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Balcad: mass defection from clan courts...

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^^ Waryaa hooy! nacnacda naga daa :D . Hada shabele keliya aan idho u leedahay miyaad igu leedahay?


Calaa kuli xaal, I cant find where it read 'mass' even in Somali in the link you have provided. The only thing it says is 'ciidamo labo weji leh' or 'two phases of troops'. Two phases could be 1 phase made up of 5 or 10 men and another phase of the same number! I can hardly call that 'mass defection' as you would have us believe :D .

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Maleshiyad ka baxsadey Hiilwayne saxib here is Garowe website take on the story..

17 Oct 17, 2006, 12:57


Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in maliishiyo k tirsan Maxkamadaha Islaamiga oo taababar ugu socday xerada Hiilweyne ay isaga baxeen maalintii shalay iyagoo laba dhinac wajahay Malishiyadaas.


Deegaanka lagu magacaabo Isgoyska oo ka tirsan degmada Balcad ayey qaar ka mid ah maliishiyadaasi ay xalay ku hoyden halka qaar kale ay sal dhigteen deegaanka Maaxaay oo ka tirsan gobolka Sh.Dhexe.


Maliishiyooyinka dagey Maaxaay ayaa wararku sheegayaan in ay ku biireen maliishiyada Suudi Axmed Jiis oo fariisin ku leh agagaarka Warshiikh.


Warar kala duwan ayaa kasoo baxaya ujeedada ka danbeysa in ay baxsadaan maliishiyadan iyadoo ay jiraan warar sheegaya in xabsiga loo taxaabay qaar ka mid ah horjoogayaasha maliishiyadan kuwaasi oo markii hore ahaa saraakiishii Muuse Suudi ee markii lala wareegay hubkii Muuse Suudi ka mid noqday Maxkamaddaha.


Garowe Online, Muqdisho

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Saxib Paragon. As ever you seem to be clutching to starws. There are defections in Balcad, Galinsoor and there will be many more as the true face of the clan courts emerges.


I have seen how you have turned 180 degrees with regards to Hiiraale,I suggest you show some backbone.

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^^^ Where are the masses you speak of, son? Show me! :D


[edit] About reer-Gedo iyo Hiiraale, sxb raggaa inagaa isnaqaan, aniguse kuwa adigoo kale ah ayaan baran waayey. I haven't changed my stance waa haduu caqli wax fahma kugu jiro. Kaftanka aan Horn iyo Allamagan la kaftamo adiga kaa weyn, wax magarato yahay.

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^^^First dont get excited the news is there if you can read it. From pro court websites, like hobyonet, etc. Unlike your daily garbage on Puntland from lower shabble occupiers.


As for the gedo lads, what poistion did you hold, a week or so ago you was insulting Hiiraale for running away and I warmed you that a man who did not lose in battle was too dangerous. It has been proven, Hiiraale is on the march and has the support of many different groups.


Son you have no stance beyond what you are told, your understanding is weak.

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^^ You're not answering the question. Again, where is the mass you speak of?


Nin bilis ah oo aad ooga faana kaluun dabatada, ugaarsata iyo beer-qodotada ayaa beri wadaduu ku caraabi jirey Sagaaro ka wiswisleysey. Shibbuu isaga yiri, mindhaa maalintii labaad ayuu isla dariiqii soo maray, isla tii Sagaaro ahayd ayaa inta orod is baacisey wiswis meel fog kasii tiri. Sagaaro waxay is leedahay ninku yuusan ku ugaaransan; mariid gamuun xaniinkii yuusan ku haleelin sargaf ha noqotee. Ninkuna ugaarta aad ayuu uga faana oo ab iyo isir toona uma laha duurjoog la ugaarsado. Maaliinkii sadexaad ayuu sidii hore cagta soo mariyey isla tubtii uu ku caraabi jirey, mindhaa Sigaaradiibaa halkaa sii carareysaa oo weliba wiswistii aanan dayn. Ninku waa nasab, Sagaarada sababta ay u carartey ayuu aad uga caroodey. Hadal waxaa laga hayaa in uu yiri; Mindhaa, illeen Sagaaro soo ima barato :D .



Aniguna, halkan ayayba i damaaciyeen in ay arrin gobbaad iagala dooddaan. Wallee kani illeen ima barto.

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^^^lol. I would debate or engage with anyone on SOL. But alas not you poor Paragon.

For I know it would be a waste of time. Convincing a persona non grata is not one of my aims.

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^^ Do you even know what persona non grata stands for? I have this feeling that you are using it because it sounds very clever thing to say :D . Tryng looking up the dictionary, man.


PS: Me and you cannot engage in anything man, I only engage selec few, you ren't one of those I engage. Not engaging you would thus be a pleasure. Please, avoid adressing me, will you?

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^^ People like me, what are people like me? Or better still, what is your definition of person non grata? :D Be nice now and do me the service of explaning.

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