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Heavy Finghting started in Mogadishu

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Dagaalo culus oo caawa ka bilowday caasimadda Somalia


Mogadishu 17, April.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dagaalo xoogan ayaa waxa ay ka bilowdeen caasimadda Somalia caawa fiidkii, iyadoo dagaalkaasi uu u dhaxeeyo ciidamada Ethiopia iyo xoogagga wax iska caabinta Somalia.


Daryanka madaafiic culus iyo rasaas aad u xoogan ayaa bilaabatay abaarihii caawa 8:30 kii fiidnimo, iyadoo dagaalka caawa uu yahay kii ugu xumaa ee ka dhaca caasimadda.


Wali lama oga qasaaraha dagaalkaan, iyadoo rasaas culus iyo madaafiic ay ka soconeyso wadada Xamar Bile iyo Aaagga Cali Kamiin iyo goobihii kale oo ay isku horfadhiyeen ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kooxaha ka soo horjeeda.


Wixii ku soo kordha kala soco wararkeena dambe


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Shabelle Media Network South Africa

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War deg deg ah: Dagaal qaraar oo goordhoweyd ka qarxay Muqdisho


Dagaal qaraar ayaa daqiiqado ka hor wuxuu ka qarxay magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan deegaanadii ay isku horfadhiyeen ciidamada DFKMG ah iyo kuwa Itooiya oo dhinac ah iyo kooxaha ka soo horjeeda.


Dagaalkan ayaa wuxuu ka qarxay Isgoyska Xararyaale ilaa iyo Cali Kamiin waxaana si weyn loo maqlayaa dhawaaqa rasaasta iyo madaafiicda, waxaana la isku adeegsanaya noocyada kala duwan ee hubka.


Rasaasta ayaa haatan socota mana jirto wax faahfaahin dheeraad ah oo soo baxdey waxaana xabadani ay bilaabatey 8:35 Pm.


SBC News Desk

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The New Darwiishes have been lyin low, regroupin and all...and now they r unleashin their wrath upon the Yeey vampires iyo DaafiQurnleey...

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No more talks either. What I don't understand what are these Odoyaasha doing. Don't they know the Ethios were simply buying time.



Axmed Diiriye " Ethoipian heshiis waa diideen waxa la sugaba waa dagaal ee dadka saas ha ula socdaan"



Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Muqdisho 17/04/07


Kadib wareysi uu Axmed Diiriye Siiyey mid ka mid ah idaacadaha Muqdisho ayaa waxaa afahyeenka beesha ****** shaaca ka qaaday in aanay jirin wax nabad ah oo ka jirta dalka gaar ahaan wax laga filan karo wadahadii ay la lahaayeen Saraakiisha Ethopia , waxa uuna shaaca ka qaaday in gabi 'ahaanba ay burbureen wadahadii kadib markii ay saraakiisha ethopia ku adkeysteen in aanay ka baxaynin goobihii ay qabsadeen .


Axmed Diiriye ayaa sheegay in dadka Muqdisho ay u sheegayaan in barakaca socdaa ay dhinac ka raacaan iyaguna aysan dhahayn ha la joogo maadama uu heshiiskii burburay waxa la sugaaba waa dagaal ayuu yirio Diiriye oo deyro badan muujinayey.


Hadalada Afhayeenka Beesha ****** ayaa waxaa uu ku soo aaday xili dad bada ay rajo ka qabeen in la dhamayn karo dagaalka u dhaxeeya Ethopia iyo maleshiyada wax iska caabinta


Somaliweyn Media Center

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^^^Everyone is irrelevent to you these days, you had some hope for the old Nabadoon a while back. While we told you this was no more than a last gasp by the anti TFG groups.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Everyone is irrelevent to you these days, you had some hope for the old Nabadoon a while back. While we told you this was no more than a last gasp by the anti TFG groups.

^^I guess he is a new replacement for Indhacadde to you. I told you before and I am telling now, the fight in Mogadishu is not a tribal one. There are folks who want to make it look like there is clannish fight. The shabaabs are fighting you, fight with them adeer. Or as always keep singing to your tunes.

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^^^The old man was just a tool, I have nothing against him. The Shabaab are no more saxib as Mr Nabadoon said before this is about the clans who lost the most in the change.


Anyhow dont cry of massacre when these boys are disarmed.

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^^lol...that's fair. But again you know that i dont cry, it's just the weakness of some tfg supporters i protest against.


the shabaabs ar no more kulahaa, am jin buu kula diririya marka :D .

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^^^The Shabaabs as a fighting force are gone their leaders will be hunted soon.


As for this uprising, it was to be expected as I have highlighted many times over this is an anti-governemnt group who claimed to be religious and now fighting solely to retain the looted properties. they have said their problem is not with Ethiopia but with TFG and Puntland.


Though of course you deny these things.

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TFG and Ethiopians are simply new faction force today Mogadishu.


They dont do not have power nor has the interest to pacify city from the residents. Sooner the fight ends sooner Ethiopians will be pressured to leave, they are not showing courage and willingness to fight,


TFG must stop denying the fact the opposition is larger then they state.

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This war in my eyes is unwinnable, unless there are some changes to it.


The government cannot win this war because for the simple fact that this is urban warfare and that the government has around 9000 troops stationed in Mogadishu which half has no knowledge of Mogadishu itself nor its environments.


Furthermore there are some 20000 Ethiopian troops in the capital who don't know where they are or what they're doing in Mogadishu. The resistence is fighting in their own districts and they know every alleyway and secret path of their areas where they can escape to and hide and make the enemy feel a total stranger in those parts of the city. The other thing that the fight started at 8:45 pm tonight it is dark and the government troops and ethiopians don't know where they are or where they're supposed to be, so this is a big disadvanged for the government.


Simply the government can not win this war and the Ethiopians are determined if they don't get any results tommorrow that they will throw in the towel and leave Somalia altogether.


They cannot stay in Somalia for any longer they have to go and leave for Ethipia, therefore leaving us in a bigger mess than we first found ourselves in.


The Victory is in the resistences hands and the earlier the government realises than the better but if they continue this will end up in a big failure and disaster. You cannot win such a war, it's a urban street to street warfare with modern and very lethal weaponary. Unless one is committed and determined to see this through and is willing to burn the whole thing down by using heavy artillery and air cover, this war cannot be won.


The civilians have already left the areas that are now contested, there are no civilians but only fighting men from the resistence and so far they have the upper hand because the government troops and ethiopians have clearly failed in their objectives of capturing what they set out to capture. They didn't move very far nor did they expell the enemy from the targets they were supposed to attack and capture from the enemy.


Without the support from the air and cover and heavy artillery, the footsoliders are helpless because remember this are ethiopians professional soliders, people who joined the army because they couldn'd find another profession. Many were forced and many don't know what they're fighting for. They don't have any motiviation to fight this bloody urban face to face warfare because they are only here to get their salaries in order for their families to live but nothing else.


It was fun overwhelming the clan courts and their sympathisers because then one was fighting in open fields and not densely populated bloody urban areas (now it is densely populated with resistence fighters). They had a superior advantage which was fighting jets, which bombed the hell out of the courts and made them disperse but this is different. Unless they use heavy shelling from the air, their artillery and footsoldiers won't do a great deal of harm to the resistence and they won't have anything on them.


So I say victory is firmly in resistences hands and they cannot lose in any way or shape or form. It is just unimaginable because they have the advantage of 'home support' because they know the areas very well where the fighting is taking place right now which their counterparts don't. They know every side street that leads out and in of a particular resistence area, they know the hiding places, it is just sealed this war is unwinnable for the TFG and its allies.


I firmly believe that victory is in the resistence hands and that the Ethipians are close in throwing in the towel and actually leaving. Mark my words it was me who predicted that there will be no war in the upcoming three weeks, exactly three weeks ago.


So don't underestimate my latest prediction.



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