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Amisom Setting Up Base In Puntland And So-Mafi-Land

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Afhayeenka AMISOM oo sheegay in ay Tagidonan P/land S/land.


Muqdisho (Bosasomedia) Afhayeenka Ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Muqdisho Maj. Behuko ayaa saxaafadda Muqdisho ka sheegay in diyaar ay u yihiin inay tagaan Puntland iyo Somaliland, halkaasoo ay ka jiraan maamullo la taageersan yahay.


Maj. Behuko wuxuu sheegay in howlgalkooda uusan ahayn mid ku siman Muqdisho, balse ay qorsheynayaan inay tagaan guud ahaan Somalia, isagoo Gobollada Puntland iyo Somaliland ku sheegay meel aanu ka jirin amaan la isku haleyn karo.


"Howlgalka aan u joogno Somalia waa mid qura, waxaan doonaynaa inaan tagno meel walba oo Somalia ka tirsan, marka lasoo dhameystiro ciidankeenna, waayo waxaan u shaqeynaynaa in Somalia ay nabad ka dhalato" ayuu yiri Maj. Behuko.


Afhayeenku wuxuu tusaale u soo qaatay qaraxyo sanadkii hore ka dhacay Hargeysa iyo Boosaaso, isagoo sheegay in kuwaas ay muujinayaan in Somalia oo dhan ay saameeyeen dagaalladii bilowday markii ay xukuummaddii Milateriga ahayd burburtay.


ayuu yiri Afhayeenka ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Muqdisho.


Ciidamada AMISOM oo ka socda dalalka Burundi iyo Uganda ayaa waxay tiradoodu gaaraysaa 5-kun oo Askari, waxayna saldhiyo kooban ku leeyihiin Muqdisho, iyadoo hadalkan kasoo baxay uu noqonaya kii ugu horreeyay.


Xafiiska Wararka Bosasomedia ee Garowe:-

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Nuune, no I don't want to see them in Puntland, however they are more then welcome to head to hargeisa. That is what i do support.

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If you don't like them to be in Puntland, wouldn't you say the same for Somaliland too, why xaasidnimada sxb ood Hargeisa ugu soo dhaween waxaad adiguba nacdey in la geeyo Puntland

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this is show off they failed south somalia and they want show the world that they making peace the SL and PL ma fahmin waxa ay ka doonayaan meelaha nabdoon if somaliland accept means somaliland is also part of somaliwayne operation and iam sure puntland and somaliland leaders will accept because of UN dolars

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Nuune, no I don't want to see them in Puntland, however they are more then welcome to head to hargeisa. That is what i do support.

Oo xagee bay u soo marayaan ?? :D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

quote:Originally posted by Cowke:

Nuune, no I don't want to see them in Puntland, however they are more then welcome to head to hargeisa. That is what i do support.

Oo xagee bay u soo marayaan ??


this is what is meant by cutting off your nose to spite your face

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