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Kismayu: Col Koojar interview: what happened to the attack?

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War jiraaba cakaarahuu iman ragow, Horn does not control destiny. I simply discuss what is apparent, if they choose to attack or not it is not something I have control over. Now let us all wait until the the news sites update their info. :D

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A decision has been reached in Kismaayo, Buulogaduud will be invaded

Has the decesion been changed Horn, as you know all things the clan and speak to them :D


Man be careful next time, repeatedly you took the line that some how that war would benefit your clan. Pardon saxib no need to change the tune now. One warned you that when it becomes a clan war, no one wins.

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Originally posted by Duke:

suprise coups is a one thing a full frontal attack without Mogadishu is another

:D:D:D , War nimanka kadaa sidaa


In all honest, the Kismayo issue is out of control now and the only option for the two groups is to settle down through the gun smoke, I can only blame this for the group holding Kismayo, Magaladaas anagaa iska leh masoconeyso, they should have dealt with and accepted the Admin officials to run the city but that opportunity is long gone now, it's too late which Im sure many will regret their move sometime to come...


I hope for a less blood and casualty

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Listen to the very interview that you brought. Goojaar says handful guys and them exchanged gunfire from afar but a "clash" did not take place. Goojaar says it is more then likely the group in Kismaayo will launch their attack soon.


However, if the group in Kismaayo will keep their word about launching an attack or not we will very shortly.

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^^^Adeer, Koojaar said they were attacked by the militia in Kismayu, who they chased back. As you know the boys who were rushing out of Kismayu 4 days ago made this encounter. Anyhow the fact that is quite and you are yourself playing this down only indicates something which you did not like took place. Which usually is a setback to the clan militia.

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Far iyo meel bugtaa is og baa la yiri, perhaps you subconciously believe everyone is as you are; go into hiding whenever you see a setback.


I am here Duke and I am not going anywhere adeer. Hadii lays dagaalo, one side will see victory macna ma le adigu ha wareerin. :D


Gedonet is quiet because nothing happened, which is the same reason why Shabelle and all the other respectable sites have not said anyting. :D

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^^^So there was setback, since you are here now to counter the effect by telling us some lies.


Anyhow its simple Horn, Kismayu will be settled by the admin and Hiiraale and his boys will live like any otehr citizen. Minorities can not compel the majority adeer, in this case Gedo boys are a minority and we are not talking about Balanbale.


The crunch has not arrived by Xasan Dheere must feel like a clown for all that hot air.

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^^^You do pretend to be too smart, were we stand today its your stance which has been proven to wrong, thats the news coming in to the well Cakaaru today. :D

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Wararkii Ugu Dambeeyey Iyo Magaalada Kismaayo

Jun 20,2007

by Kismaayo-GEDO-NN

Wararka ugu dambeeya ee ka imaanaya degaanada ay isku horfadhiyaan maleeshiyo beeleedka taabacsan Col.Afgaduud iyo Col.Koojaar iyo kuwa guutada 3aad ee ciidanka xoogga dalka ayaa sheegaya inay maleeshiya beeleedkii dhanka Buulogaduud ay dib uga baxeen ilaa iyo 5KM goobtii ay shalay soo dageen oo u dhow degaanka Luglow.


Saraakiisha ciidamada guutada 3aad ayaa xaqiijiyey dib u gurashada ay sameeyeen dhanka kale, iyada la arkayey 3 tikiniko oo wateen maleeshiyadii Buulogaduud oo baneeyey agaagii hore ee ay fadhiyeen. Dib u gurashada ay sameeyeen ayaa la ogeyn sababaha ka dambeeya xilli ay labada dhinac isku soo jirsadeen ilaa saaka aroortii wax ka yar ilaa iyo 2KM oo ay isku muuqdeen.


Boqolaal ka mid ah ciidamada guutada 3aad oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka ayaa tan iyo xalay laga daadguraynayey iyaga oo la isugu geeyey degaano kale oo ay ka gaabsadeen saraakiishii hogaaminaysa ciidamada. Dhanka kale, warar laga soo xigtay saraakiisha ciidamada guutada 3aad ayaa sheegay inuu Col.Afgaduud iyo labo gaari oo weheliso ay ka baxeen degaanka Buulogaduud oo ay iminka uu ku sugan yahay goob 10KM u jirta degaankaasi oo dhinaca Muqdisho ku aadan.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee, ma jiraan wax dadaalo ah oo la doonayo in lagu qaboojiyo colaadaha ka aloosan magaalada Kismaayo iyo nawaaxigeeda, iyada oo laga cabsi qabo in labada dhinac ay dagaalo ka fool fool ah ay isaga horyimaadaan.


Dhinaca kale, gaari nooca loo yaqaano Jameska oo ay saarnaayeen ciidamo ka baxay magaalada Kismaayo oo goostay fariinka ayaa sababay dhimasho labo ka mid ah ciidamada guutada 3aad iyo dhowaacyo soo gaaray dhowr ka mid ah ciidamadaasi sida uu sheegay uu Gedonet u sheegay mid ka mid ah taliyaasha ciidamada guutada 3aad ee ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo.


GEDO-NN-Kismaayo News Desk

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There is a gap in your news saxib. Thus this piece is garbage.


Make a second phone call, because what you told us yesterday regarding events was false.

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Lets fill in the Gap:


Kismaayo:-(KP)Dagaal shalay galinkii danbe ka dhacay Buuloguduud meel ka baxsan iyo ciidamad Dowlada oo kismaayo 7 KM u jira oo la filayo in ay galaan kismaayo...



Dagaal u dhexeeyay maleeshiyo beelaadka Gobolka Gedo ka yimid iyo ciidamada DowladaFKMG ah ee soomaaliya ayaa shalay galinkii danbe waxaa uu ka dhacay meel yara ka baxsan deegaanka buuloguduud ka dib markii maleeshiyaadka
ka yimid gobolka Gedo ee dhibka ku haya kismaayo ay damceen in ay weerar gaadmo ah ku qaadaan ciidamada dowlada soomaaliya ee ku sugan Buulogudud.


Dagaalkii shalay galinkii danbe ka dhacay aagaasi ayaa iskiis u istaagay ka dagaal markii ay ciidamada dowlada soomaliya ay dharbaaxo xoogan ku dhufteen maleeshiyaadkii wareerarka soo qaaday waxaana halkaasi qasaare loogu gaystay 5 ka mid ahaa maleeshiyaadka oo dhawac iyo dhimasho loo gaystay.


Ka dib dagaalkii shalay ayaa ciidamada dowladu waxay ku soo siqeen dhanka magaalada kismaayo oo ay iminka qark u saaran yihiin sida ay warar heshayna waxay sheegayan in ay qiyaastii 7 KM u jiraan kismaayo oo ay macquul tahay in ay gaaraan magaalada kismaayo maantaba.

wixii war ah ee kasoo kordha xaalada kismaayo isha ku haay shabagada warar ka xaqiiqada ee kismaayopost


Xafiiska wararka ee


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^^It’s really silly is it not yaa Che to take contradictory stances. That’s exactly what this particular team did. On a one hand it says it supports the tfg with its Ethiopian package, and calls itself G-3aad. On the other hand, it voids all the things this entity did in Kismayo and challenges it. That’s confusion in the first order adeer.

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