Xoogsade Posted March 22, 2008 Originally posted by Jimcaale: Labaduba waa isma dhaanto iyo dhasheed. Waa is dhaammaan boqolkiiba boqol. Ma maqlin dhallinyarada kasoo horjeeddo Amxaarada iyo xulufadeeda laga soo xulay labo qabiil aa naago soomaali kufsaday, dukaamo islaameed dhacay iyo wixii la mid ah. Qaladaad waa leeyihiin dhallinyarada, qaladaadkooda laakiin uma dhigmo gabood falka qabqablayaasha iyo nimanka ay qabiilkooda kasoo xusheen ka sameyaan Muqdisho saxib. Cadaalada in laga tago ma fiicno. No one is perfect dadka laakiin waa is dhaamaa. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacpher Posted March 23, 2008 ^Must we take sides between these two clowns? This prank call is disgraceful to Islaanimo. That's the simplest cadaaladnimo. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fabregas Posted March 23, 2008 quote:Must we take sides between these two clowns? No you don't have to take sides. But you can at least be a little honest and admit that the Islamic Courts(with all their flaws) are far superior to Ethiopian occupiers and their little footsoldiers. Their record stands far above anything these "clowns" have ever achieved! I challenge anyone here to come and name the crimes and wrongs that the I.C.U has commited which are ont the same-scale of severity as the Ethiopians and T.F.G? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacpher Posted March 23, 2008 Remind me what was the topic? 1. Max'ed Dheere getting punked foolishly? 2. ICU vs Ethiopia or TFG? (Which one is better for Somalia) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geel_jire Posted March 23, 2008 ^ A shame ........... when you are desperate enough to defend the xabash filth. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoogsade Posted March 23, 2008 Bro Jimcaale, The prank call is what it was, a prank and to rile up a loser, getting him to talk, you can guess the caller is no older than 20 or somewhere there. The caller wasn't wise either in saying some of the things he said to Maxamed Dheere. A smart person doesn't inform on collaborators who work in his favour and this kid wasn't wise in telling maxamed dheere some of his men actually work with the insurgents. I liked the clip because it was funny to listen to maxamed dheere's childish rants. I didn't expect a grown man would insult someone like that regardless. With regards to taking sides, as long as two somali clans aren't fighting, I take sides. I am offended by the Xabashis and the impunity with which they have killed thousands of somalis, their invasion of my soil, and the devisive policies they apply to keep somalis in their current state. I don't like the warlords either, so I am forced to take sides here saxib It is an obligation not a choice I have. Lastly, the question of who is better for Somalia has been answered by the events we saw transpire in the last 17 years ----> Warlords can not be rulers for somalis and are a threat to our unity and sovereignity. The TFG being an organization to appease the warlords and to get them to rule the country transitionally before somalis could elect leadership to their own liking, it has failed miserably. Warlord A/Y proved us right again, warlord maxamed dheere proved us right again, so is qaybdid, we should never let men like them and their background get a chance to rule. EDITED. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacpher Posted March 23, 2008 Geeljirayaaloow kaalay, kaalay kaalay kaalay, kaalaya agteyda, horteyda soo fariista, dhagaha dhukayga ka saara............ This discussion is neither about ICU, nor Ethiopia. If you have a burning urge to discuss ICU vs TFG/Ethiopia, go right ahead and initiate a new topic. I'll be glad to comment it. In the mean time, this one is about Max'ed Dheere falling for a prank call. Xoogsade: I doubt if the kid in the clip is a member of the Shabaab group. I don't hold Max'ed Dheere any higher standard than the men in his status, Ina Caydiid, Ina Yusuf, Ina Qeybdiid and the rest. For all I know, that kid on the other side of the phone line could have been a member of his own militia, Max'ed Dheere's own militia. On warlordism and the seventeen years old conflict, blame it on us, Somalis, for giving the warlord the tools(read: human), the power(read: resources) and the recognition(read: status) to continue with their evil desire of calool u shaqeysi. A lot blame and guilt can be thrown at others but at the end of the day it is us, Somalis who did the dirty work. The problem with Somalia is the Somalis. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoogsade Posted March 23, 2008 ^ I do agree with you bro. Somalia's problem is with somalis. That is why Ethiopia's involvement ic counter productive. When issues are left to somalis, and there is a force of positive change people can rally behind, the results can be almost perfect. We saw that with the ICU and how in short period they pacified violent Muqdisho by eliminating the source of evil in that city. Outsiders can never bring an end to our internal conflicts. We need to fix that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoogsade Posted March 23, 2008 Btw, Jimcaale, this poet I quote agrees with you 100%. He explains what happened and blames Somalis in general for their complacency. He details in the poem what made matters get to where they are today and somalis should solve their problems. Cutubka 21aad: Doorashadii Cabdullaahi Yuusuf: Daliil runah daruus aan ka qoray xaalka degi-waayey Dad walaala duul wada dhashoo laysu dacareeyey, Soomaalidaan kala didee qoloba daan aaday, Dembiyada dhacaayee ka badan miraha deegaanka, Dawadaan bukootee dabiib looga dhigay maarta, Dembigaan ninkii geystay baan idin dareensiine, ***** Nin wax diley haddii aan la dilin ee la iska sii daayo, Waa inuu dilkiisii sii wataa saa la dili-waaye, Degdeg weerar waa inuu galaa saa la dili-waaye, Nin doorkoo dhan waa inuu dilaa saa la dili-waaye, Diin Islaamle waa inuu dilaa saa la dili-waaye, Dagaal diide waa inuu dilaa saa la dili-waaye, Malcaamadaha waa inuu dunshaa saan la dili-waaye, Masaakiinta waa inuu dubaa saa la dili-waaye, Dal iyo maalba waa inuu gubaa saa la dili-waaye, Dadkuna waa inuu dabargo’aa saa la dili-waaye, Dilkuna waa inuu sii bataa saa la dli-waaye, Dembigu waa inuu sii kordhaa saa la dili-waaye, ***** Dilaa sare waa inuu usii dallaco saa la dili-waaye, Digtatoori waa inuu noqdaa saa la dili-waaye, Dastuur gaar ah waa inuu degsado saa la dili-waaye, Boqortooyo waa inuu dalbado saa la dili-waaye, Duruus beenah waa aqriyo saa la dili-waaye, Wejigiisa waa inaan la deyin saa la dili-waaye, Waa inaad madaxa hoos uga dedaan saa la dili-waaye, Soo dareera goortuu yiraah saa la dili-waaye, Waa inaydin deri yeelataan saa la dili-waaye, Waa inaad dhamaan daba-gashaan saa la dili-waaye, Dadnimo waa inaad kala tagtaan saa la dili-waaye, Dullina waa inaad soo baxdaan saa la dili-waaye, Dumarkuna durbaannada u tumo saa la dili-waaye, Ragguna waa inuu sacab ku daro saa la dili-waaye, Duca-qabe waa inaad dhahdaan saa la dili-waaye, Dirqina waa inay idinku tahay saa la dili-waaye, Wuxuu doono waa inuu falaa saa la dili-waaye, Qarannimo waa inay duntaa saa la dili-waaye, Dalka iyo dadkuba waa inay baaba’aan saa la dili-waaye, Waa inuu Xamarna Daafeed u raro saa la dili-waaye, Hargeysana badweynta u diro saa la dili-waaye, Kismaayona webiga uu dhex daro saa la dili-waaye, ***** Ummad yahay daguugani ee qalbigu daxalaystay, Diintiyo kitaabkii Allaad daba-maryeyseene, Waxaad deyrka ugu oodan tahay daalim iyo qaa’in, Deylaaba idin dhaanta iyo sacii diilinta lahaaye, Iyagaaba darkii garanaya iyo doono ubadkiiye, Daab iyo masaar waxaad tihiin duulna garanwaaye, ***** Dilaa sare haddii u dalcay oo la dili-waayey, Dad wixii ka haray waa kuwaan haatan uu diliye, Dad waa dilis dagaal waw kalahis dulucdu waa weerar. Dadaal iyo midnimo wayska deyn sharafi waa daadin. Dakaniyo colaad waa hirgelin nabadi waa duugis. Diif iyo xanuun iyo darxumo dabargo’ waa raadin. Daacad iyo wanaag waa ka durug belona waa doonis. ***** Haddii kale dantiinii gartoo daalimkaas dila, Dabadeed midnimadii dalkiyo daawo wada qaata, Dar-Illaah u soo jeesta oo diinta wada raaca, Dariiqii Rasuulkii maroo diinta wada raaca, Dawiyo nabad wada raadiyoo diinta wada raaca Waxaa tiriyey: Maxamed Warsame Tabantaabo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacpher Posted March 23, 2008 Thanks Xoogsade. Mucho gracias. I want more of him. The poem depicts the ugly but true reality of Somalia. The country, its resources, its people and all in between are in the hands of the warlords, controlled and manipulated at any cost. Owned and operated by blood sucking, hate mongering, evil warlords. These warlords are religious icons in some circles. Speaking out against them is seen as sacrilegious. We rally behind their cause and uphold and view those who lose their lives in the way as martyrdom. Terms like (insert clan name/affiliation) mujaahid is common in our everyday vocabulary. I've not heard Hamas, Hizbullah or Fatah mujaahid within their internal conflict of each other. Somalis have given the word a whole new meaning. Heck, SOL has its own version, keyboard mujaahid. Haddii kale dantiinii gartoo daalimkaas dila, Dabadeed midnimadii dalkiyo daawo wada qaata, Dar-Illaah u soo jeesta oo diinta wada raaca, Dariiqii Rasuulkii maroo diinta wada raaca, Dawiyo nabad wada raadiyoo diinta wada raaca The poet is challenging us to break the cycle and take charge. He is encouraging us to stop this abuse and exploitation by the warlords. He is asking us to confront these demons we deem good leaders and peace negotiators. Are we there yet? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geel_jire Posted March 23, 2008 ^ something I actually agree with. warlords have wreaked havoc on Somalia for far too long regardless which group or qabil he is with or represents we can never go back to the old ways. BUT we have a more pressing problem at hand ....... one such warlord A/Y has crossed the line even by the standards of warlords and has brought the xabash filth into our country .... that must be dealt with before any political considerations are taken into account. only after this goal is accomplished can peace and negotiations be talked about Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rudy-Diiriye Posted March 23, 2008 wow! another moran... aree muhuu mihii ma aha! homies like him should be toasted soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoogsade Posted March 23, 2008 Jimcaale The poem was quoted in a website from the book "Hadimadii Gumeysiga iyo Halgankii Ummadda" Here is the somali website and the excerpt of the book. A very good read. It ends with Abshir Bacadle's poem of this: Duqii hore maxaa loo eryoon kula dagaaleynay, Dalkii iyo dadkiyo diintii buu dumiyey sow maaha, Digtatoornimuu keenay iyo dulun cad sow maaha, Ka daroo dibi dhal-baan aragnay iyo furuqyo daacuune, Nin walbow walaalkaa dad qala haw durbaan tumine, Yaan laydin dabargoyn qabiil dowlad noqon waaye, Qolana qolo ma dabargoyn kadhee weysku daganteene, Ayax bililiqaa nagu dagoo diirtay beledkeenna, Duqii doona ducana ugu dara waadna dilateene, Allow yaa inoo diga markaan duqa ku yaacaynay, Allow yaa inoo diga markaan deriska riixayney, Allow yaa inoo diga markaan dacarta beerayney, Allow yaa dabaadiga hariyo degelka noo caynsha, Allow yaa dabkoo idil ku rida dowlad gacanteeda, Allow yaa dagaallada ahliga dib uga waantooba, Allow yaa mar kale daawada deris walaaloobay, Allow yaa dalkoo nabadgelyaa diinta ku hoggaansha, Allow yaa dersiga muqadiska ah dib ugu soo laabta, Allow yaa difaaciyo amniga dhidibadu u duuga, Allow yaa daroogiyo qabiil inaga daaweeya, Allow yaa dariis ciiidan iyo dowlad mar u jeeda, Dib wax ugama sheegeen askeri daa’in abidkeeye, ***** Ninkaanse dhiigga daadanaya damaaqin yeelkiisa, Rabbi hibadu ugu deeqay bay dacar ku beereene, Gubey kaga daydeen oo dulmi bay derejo moodeene, Afartaa qabiil nimuu dishoo dudaya haw sheegin, Danta guud nimaan eeginoo doqona haw sheegin, Dalka nimaan u dhalan kuma duxdee duulow haw sheegin, Dad-qal dib-u-heshiisinta neceb dulucda haw sheegin, Nimaan diin lahayn iyo dabley dirirsan haw sheegin, Murti nimaan da’deed gaarin iyo ducufo haw sheegin, Afar-jeeble deyn hore cunoo dabacsan haw sheegin, Digtatoor dan gooniya watoo durugsan haw sheegin, Dambarkeeda nimaan maali jirin dowlad haw sheegin… Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites