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BUUBAA: Shacabka SSC waa halbawlaha kaliye ee ilaalinaya midnimada Somalia

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Ismaaciil Hure Buubaa oo ah siyaasi caanka ah dalka Somalia kana mid ah siyaasyiinta tirade yar ee waqooyi galbeed ka soo jeeda aaminsana midminada Somalia ayaa u mahad celiyay beelaha SSC eek u casumay kulnkaas.


Buubaa waxaa uu sheegay in beesha DH ee SSC leedahay taariikhada kaliya e ay Somali oo dhan ku faanto isla markaana ay beeshu tahay halbawlaha labada maamul ee Puntland iyo Somaliland.



Buubaa ayaa intaa raaciyay in ay Somaliland aaminsan tahay in aysan jiri Karin haddii aysan DH ee SSC la socon sidaa si la mid ahna waxaa jiritaankeeda wiiqmayaa Somalia oo u aragta ayuu yiri in beesha DH ee SSC tahay halbawlaha kaliye ee ilalainaya midnimada Somalia.


Waxaa uu Buubaa sheegay in ay qalad tahay in wax shalay aad ka dagaalantay aad maaantan sameysid hadalkaas ayaa ahaa mid uu Buubaa kula hadlayay beesha uu ka soo jeedo oo ay maleeshiyaadkoodu ku suga yihiin Laascaanood.


shir lagu qabtay nairobi oo looga soo horjeedo kala goynta umadda soomaaliyeed.BUUBAA oo sheegay in beesha DH ee SSC la aantii somaliland aanay istaagi karin (BOOCAME ONLINE)

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Mudane Buubaa waa wadani soomaaliyeed, oo wadanimadu dhab kathay, waana siyaasi daacad u ah dalkiisa iyo dadkiisaba


midnimada soomaaliyeed iyo horumarka somalia ayuu aaminsanyahay

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as long as these refugees who have zero support in sool whom they claim to represent stay in those hotels in foreign lands then somaliland isnt bothered by these politically failed group

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Seeing Morgan and Buubaa in the same place giving almost same speech shows me the losers are shrinking into one small group .........

Jac, what prove do we have if this bubba character is even reer Somaliland? Is this known for sure? Are his family in Hargeisa?

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Buubaa is well-known in Somaliland and he has been a refugee in Mogadishu since 1993 with some few elements.


Yes his family is in Hargeisa and his brother is an MP ...............

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Mudane Buubaa runtuu ka hadlay, oo hadal xaqa oo xaqiiqda ka turjumayaa ayuu ku hadlay, lakiin kuwa beenta iyo riyada isku maaweeliya sidoodi ayeey waxba fahmeen


Markaa la yaab malaha, mar hadii maafiyada soomalidiid ku u dhaqmeen sidii kuwii Allah ku sifeeyey SUMUN BUKMUN CUMUN LAA YARJICUUN

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africa own...walahi you made me laugh..."what proof do we have that bubba is from somaliland"? just shows what you know about somali politics.


I like just to mention that somali's are cursed with talking...let these people talk they have been talking for the past 18 years while we were building...let them talk.


las canod..las korey...badhan etc...all these little villages are the smallest in somaliland..your mouth cant take them from etheir take it from me by force or keep your mouth shut.

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