlash against his attempts to usurp the powers of all branches of the state. Jacaylbaro's assertion is laughable. Leave your partisan hut and just ask yourself why the Parilament cannot meet and discuss motions!


It is fine for Riyaale to use money to bribe MPs and to use all sorts of tricks to stop his impeachment, it is not right or legal for him to send armed personnel and to shut down the very institution that gave him powers.

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^^ I don't agree with JB. But I reckon Riyaale will reopen the parlimanet and things will go back to normal.


This is nto for Riyaale to lose, it's for Siilanyo to win. So far, he's not coming up with the goods.

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On the precipice of defeat,Siilaanyo is stoking tribal tensions just to depose Riyaale-sorry excuse for leader. This geriatric needs to realize it's not gonna happen. Just retire, and enjoy whatever is left of his life peacefully.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

The parliament is back to normal ,,,,,,,,,, it is reopened.


I can see Siilaanyo is trying to gain by visiting victims of his miscalculation ,,,,,

No. That's a good move. Woxo waa politics, saaxib.


It is all about visibility and appearing to be doing something. Yesterday Riyaale gave a good speech and Faysal talked about drought. Siilanyo had to do something on his part and have his own photo opportunity.



I would speak more. I would come out more and appear in a million and one TV interviews. I would show by the way I speak, carry myself and debate that I am miles ahead of the incumbent president. This may not change the minds of the voters themselves (for most would follow their own leaders/clan leanings). But this will get my opponent (Riyaale) all hot and worked up and force him to make MORE mistakes.


So far, Riyaale has been doing the work for Siilanyo, therefore I would rather stick with Riyaale than the old man and his confused party.


(Personally, I would prefer Faysal to run the show. I think he's a dark horse).

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That is what you think. I think Silaanyo is doing fine by not speaking too much and by being patient. He doesn't want to creat the image of a desperate old man trying to get power.


By the way, it is not Riyaale's talk that rules now. It is his might. We are not seeing demonstrating against silaanyo. We see they are turning against Riyaale!

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Riyaale is trying to use the clan card too. He wants to present himself as a victim of the larger clan, and wants to hide the real issue (his refusal to leave power) on sympathetic grounds.

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