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We're the Shacab

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Allahu Akbar wal Xamdulillaah! Allah is Great Praise be to him for making us muslims, then somalis, who share one single language, colour and religion and who believe in one monotheistic (God) Allah subxaanah wa tacaala.


Furthermore praise to him for giving us one madhahab, which is the shaafici madhahab.


In this holy month of Ramadan let's pray for our war-savaged country as we are in the last ten days of Ramadaan, in which also the laylatul qadar is said to be one of the last days of ramadan. It could be on the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or the 29th of Ramadan although many muslims have reported of being the 27th but Allah cazza wa jal only knows best.


Hunger, death, corruption, unfairness, destruction, mass murders, looting, rape, land grapping, natural disasters have all befallen our beloved country which has brought our beuatiful country to it's knees.


What has occured has occured, we should forget about the tensions of the last decades, there is no single family from Raas Caseyr to Raas Kamboonis which hasn't seen the death of someone they loved, unlawful killing or rape of someone they knew.


Noble people are people who don't talk trash and say every single time when you've a dispute with them "Oh, remember you did this and that to me"


We've to remember that there is no perfect brother, sister or even friend, If we look at ourselves we can see that none of us is perfect.


If we would say everytime something happens like a dispute or a fight with some of your friends even though it was some years ago and then you mention it don't you think that you brother would feel pain inside. The noble people are the people who forgive, Iam not saying forget but nor am I saying go on and on because one somali proverb is "Xusuuste ma Xiriiriyo", if we always mention the bad things we did to each other then none of us will love each other or atleast that person will only associate himself with his like-minded people (same tribe).


We're one nation, one people and one religion.


We've got an opportunity these laylatul Qadar and the last ten final day's of Ramadan to make duca' for our lost nationhood.


Dowlad xum waxay dhaanta dowlad la'aan.


We're all living in exile now and if we're truthful we would acknowledge the fact that we actually have no nation, no embassy to go to when something happens in our country like the British-Pakistanis who after the earthquake in their country got help from their embassy, although they were british passport holders.


Let's cease this moment and forgive us all. Iam the first to forgive and I sincerely hope that other will forgive me for my shorcomings.


The richness of us and indeed of all SOL fora is our diversity, we've all somali tribes and non-somali tribes but who have their livelihoods and their heart in Somalia hence making them Somali.


I sincerely pray for all the sufferings of the muslims where ever they are to be eased especially in our home country of Somalia.


I pray for every family in Baidoa, Kismayo, Hargaysa, Bosaso and Moqadisho to be delivered from their hardships.


I pray to the god of the universe to bring us Somalis together once more, Oh Allah make us all Somali love each other especially our muslim brothers who are sincere to their religion, deliver them from their desease (tribalism, greed, hatred and ignorance).


Oh Allah make us Somalis forgive each other for our mistakes and misgivings. Make us sincere brothers and sisters who love each other.


Oh Allah bring our hearts closer together so that we might love for our brother what we love for ourself.


We've to give credit where it is due may Allah give guidance to the misguided of us and may your blessings shower on us. Preserve all the good people of the good deeds, who tiredless work hard to bring the hearts of the Somalis back together.


Oh Allah make us a single body who cares for each other in pain, distress, hunger and war.


Oh Allah give us good leaders and make us tolerate the bad leaders as a nation is only as good as their leaders therefore all we get is the resemblance of our bad actions, Allah furthermore says that he doesn't change the hearts of the people until they change what is in their hearts.


We're the folk, people and future residents of Somalia let's for our sake and the sake of our children make peace with each other, let's heal the rifts by forgiving the perpetrators of the crimes committed against us or our family, clan or state members.


My vision for Somalia is clear Oh Allah make our country and its people prosperous in spiritual and material matters, so that all of them could worship you according to the sunnah of the last prophet peace be upon him.


Oh Allah secure our destiny and remove the plight and misery of the Somali people wherever they might be.


Oh Allah make the us the Somalis understand the concept of "alcadaalah" so that we might live in peace and harmony with each other.


What has been is past let's look for the future.


Oh Allah accept our sincere prayers.


I hope that next year inshallah that our prayers will be answered and that we will be discussing our similarities rather than our differences.

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^^that question is grossly misplaced in here. We should pray together for seeking Allah's mercy for our problems. That is the core of the messege, abti.


Wabilaahi towfiiq

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War ileen mucjiso, war waxaan yaa nala qabto, Walaal if a man says to you lets forgive and not look at the past, which was the main aspect of my thread do you think it is appropriate for you to shout like a woman or a child.


Grown up men accept any plea for forgiveness but I'am going to forgive you as I put your ill-mannered post due to, to much contact and association with small children and young girls.


And by the way when did I make an insencere post that you accuse me off?


Also on the other hand do you believe it is right in the tradition of our religion to be suspicious, mistrusting and skeptical to what I have written?


You'd be better off with silence because your comments were uncalled for.


So once again let me stress to you, that we should forgive each other and look for the future.


But the question here is: Are you man enough to accept the hand of your brother and leave the past behind or do still want to hold on to the dreadful past?

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