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Bossaso: New Mall Opening Ceremony

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Originally posted by Juje:

quote:Originally posted by Cowke:

[qb] Juje, Duke just thinks everyone is a clone. Let him think that. We need to put our efforts into Bossaso. Remember Farole won't, he will be taking care of garowe only.

Indeed, don't trust Farole. [/QB
Be careful Cawke. Don't ruin the reputation and unity of Puntland by making such silly and divisive claims.


Beautiful shopping center.

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Juje is talking to himself , it's great the city of Bossaso is doing well it helps all of us as Nassir a man of vision states Putnland is one and will move forward as one.

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I personally don't want to see a divided puntland, that is the last thing I was suggesting.


But let's not kid ourselves farole has put alot of his work into garowe more then anywhere else, some may brush this aside as: Garowe being the capital. However I am not sure of that.


It appears whenever someone leads Puntland, they focus on their area. For example cade focused on Bossaso and Garowe (because garowe is the capital). Abdullahi Yusuf was different, he didn't really focus on anywhere except "Hamar".


It's most likely ilkajir is next president. I bet you he will focus on badhan or las qoray.

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