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Gen Ilkajir With Soldiers Arrive In Qardho Heading To Bossaso

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Ciidamo uu wato Jen C/laahi axmed Ilkojiir oo soo gaaray Qardho kuna wajahan Boosaaso


Posted to the Web Jul 26, 14:57



Qardho:-Horin wasiiro ah ayaa goordhow soo gaaray magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobalka Karkaar ka dib markii ay kulan ku qaateen magaalada Garoowe kaas oo la isku raacay in dagaalka Galgala la soo afjaro sida uu noo sheegay ilo wareed lagu kalsoon yahay.


Wasiirada ayaa waxaa horkacaya wasiirka arimaha gudaha ee Puntland Jen C/laahi axmed jaamac Ilkojiir oo wata ciidamo kuwaas oo laga sugayo magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobalka Bari.


Iska horimaad ayaa saaka aroortii ka dhacay tuulada Toga Sugudhe kaas oo u dhexeeya ciidamo daacad u ah wadaadka Atam iyo ciidamada Puntland waxaan halkaas ka dhacay khasaaro gaaray labada dhinac .


Tuulada Toga Sugudhe ayaa Qiyaastii 2 KM u jirta dhinaca Laamiga Tuulada Karin waxaana haatan halkaas ku sugan ciidanka Puntland waxaana ay soo qabteen ilaa 10 qof iyaga oo dilay 13 kale .


Ciidamada daraawiishta ee Puntland ayaa waxay ka dhintay 2 askari waxaana ka dhaawacmay ilaa 5 kale waxana laga gubay gaari baroon ah dagaalka ayaa dhacay saaka aroortii.


Xaalada magaalada Boosaaso ayaa waxaa ay tahay mid degan waxaan dadku hadal hayaan dagaalkii dhacay iyada oo gurmad kala duwan uu socdo.


M_M Deeq

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We don't negotiate with people just because they attack us, like you after the SSC attacked you. When an armed group chooses to launch an attack, they sadly don't want to negotiate.

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Well then make sure they don’t conquer your commercial capital city cause it seems they are a BIG BIG threat to Puntland , you can’t compare this to ssc who are in the bush with these guys

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Bush??? These guys are in the mountains, which are even harder to attack and easy for them to defend then the bush. They attack little villages outside Bosasso, and were quickly defeated and captured. They dont have control of a single place, unlike you and Buuhoodle. The people we are fighting only have the mountains.


I hope it is resolved peacefully as I don't want any bloodshed. I hope every avenue is used to avoid any conflict. But just because they attacked out forces, doesn't mean we will immediately start negotiating.

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Thats what making so hard to get galgala because their located in mountaineous terrain.


This is terrain map of our land where our tribes live. As u can see the karkaar mountain covers a wide area.




Somalia needs an airforce to combat this. Inshallah when the naval base is completed we will make sure the airfoce bases will be located in puntland.


None of the key institutions will ever be located in hamar again layskuma halayn doono anymore. We will locate it all in puntland.

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Who attacked who exactly? And who has refused peace and was hell-bent on waging 'war to end all wars'? Who disrespected the elders' peace deal and fabricated their consent on Garoweonline?


When push comes to shove, the chimera of statehood shrinks into sub-sub-clans.


But we shall see what is gained from throwing peace to the air. Faroole's hood boys want war? Hell, they sure'll get just that.


PS: The two-subclans in Galgala area are the residents of Boosaaso. You throw stones from glass-houses and at stone-houses, I'd remind Faroole. Let's not forget that. If Farole's maqaar-saar campaign will get its intended interests, well we will see. Will he succeed where Cade failed? I like the inventions and the media machine in operation for Faroole's little project. Lol.


It's rather comical, really.

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The Paragon, explain to me why Ilko-Jiir is fighting on the Puntland side, we know he is the most repsected politician you have. He was your choice for president. Mr. Atom has no right to sign peace deals, he has no right to have armed men so close to Bosasso, like Mr. Somalia said, those elders need to choose either Puntland or Mr. Atam, they will not sit in the middle and give this guy credibility.


I do not believe Puntland would attack people who are hiding in the Mountains, that would be a very difficult terrain for even an advanced military. Puntland has no planes or helicopters so taking on people hiding in mountains like goats would not be feasible.


Mr. Atam came down and was quickly sent running back to the mountains.


Anyways, the elders need to make a choice! Ilko-Jiir has already!

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Originally posted by TheParagon:



Who attacked who exactly? And who has refused peace and was hell-bent on waging 'war to end all wars'? Who disrespected the elders' peace deal and fabricated their consent on Garoweonline?


When push comes to shove, the chimera of statehood shrinks into sub-sub-clans.


But we shall see what is gained from throwing peace to the air. Faroole's hood boys want war? Hell, they sure'll get just that.


PS: The two-subclans in Galgala area are the residents of Boosaaso. You throw stones from glass-houses and at stone-houses, I'd remind Faroole. Let's not forget that. If Farole's maqaar-saar campaign will get its intended interests, well we will see. Will he succeed where Cade failed? I like the inventions and the media machine in operation for Faroole's little project. Lol.


It's rather comical, really.

Great point Paragon.


Thanksful: You are a radical clannist who earlier on SOL demonstrated unfashionable hate for Makhiri's. How many threads have you posted depicting Faroole and Ilka Jiir are pirates? It's ironic how you support those "pirates". The clan element is visible, like it or not.

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Xudeedi, if there was clan hatred I would not have said Faroole needs to be investigated. Remember Faroole is not from Maakhir!


I am not sure why you are making this a clan thing, the fact that Ilka-Jiir is fighting with the government against Atam, is proof that it is a government issue. As terrible as piracy is and what my opinion on them is, it does not cause the deaths of so many of our people like. Mr. Atam wants to do.


But like I said, explain to me how this is a clan thing if Ilka-jiir is leading the assault on the criminals? Why avoid that question?

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^They don' want to blame any one from the sacred clan, dee. Dont you undersatnd, its always those SSDF who are guilty :D

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