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Realistic Assessment Of The New Regime In Mogadishu

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what some don't understand is that the formation of the tfg was based both on those controled the country and those that represent the people or clans (It all comes downs clans in somalia even though some dowled diid try to hide that fact) or regions of Somalia. This is the only realistic way to move forward if it were not for the fact that the war lords of the south put on a new shirt every time the rest of the country thinks they have found a way to please them. their oppisition is not based on ideology or clan interest but on the fact that they are dowled diid, anarchist who are only after their personal comercial interest and it will work so long as they are able to convence the poor illiterate masses of the south that they have their interest at heart. How long, however, can the rest of the country engage them in endless negotiations?

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