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Rageh Omaar, no secessionist

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Even Band Aid is not above criticismBob Geldof is furious at the BBC story about NGO funds buying rebels' arms, but the politics of delivering aid are always complex


But why the strong and blanket reaction without a hint of wanting to know more?


Let's get some things straight: humanitarian operations in the midst of large-scale civil wars where territory is held by rival powers are almost always politicised and misused. The idea that this never happens and that NGOs are never put in situations where, in order to get the aid delivered, they have to work with and often through the powers that control the territory where the suffering is taking place is a ridiculous fantasy.
It's happening now, in Congo; in my own country, Somalia, where al-Qaida-affiliated groups have dictated how the World Food Programme delivers emergency food; and also in Zimbabwe,
where I have just spent two weeks talking to aid workers having to work through government bodies in delivering aid to prisoners of Mugabe.


One aid worker told me: "There is a really bad outbreak of measles in townships with huge HIV infection rates, but we can't mention or talk about it if we want to remain here." Those are just three examples; there are many more.


Plaut is a first-class journalist. He hasn't just come to this. He was actually there on the frontlines in Tigray, with his wife, a nurse, in 1984, as the famine was brewing. One of his main sources, ridiculously dismissed by Sir Bob Geldof on the Andrew Marr show on Sunday as an exiled malcontent and "not a credible voice whatsoever" on this story, was actually a founding member of the rebel group, the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), and one of the main military commanders in the Ethiopian civil war in 1985.


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Me and my career: Rageh Omar


I first became interested in my teens.
I'm originally from Somalia
and lots of my family have travelled far and wide, throughout Africa, the middle east and Europe. I grew up sitting around a kitchen table with people talking about Africa and the wider world.


I saw journalism as a really good way of getting out into the world and, as someone who was born in Somalia, educated in the west and is a Muslim, I feel at home in several different cultures.

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He is wrong about Zimbabwe. It is the NGOs who are delivering food to anti-Mugabe parties. Ileen wixii la sheegaaba run unbuu u ekaan!

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^^ Duke just realised that Raage Omar may be Somali when his own brother was very recently the FM of Somalia! Slow day, eh? :D

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^^^lool. Nice try adeer, but that wont wash, what makes Rageh any different from the countless members of your clan who grew up, educated in London and who profess to hate Somalia?


Ah he is more intelligent I guess..


Where is JB, and North, and the secessionist queen who wants to unite the Ummah Ibti??


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^^Still not over you crush yaro, magac ha iga diilin. :cool:


Ngonge :D My thoughts too!! lol


Why is this even news :confused:

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Originally posted by Mintid Farayar:

^^ No it's just Duke's attempt to divert from the Security Council's unmasking of Puntland as the official Vatican of Pirate activity in the Horn.

Yeah, did the UN security council recognise Somaliland? Did they put sanctions on Puntland?



Adeer if the secessionist could not convince Rageh Omaar, a man who's kin dominate Hargaysa, how can they convince anyone else? :D

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Yey was exiled and Faroole will increasingly be isolated with the release of this report by the Security Council.


So Duke, what's next? I gave you & Xiin free advice over a year ago when I told you no funds are forthcoming but you refused to listen. What now?


Remember this report is issued by the Somali Monitoring Group which comes under the Sanctions Committee of the Security Council. This same Somali Monitoring Group released a report a few years ago which so alarmed the Security Council about Al Shabaab and its sources of support that within weeks, the U.S. gave the go ahead for the Ethiopians to invade Mogadishu...


Something to ponder.....

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

^^Still not over you crush yaro, magac ha iga diilin. :cool:


Why is this even news :confused:

lool. I might as well have a crush on Grace Jones. [Remember her] :D So dont flatter yourself my dear..


Also this is politics & not news, sorry secessionist queen...

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Rageh is an opportunist (in a fair way).He takes advantage of Somaliland peace by visiting Hargeysa as many times as he wishes.I think he acknowledges Somaliland progress, but he is a Somali public figure whom majority of the Somalis view him as a role model. ...Somali politics is clan based and for him to take sides will be viewed as bias...It is good for him to stay away from Somali politics and be a role model to all Somali kids and be a citizen of the world.Somaliland doesn't need his assurance and fifteen minute endorsement on his Aljazeera program.......


PS I actually came to find out I'm from the same people of his mom...Abtii ayaan uaahay in Somali way of course...

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Originally posted by Mintid Farayar:

Yey was exiled and Faroole will increasingly be isolated with the release of this report by the Security Council.


So Duke, what's next? I gave you & Xiin free advice over a year ago when I told you no funds are forthcoming but you refused to listen. What now?


Something to ponder.....

Who is seeking funds? Adeer you seem to be confusing yourself, Yey, Faroole, ina Abdirashid, if they all go there will be new leaders as with any state.


The problem for you here is simple, if you can not convince a famous Somali like Rageh, how will you convince nation states to recognise you? :D


Even little Sharif Hotel, meets the British PM, where was Riyaale? :D

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