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Asmara group trying to depose Shariifka while he dismises their power

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Casmara: Xubnaha Isbaheysiga Mucaaradka Dawlada qeybta ku sugan Casmara oo wada qorshe ay ku badalayaan hogaanka Isbaheysigap

27. maj 2008




Casmara (AllPuntland) - Waxaa wali cirka isku sii shareeraya khilaafaadka ka dhex taagan Madaxda isbaheysiga Dib u Xoreynta Casmara lagu unkay, waxaana isa soo taraya hadalada kulul ee ay is dhaafsanayaan dhinacyadaas.


Qaar ka mid ah Xubnaha Isbaheysigaas ee jooga Casmara ayaa wada tallaabooyin ka dhan ah Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo eedeeyay Xukuumada Eritrea.


Xubnahan ayaa leh wada tashiyo gooni gooni ah oo ay ka leeyihiin Shiikh Shariif oo iska bedelay mowqifkiisa, isla markaana eedeeyay Dawlada Eritrea.


Shiikh Xasan Daahi Aweys oo ah Madaxda isbaheysiga ayaa isagoo ku sugan Casmara waxaa uu wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay hadalka Shariifka, kaasi oo uu ku tilmaamay mid aysan u cuntami karin.


Ilo ku dhow dhow Xubnaha ku sugan Casmara ayaa sheegaya in uu socdo wada tashiyo laga leeyahay sidii is bedel lagu sameyn lahaa Hogaanka Isbaheysiga oo uu madaxda.


Shiikh Shariif oo ku sugan Jabuuti ayaa Saxaafada u sheegay in aysan bedeli karin Xubnaha ku sugan Casmara oo uu ku sheegay in ay yihiin 14 xubnood.


Waxaa suura gal noqon karta in Mucaaradka Dawlada uu ku yimaado kala jabkii ugu xooganaa, waxaana dhici karta in ay u kala jabaan Labo garab oo kala ah Garabka Jabuuti iyo Casmara.


Cabdicasiis Maxamed


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^No this is to show what we have all speculated upon, the rift between the Asmara camps, it's getting serious....

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It is time the United States, EU and African Union began giving unconditional support to the TFG. I am sure if the TFG is given sufficient resources to build federal regions and instututions that would create jobs and education for the young kids, we will live to see a smooth transition to stability and good governance.


It will be irrational for us Somalis to entrust our destiny with a very irresponsible individuals who put their interest above the public interest. The so called opposition and their terrror-affialited network have no solution for us other than prolonging our crisis by using civilians as sheilds.


Their method of resistance, which is using populated neighborhoods as the launching pad have triggered the worst humanitarian crisis, and they continue to recruit, pay and brainwash young kids of 10-14 years of age, for an unthinkable battle, chiefly suicidal operations.

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