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Geedi faces protesters in the US

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Wed. June 27, 2007 03:54 pm.-


(SomaliNet) - Hundreds of Somali Diasporas opposing the visit by the Somalia premier Ali Gedi in USA made demonstrations in front of the US State Department in Washington accusing Mr. Gedi of putting the country into the hands of the enemy of Somali people.


The protesters gathered outside of the state department chanting anti Gedi slogans blaming him for the responsibility of the crisis in the horn of the African country Somalia.


The marchers also condemned the presence of the Ethiopian forces in Somalia as illegal and in violation of the state sovereignty.


Sources say that the organizers of the rally submitted a complaint letter to the state department on pressuring the Ethiopian government to pull its troops out of Somalia.


They also asked for the US government to stop the financial support it offers to the transitional government.


Somalia’s Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi will attend the United Nations assembly on June 28 in New York where he will be delivering speech on the current crisis in Somalia.




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sxb... naga daa few demonstrators no head of state has 100% support... But at least my prime minister doesnt get searched before boarding a plane.




Somalia's Interim Prime Minister Briefs Media

Ali Mohamed Ghedi, Interim Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government of the Somali Republic, briefs news correspondents on the situation in his country outside the Security Council chamber, at UN Headquarters in New York.

Location: United Nations, New York Date: 28 June 2007






Secretary-General Meets Somalia President.









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Maybe, just maybe, the kid was waving to Wacdaraha in thanks for posting the pictures, just so happens that he was missing all but one finger! :D

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