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Somalia: Baidao will fall soon and we don’t recognize the UN – Hassan Turki

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Somalia: Baidao will fall soon and we don’t recognize the UN – Hassan Turki

Tue. October 24, 2006 12:54 pm.



(SomaliNet) Number-two leader of the Islamic Courts Mr. Hassan Turki announced his organization’s immediate intention to chase President Abdulahi Yusuf and his powerless government out of Baydhabo in the coming days. In a telephone interview with Horn Afrik radio in Mogadishu, he said the southern part of the country is in our hands and we are going to Burao (in Somaliland) and Galkaio (in Puntland).


Mr. Turki who is now in a small town near Kenyan border said we don’t recognize the United Nations as it has become American interest group. When asked if the Islamic Courts are worrying about possible external intervention such as African Union troops, he replied with “We have enough power to defeat anyoneâ€.


Sheik Turki also talked about his view on the US and accused America of labeling Muslim people as terrorists. He was equally critical on the United Nations whose agencies he said are corrupt and lie about Somali refugees in Kenya. "They repatriate Somali refugees back to Somalia and return them back into Kenya only to open new accounts and misuse more money by claiming more influx of refugees. United Nations is a corrupt organization." He said. .


In a confident tone, Mr. Turki promised to bring all Somalia under his organization’s rule and declared war on self declared Somaliland and semi-autonomous Puntland.


The Islamic Courts seem to be unstoppable and the neighboring countries are unease about Somalia’s current situation. Ethiopia and Eritrea are both accused of meddling with Somalia civil war although no concrete prove has been presented on the Eritrean side.


Somaliland and Puntland administrations have ample time to prepare themselves for possible showdown with the Islamists as their hands are now full with the federal government and other foes in the south.


Both Sheik Hassan Turki and his boss, Sheik Aweys are on international terrorist list by the US State Department.

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