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tell the whereabouts of Diinaari, get $3k

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MUQDISHO: Madax ka tirsan kuwa Dowladda oo kooxo aan la garanayn ay dul dhigeen lacago haddii....

Posted to the Web Jan 30, 13:55



Muqdisho (PP) – Xubno Magacyadooda qariyay oo warqado ku daadiyay Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku sheegay qoraalkooda lacago ay dul dhigeen xubnaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.



Qoraalkaan oo aan la garanayn goob uu ka soo baxay laguna daadiyay waddooyinka Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa lagu xusay C/raxmaan Nuur Maxamed (Diinaari) oo ah Afhayeenka dowladda in ciddii soo sheegta meel ku sugan yahay, guriga uu daggan yahay, waddooyinka uu maro iyo halka uu ku badan yahay ay heli doonto lacag dhan 3-kun oo Dollar.




Sidoo kale waxaa lagu sheegay warqadda in ruuxii soo sheega isla markaana howlgalkii lagu qaado uu guulayso uu heli doono lacag dhan 5-kun oo Dollarka Mareykanka, waxaana qoraalkaan uu si weyn uga yaabiyay shacabka Soomaaliyeed.




Ma jirto cid kale oo ku xusan qoraalka kana tirsan Madaxda Dowladda, waxaan qoraalkaan sheegtay inay soo sameeyeen kooxo aan magacdooda sheegin balse ku soo gaabsaday inay ku mideysan yihiin ururro magacyadooda la soo gaabashay oo lagu sheegay ULT, SYL iyo XORRIYO.




Qoraalkaan oo inta badan lagu daadiyay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa wuxuu shaki weyn ku dhaliyay shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo is weydiinaya dhibaatooyinka laga filan karo inay magaalada ku soo kordhaan haddii kooxo magacyo gaar ah sheegtay ay warqado ku daadshaan Magaalada gudaheeda.




Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Punlandpost - Mogadishu


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Diinaari is in Nairobi where the Kenyan government flew him out for medical treatment after his car accident.


I really like your enthusiasm and standing up for what you believe, but do you not think it is high time you started dealing with facts rather then suppositions?

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^^You didnt get yaa Horn. War waa markuu Xamar kusoo laabto waxa informationkeeda la doonayyaa adeer :D .


It's the reward thing on his head...odoga shiddadiisa badatay ayyaamahan marka rag baa u qayilay baan u malaynayyaa :D .


Nin sacab tuntay ciyaar dalbay!

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^^ You mean "nin durbaan tuntay cilaaq dalbay"? :D


Dinari is injured? Can we get someone to pray for his quick recovery? I'm all out.

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^^Timely correcton; it's cilaaq not ciyaar :D .


cilaaq = shiddo?


ps--mostly likely they mean to say tacliiq, which's arabic word for faallo.

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TFG-ga aan uu soo laabano, ayaantaan waa isla joogna. I say start with the Ulumaa-selling warlords without portfolio. Hypocrites, as the saying goes, are the first to die.

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Xiinow, it's certainly shiddo, at the very least. :D


So, how about a prayer for Dinari yaa Xiin? When I heard he got in a wreck, the first thought in my head was he must have been speeding like a bat out of hell through the safe country roads now "fully controlled by the TFG" ( :D ), so he wouldn't catch a stray xabad.


Even a single cell organism such as Dinari knows better than to believe his own rhetoric.

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Dinari waa loo qayilooya haye? LOL


If Dinari is worth 3K[How Many dinaris is that horta? :D ], How much will the following be worth?







Throw in some figures bal?

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LOL@Brown. It's a tricky question. Estimating lives is not an easy business bro.


Castro, I don’t buy it was an accident. Not till I get the full story adeer. They said it was donkey that caused this fatal accident…


I think the man failed to moderate his rhetoric. When you are in Somalia in general and in Mogadishu in particular, adopting Bush’s terror fighting slogans is a risky business indeed. If he survives this and when he goes back and assumes his role as tfg spokesperson, lets see how measures his tone.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Castro, I don’t buy it was an accident. Not till I get the full story adeer. They said it was donkey that caused this fatal accident…

Fatal? The donkey died and Dinari lives to tell about it? Miskiin yaa donkey.

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Xiin donkey survived as the driver veered the wheel out of the donkeys way in the last minute resulting in the driver losing control over his vehicle and subsequently overturning, they were eventually taken out by two cars that were behind them and the PM Gheedi came also to their rescue and the PM was astonished that most came out of that accident alive as he thought the impact of the accident would atleast result in major fatalities but not standing and walking injured and wounded!


Anyway here's the pic of the accident:



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