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Court leadership quite on BUAALE incident..

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Masuuliyiinta golaha maxaakiimta oo aan weli ka hadlin falkii arxandarada ahaa ee ka dhacay bu,aale.


Waxay ahayd Arin dhacdo aan weli soo marin dhowaanahan tan iyo intii ay la wareegeen badanaaba koonfurta soomaaliya midowga maxaakiimta xasuuqan oo keenay la yaab iyo anfariir ku dhalisay shacabka soomaaliyeed oo la yaaban ma cilimadii ciidamadoodii ayaa xasuuqan wada mise wax kalaa jira ? waxay noqotay su,aasha uga badan ee ay is waydiinayaan bulsho weynta soomaaliyeed ,markii Maleeshiyada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga intii ay gudaha u galeen goob caafimaad oo ay jiifeen Maleeshiyaad Daacad u ahaa Col Barre Hiraale kadib intii ay la soo baxeen rasaas ku fureen halkaas oo sida la sheegay ku naf waayeen ilaa iyo dhawr Maleeshiyo oo xilligaas bukaan ahaa.


Masuuliyiinta sar Sare ee Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ayaa ka hadlin falkaas oo loo baahan yahay in kuwii geystay la horkeeno sharciga Islaamka, mana dhicin falkan oo kale mudadii dagaalada sokeeye dalka ka socdeen.


Waa wax lala yaabo oo laga naxo in qof dhaawaca oo dagaal lagu soo qabtay haddana isagoo Isbitaal Jiifa la dilo ayuu yidhi mid ka mid ah Saraakiisha hay’adaha u dooda Xuquuqda Aadanaha.


Hay’adda Elman oo ka mid ah hay’adaha ku howlan Xuquuq Insaanka ayaa cambaareysay falkaas waxayna ka dalbatay Maxkamadaha Islaamiga in sharciga la horkeeno kuwii ku kacay falkaas.


Sheekh Ibraahim Shukri (Abu Zeynab ) oo afhayeen u ah golaha maxkamadaha islaamka kismaanyo ayaa isagu horey waxa uu u qirey eedeymaha loo soo jeedinayo Maxkamadaha islaamka ee ku aadan dilka maleeshiyooyinkii dhaawacyada qabay, waxaana uu sheegay in falkaasi ay u qabteen labo nin oo loo tirinayo in ay yihiin kuwii geeystay.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxa ay keentay arintani mowjadaha iyo hadal haynta muranka dhalisay ay noqotay maxaa keenay xasuuqa iyo sidee bay uga hadli la, yihiin masuuliyiinta golaha maxaakiimta ugu saraysa ayaa noqotay mid ay is waydiinayaan bulsho weynta soomaaliyeed .arintan ayaa kusoo beegmaysa xili ay odayaasha beesha **** oo ay kasoo jeedaan milsyshiyada xasuuqa loo gaystay ay ku eedaynayaan arin aargoosi qaabill ,taasina ay buslhada soomaaliyeed u aaminsanaayeen inaysan golaha maxaakiimtu qabiil ahayn .


yaasiin maxamed cali (faytin)

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Oh, somebody is trying to "make a mountain out of an ant hill."


What changed now? Markuu Aadan Saransoor ka qeylinaaye his massacred ciidamo while they were sleeping waxaas ayaa qortay, maantana huu iyo haa xee tahay?


What changed?


Dad la laaye is dad la laaye, dhiig la daadiye waa dhiig la daadiye, kama qiimo badno kuwa kale, if you thought that.


Equally condemn both unfortunate events or don't "make a mountain out of a quraanjo hill," baliis.

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^^^Saxib, the millitia at the airport died in combat as you know, they were not shot point blank unarmed and injured in the middle of a HOSPITAL.


The millitias in Baidoa got out gunned, I am not talking about those who died in full combat in Buaale but the murder of injured prisoners.


Its totally different and you know it.

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^You might not know, but I am almost certain Miskiin would have liked to see more then mere 5 prisoners massacred. smile.gif

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Okay; I am going to be thoroughly anal here but Massacre iyo Xasuuq!! these are not words fit for the allegedly hedious crimes commited in Buale.


A typical tabloid somali website writes "Xasuuq ka dhacay magaalada XXXX ayaa waxaa naftooda kuwaayey 2 qof"


Xasuus lama oran karo tiradaas yar.

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^^ Adeer, it is not about the number, rather it is about how it is done or executed un-armed PoW laying on their hospital beds.


That was a cold blood massacre, but whose gonna pay the bill? Maxaakiimta or reerkaas? we'll see!




OK, yaa Miskiin, Cali Madoobe iiga warran? Asaga iyo Aaden Saransoor yaa magaalada laga saaray oo isaga baxay ;)

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Allamagan; Can you give me the definitive definition of massacre? I am just say this is sensationalism at this best-- I am not just referring to this unfortunate incident; but generally. These website are these days in the habit of using rather emotive language. This oftentimes leads to misrepresentation of facts!! AND THAT IS ALL I AM SAYING MAANDHOOW!!!

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How many innocent unarmed, prisoners of war did Hiiraale and his cohortsa killed? Hiiraale and his supporters should stop crying and take the consequences of their as men. When did JVA found chivalry? Come on Hiiraale they were your brothers yesterday now bend over and take it...I love it.

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It was wrong to finish off those men in the hospital. I was furious at the news of such killings and I oppose such acts altogether.


That said, however, this is a battle and as of late, there have been no rules of war; the victor makes the rules- whether to take prisoners and whether to get rid of them in order avoid supporting them. These men who were killed in the hospital were the direct consequences of war. They knowingly went into war to win. They also knew that at the prospect of losing, they would be killed, either in the battleground or as prisoners. And that is what has happened!


So oohinta iyo calaalka joogtada naga jooja...if you don't want to get killed as a result of a battle, then don't fight at all, let alone fight for a warlord or man a warlord's controls. If you do then accept that fact your death is sooner or later guaranteed.

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^Waa gartaa inaa sidaa u hadashid. Tallaw maxaad odhan doontiin markay adinku idin ku dhacdo. :D



Sophist, why don't you concentrate on that "terrorist" killed in Daynuuney sxb? We have read enough of your scarce contributions to know what your general opinion towards this way is.

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HornAfrique; oh you know that I am of the opinion that our people don't deserve to die because of haughtiness of certain individuals and groups! is that what you are against maandhow?


Paragon: It is inhumane and not to mention complete against the teachings of our prophet to kill a prisoner. You don't do that old boy; victor makes rules don't apply to the who are cloaked Islamic morals.

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Groups! This gets juicier you don't say. Sxb, if you had not heard it before, you do fare so well with generalizations, do you not? Paragone ii daa, anaa u sheegayo haatan in raagaa loo aargudi dooni sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan inshallah.

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HornAfrique, Maandhoow; ma D'da taariikhdeeda larabo in lagu bedelo gaalo raacnimo ayaad ileedahay aan raacno? Anigu taariikhdi Somali ay laheyd oo ahaa gaaldiidnimada shaqsiyaad rabitaankooda uma duugeyno maandhow.


As Ali Radiyalahuu Canhu said: Qaadibunaasa Calaa qadri cuquulihim; the above comment is necessary in light of the current position of the audient! One must convey one’s opinion in a fashion that his audience can relate to.

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Innocent my foot adeer.One more militia man out of the way, can you talk about how many people they might have killed in their own hands, eye for an eye.


yeah, talk about that?


Can anyone give Sophist a definate answer to that?

-- yeah what is xasuuq anyway, and Duke don't sweep the truth under the rug about the incident at the airport in Baydhabo ?


we all know what happened, so who are we kidding here,,

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