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Taako, I Think you should kneel down to Adeer. Garka iyo Jilibka qabso odayga & ask him for a post as well. :D


Baashi,What position are you eying? Let me guess,Spin master? ;)

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

I would like to congradulate the DUKE. He is taking my old post. EU here I come.

LOL. Mr BariBari?....ooohh i am such a huge fan ;)


Wait,You cant be the post above nooh

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Watch out for mortars raining down on your ***


Am sure "captain halane" is dissappointed that he was not chosen.


and the rest of the cheerleaders.

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Abu-Geel. I don’t think it’s a joke(yet). Well, at least until he denies it. smile.gif If indeed Duke is the new spokesman, then certainly he is the right person for this job,NO?


Abu ansaar, No need to kill duke, The man is as dead as a dodo anyway(Brain dead yeah) :D

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Alright the mystery has been resovled now? We know that Taako man is Yusuf Baribari: baribari.jpg


And that General Duke is Xuubsireed, but wait wasn't Olol and Wiilo a while ago saying that Duke is in fact this guy on the right-hand side of the picture below:




^Cabdirashid Aaden Seed?


Now I'm really confused.


How come GD can embody and take on so many persons at the same time, will the crowd please out the real GD either Xuubsireed or Cabdirashid Aaden Seed, which one is it now as I'm confused?


p.s. I believe someone is breaking delibarately some rules in here, so where are the mods when you need them?


Faarax should have taken up other venues to 'congratulate Duke' if he's really serious about that but not try to score pity political points by posting a commical thread such as this one.


The people are obsessed with Duke and rightly so I say, inshallah brother soon you will make them lose it so continue on the path you were on inshallah and make them lose it really hard.


Soon all they will be able to say is 'Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke' until help arrives and they get institutionalised and taken to the mad house. lol

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Faarax should have taken up other venues to 'congratulate Duke' if he's really serious about that but not try to score pity political points by posting a commical thread such as this one

What better venue than to congratulate duke on his beloved politics section? He has gone AWOL for a good month now. Thats highly unusual for G.D,dont you think Younis? smile.gif


If duke is the new spokesperson for the TFG,Dont you agree that he is the rigth person? Yaa Mad Younis? icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

Never knew that General Duke could be such a nightmare for the Defeated lot!

Duke has nightmares indeed. :D


If I were to spew(&paste) that many lies and baffling news day in and day out,I would have nightmares as well. icon_razz.gif


ps.How is congratulating duke a nightmare yaa Captain? Do you know the meaning of the word? smile.gif

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Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

Dude,Potato approaches are very un manly.

Baked potato approach or Fried potato approach? :confused:


You need to be specific ya Captain. Writing such recondite messages is unmanly. :cool:

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