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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^But at least the Morganist and Co but a fight against him and Mogadishu while he fled when he heard Indacade was coming.

Are you mad? Do you think the guy is like Qaybdiid or Suudi Yalaxow? who the hell (of course sane person) will put a fight against these hell-bent juud-wama-juud armies, even your uncle YEEY -thanks to amxaaros- would have been something in history by this time now adeer :D

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loool...wakhtigoodii la soo isticmaalay waa dhammaaday so...they are gone..gone..gone.


I wonder who is gonna be next after a while, haddii aanba intaas ka hor Ilaahay miinooyinka dhulka lagu beerayo sabab uga dhigin? Gacmadheere, Qaybdiid or even Geeddi iyo Abdullahi, cause sheekada dhan iyo shaxda iyo Amxaaro ciyaarto waan iska ognahay!

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Waaryee Alamganow, waar isku xishood oo lafahaaga wax ula hadh, macawistu kaa dhacdaye, waamaxay bahalkani. :D


Oday xun oo ay ka dhamaatay oo af ku huurale ah ayuunbaad xayaysiinaysaa. Muxuu taray, adiga muxuu kuu taray?

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