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Mogadishu 26, April.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa sheegtay in ay uu soo gabogaboobay intii badneyn dagaaladii ka socday magaalada Muqdisho.


Ka dib shir Jaraa'id uu ku qabtey Ra'isulwasaaraha Somalia hoyga uu ka dagan yahay magaalada Muqdisho ayuu ku sheegay in in ay guulo ka gaareen dagaalka 8 cesho ka soconaya magaalada Muqdisho.


Geedi oo saxaafadda ugu yeeray hoygiisa ayaa ka dhawaajiyay in aanu dhici doonin dilal ku saleysan aargoosi, isagoo ugu baaqay ciidamada dowladda KMG ah in aysan sameyn falal lagu waxyeeleynayo qof kasta oo ku sugan goobihii lagu dagaalamay.


Ra'isulwasaare Geedi waxa uu ka dalbaday dadka hubka heeysta ee dagaalada aanu ku jirin in aysan ka soo bixin guryahooda, una diyaar garoobaan si loo diwaan galiyo.


Waxa uu ku amray ciidamada dowladda KMG ah in ay sii dabo galaan kuwa ku dhuumaaleysanaya guryaha ayna baaraan wixii hub ah ee ay wateen ciidamadii la dagaalamayay.


Ra'isulwasaare Geedi ayaa waxa uu shacabka Muqdisho ugu baaqay in ay u diyaar garoobaan si ay ugu soo laaban lahaayeen guryahooda wixii berri ka bilowda, isagoo ku dhiiri galiyay shacabka Somaliyeed in la joojiyo wixii wax u dhimaya umadda Somaliyeed ee mudada dheer dhibaatada ku soo jirtey.


Hadalka Ra'isulwasaare Ghedi ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli dagaalo qaraar ay ka soconayaan qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho.

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This SOB has been saying the same thing from the minute the Ethiopians set foot in Somalia.


Either he's delusional or reality is difficult for him to comprehend.


All the Ethiopians managed to accomplish is decimate the city and displace the population.


This would be a great time for the TFG to call "reconciliation" conference. Just when there's no one left to reconcile with. LOL.

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That is exactly what Bush said on 2003 about Iraq.



Geedi and Yeey love to copy statements from Bush

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Premier claims Somali 'victory'



Ethiopian and government troops are in control of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, after nine days of battles, the prime minister says.

Ali Mohamed Ghedi said the worst of the fighting against Islamists and clan gunmen was now over.


Columns of tanks were deployed and reinforcements sent to Mogadishu from other parts of Somalia.


Earlier, a BBC correspondent in the city said the battles were the heaviest in recent days, spreading to new areas.


United Nations humanitarian relief co-ordinator John Holmes has described the situation in Somalia as critical.



He said up to 400,000 people had fled Mogadishu but aid was reaching just 60,000. A doctor who runs one of Mogadishu's hospitals estimates that two-thirds of the city's one million residents had left.


Some 300 people have been killed in the recent clashes, after 1,000 deaths last month, local human rights group say.


Mogadishu residents say government forces have taken control of some northern suburbs from the insurgents.


"We hope to completely conclude the war tomorrow, and government forces will secure the capital," Mr Ghedi said.


But some correspondents in Mogadishu have questioned Mr Ghedi's assessment - they say there are still reports of heavy fighting, and artillery and machine-gun fire can be heard across the city.




Somali Education Minister Ismail Mohamoud Hurre said the deaths and violence were a price worth paying to return normality to the country, which has not had a functioning national government for 16 years.



"The Ethiopian forces are doing very well, stopping the Jihadist elements from causing instability," he told the BBC's Network Africa programme.

"We have to bite the bullet." :(


But a UK think-tank has strongly criticised last December's operation to oust an Islamist group which had taken control of Mogadishu and much of southern Somalia.


"Genuine multilateral concern to support the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Somalia has been hijacked by unilateral actions of other international actors - especially Ethiopia and the United States - following their own foreign policy agendas," said the Chatham House report.


"Whatever the short-term future holds, the complex social forces behind the rise of the Islamic Courts will not go away," the authors said.


The Union of Islamic Courts controlled Mogadishu for six months last year - reuniting the capital for the first time since 1991.


The Islamist fighters have been joined by gunmen from the ****** clan, which does not back the government.


Donors and diplomats have accused the government of hindering the aid effort with bureaucratic obstacles.



The government says its checks on aid shipments are necessary to prevent insurgent attacks.

Somalia has not had a functional government since 1991.


Peace talks led to the formation of a transitional government in 2004, but it has so far failed to take full control of the country.


Ethiopian troops announced they had begun to withdraw, to be replaced by an African Union peacekeeping force, but only 1,200 of the 8,000 troops the AU says it needs have been deployed.




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