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Kismayu: Col Muuse Taakoow security operation will start soon.

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Ciidamada DFKMG oo sheegay in ay hawlgalo Nabada lagu sugayo ay ka bilaabayaan Kismaayo

Last Updated::2007-06-17 15:19:01


Kismaayo:- Kusimaha abaanduulaha ciidamada xoogga dalka ee gobolada Jubbooyinka G/sare Muuse Taakoow ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in

dhawaan la bilaabi doono hawlgalo ay ciidamada Dowlada ku sugayaan amaanka gobalada Jubooyinka gaar ahaan magaalada Kismaayo.


Col.Taakow ayaa sheegay in xaalada magaalada Kismaayo indhawaale ay ahayd mid faraha kasii baxaysay asagoo sheegay in ciidamada Militariga iyo kuwa Booliiska ay si wada jir ah ay hawlgalkan u bilaali doonaan.


Wuxuu sheegay Sarkaalkan in heegan la gelayey dhamaan ciidamada Dowlada, isla markaana looga baahan yahay Shacabka iyo Cuqaasha deegaanka in ay la shaqeeyaan ciidamada hawlahan amni sugida ah bilaabi doona.


Dhawaaqan kasoo yeeray ciidamada Dowlada ayaa kusoo beegmay maalmo kadib markii Taliyihii ciidamada Booliiska Magaalada Kismaayo uu shaaca ka qaaday in aysan waxna ka qaban karin xaalada amaan xumo ee magaalada Kismaayo ka taagan, halkaasi oo ay buuxda gacanta ugu hayaan maleeshiyooyin aan cidina ka amar qaadan.


Col.Taakow ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Xiisada colaadeed iyo dagaalada Qabiil ka socda Deegaanka Beerxaani ay il gaar ah ku hayaan, isla markaana doonayaan ciidamada Dowlada in ay kala dhex galaan beelaha halkaasi ku dagaalamay, amniga iyo maamulka deegaankana ay dowlada la wareegto.


Dhaq dhaqaaq xoogleh ayaa laga dareemayaa nawaaxiga magaalada Kismaayo ayadoo ciidamada deegaanadaasi ku sugan ay soo buuxinayeen daafaha magaalada todobaadyadii lasoo dhaafay.


Maxamed Cabdi

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Muuse Taakoy is the same man your hero Afgaduud shot at last month when he went there to take over the TFG troops in Buulogaduud after the firing of Afgaduud.


He is a good man but a bit naive, I am sure he understands the double dealing of Abdullahi Yusuf now. What was the point of ordering him to go take over Afgaduud's forces while telling Afgaduud to shoot at him when he gets close?

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Ciidamo boolis iyo Militari ah oo ka howl-galaya magaalada Kismayo

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Kismayo 17, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan dowladda KMG ah ayaa waxa uu sheegay in amaanka magaalada Kismaayo ay si wada jir ah ay wax uga qabanayaan ciidamada Militariga iyo kuwa booliska, xilli amaanka magaaladaasi uu sii xumaanayay maalmihii la soo dhaafay.


K/simaha abaanduulaha ciidamada xoogga dalka ee gobolada Jubbooyinka Muuse Taakoow ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ciidamada Millitariga oo gacan ka helaya kuwa booliska ay howllo amaan ku sood abaalid ah ka bilaabayaan magaalada Kismaayo xilliyada soo socda.


Waxa uu ku booriyay ciidamada Millitariga iyo kuwa booliska in ay u diyaar garoobaan howl-galka la doonayo in lagu xasiliyo magaalada Kismaayo oo dhowaan Bilaabanaya.


Hadalka Mas'uulkaan ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli maalmihii la soo dhaafay amaanka magaalada Kismaayo uu sii xumaanayay maalmihii la soo dhaafay.


Mas'uulkaan ayaa waxa uu ka codsaday Odayaasha dhaqanka in ay la shaqeeyaan ciidamada Millitariga iyo kuwa booliska ayna gacan ku siiyaan howlahooda ku aadan xaqiijinta amaanka magaalada Kismaayo.


Abaanduulaha mar uu ka hadlaya xiisadaha ka oogan deegaanka Beerxaano ee duleedka magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu baaq u jeedinayo odayaasha dhinacyada isku haya halkaasi isla markaana haddii aysan joojin xiisadahaasi ay xoog ku kala dhex gali doonaan.


Arimahaan ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmeen xilli amaanka magaalada Kismaayo uu sii xumaanayay maalmihii la soo dhaafay, ka dib markii ay ku soo bateen maleeshiyooyin aan cidna ka amar qaadan oo dhac iyo dilal u geysanaya dadka.


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Horn, Adeer you seem to be all over the place, now you speak for the officers of the TFG and tell us how they are.


Anyhow the man has made the statement as well as the TFG. There will be action soon, even the police chief has said they need help.


No need to rush anything the admin 35 km away will return without much fuss and the 200 militia will be sent for retraining.

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Duke, the forces Muuse Taakoy speaks of are the forces in Kismaayo at the moment. As usual, your understanding of what is going on is limited.


Muuse Taakow is the same man the TFG sent to Buulogaduud to take control over the forces there after Afgaduud's demotion. Afgaduud attacked his envoy and he has been in Kismaayo ever since.


There is no love lost between him and the lawless militia in Buulogaduud that tried to assassinate him.


sidoo kale waxaa lagu eedeyay inuu ka dambeeyo weerarkii lagu qaaday Col.Muuse Taakoy oo ah Madaxa Maleeshiyaadka Imbagathi ee gobolka Jubada hoose oo dhawaan ay rasaaseeyeen Maleeshiyaadka Puntland ee ku sugan degaanka Buulo guduud



Col.Muuse Taakooy oo madaxa ka ah Maleeshiyaadka ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo uu shalay soo gaaray degaanka Buulo guduud si uu ula wareego Maleeshiyada iyo Hubka, naasib darro waxaana la sheegay in Col.Afguduud uu amar ku siiyay Maleeshiyaadka Puntland iney rasaaaseeyaan Sarkaalka iyo ilaaladiisa


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Adeer, I do not doubt that you are informed of your clans intentions quite well. Though those intentions are not important since yours is a single perspective.


Kismayu will be treated as any other town. Like Mogadishu no one will allow the admin to be over. Afgaduud is a single individual as unimportant as Hiiraale who is stuck in Bardheere, even further away from kismayu than Bulagaduud.


As for the Col, we expect a new operation to start, disarming the bandits who seem to be killing and looting the public inside the city.


Like the TFG stated there will be no coup against any admin. This is true of Kismayu, and the Lower Shabbele. The resistance of the old occupiers means nothing in the true picture.

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Are you aware the adminstration for the Lower Shabelle has been changed and that Indhacade's men who took over Qoryooley have been given various posts?


You are aware of nothing adeer.


It took Abdullahi Yusuf 48 hours to recompose the LS admin, but in the Kismaayo were the overwhelming majority was not given their due rights, he can ignore it for 2 months right?


It is time to demand change, two days are left.

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Dowladda KMG ah oo isku shaandheyn ku sameysay maamulka gobolka Sh/hoose


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Mogadishu 16, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa maanta isku shaandheyn ku sameysay maamulkii dhowaan ay u magacowday gobolka Sh/hoose, iyadoo maamulkaan cusub ay xubno ka yihiin maamulkii hore ee gobolkaasi.


Wasiiru dowlaha wasaaradda arimaha gudaha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia, Max'uud Sayid Aadan oo Shabelle u waramay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dib u habeyn lagu sameeyay maamulka gobolka Sh/hoose, ka dib markii ay soo baxeen cabashooyin iyo saluug laga muujiyay qaabkii loo maareeyay maamulkii dhowaan dowladda ay magacowday.


Waxa uu sheegay in la magacaabay maamulkaan ka dib markii la fiiriyay xaaladda gobolka isla markaana ay xubno ka tirsan dowladda halkaasi ay gaareen.


Maamulka gobolka Sh/hoose oo guddoomiyaha uu u ahaa C/qaadir Sheekh Max'ed Nuur ayaa waxaa loo sameey labo K/xigeen oo kala qaabilsan amaanka iyo arimaha bulshada iyo taliyaha ciidamada booliska gobolka.


Taliyaha ciidamada booliska ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay Cali Ganneey, K/xigeenka dhinaca arimaha bulshada gobolka Sh/hoose ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay Jaamac Baloow, iyadoo labadaan xubnood ay ka mid ahaayeen maamulkii hore ee gobolka, halka Dhinanca amaanka ee K/xigeenka maamulka gobolka Sh/hoose loo magacaabay Nin magaciisa lagu soo koobay Max'uud.


Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay in isbadal lagu sameeyay qaab dhismeedkii maamulada degmooyinka.


Wareegtadaan isku shaandheynta lagu sameeyay maamulka gobolka Sh/hoose ayaa waxaa saxiixay Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah, C/laahi Yuusuf sida uu Sheegay Max'uud Sayid Aadan.


Arimahaan ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmayaan xilli khilaafaad ba'an uu ka taagnaa gobolka Sh/hoose, kaas oo salka ku hayay maamulkii hore ee loo sameeyay gobolkaasi.


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Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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Horn, I remmeebr you making a meal out of this I remmeber that Tribal Militia took over this area you said?


How ever they went to Mogadishu made their case, which is what?


Police chief and security advisor, how ever who is the governor?


Sh/hoose oo guddoomiyaha uu u ahaa C/qaadir Sheekh Max'ed Nuur

Who is the deputy and the mayor of Marka?

Afgooye, adding two men has changed the admin of the people? :D


Thus who is the governor of Juba?

Who is the mayor of Kismayu?


Its a nonsence what you seem to be advocating, that one will fight for change of admin?

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You are aware no one wants fighting and that no one fights for fun. When the president, however, gives his ineffective and minority clan (less then 5% of the area) more then half the positions, one must stand up for his rights.


The majority has been in control of their city for months now and the only solution to this problem is for the nepotistic president to recognize the truth. It does not help matters when the lawless expelled bandits in Buulogaduud set up roadblocks and coldly murder people for entertainment.

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With all due respect kindly stop with the insults, as you well know the President clan is huge in number, land and influance in comparison to the clan you come from, one can look at the cities and the region one lives in.


Thus I have spoken to many Kismayu residents who have informed me that the Gedo group are a minority in the city and the hence the reliance on Goobanle/Seeraar and A/qasin to keep control from Morgan.


Also remmeber that the in terms of clan you are not even part of the confederacy that is a majority of both the Juba regions while the Presidents clan is.


Thus again no need to make any noise the admin will stand as it represents the region, the city population.


Horn, how many people have the clan militia assasonated in Kismayu? Since their little coup?

Even the police chief has come out and said enough.


Simple really. Bulu Gaduud is the legitimate admin, Xasan Dheere is a renegade MP like Hiiraale nothing important really. and not bigger than A/Qasin, Ato and others so be careful saxib, do not goa against the admin.

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So Kismayo's clock is ticking, soon the whistle will be off, I doubt....


That Xasan dheere comedian put himself on the stage, his count down is on... it's day 2 tomorrow, will see what happens next... I hope for a smaller casualty...

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^^^Adeer these people must be daydreaming, they can hardly handle the Beerxani crisis while making new threats.

Bravado of a small clan.


The clock is ticking, attack away I say.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Xasan Dheere is a renegade MP

Xassan Dheere is not an MP sxb. I have stopped listening to anything you had to say a long time ago. smile.gif

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^What is his job then? the clan spokesman, I have never seen any clan with a spokesman, he must be living in the 25th century :D


Duke why are you being so excited about Kismayo now than before, or that Mission in Xamar is over...

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