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Calling on all the Shabaab supporters... have your say..

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

In qaraxii shalay ay sabab u tahay waxa ay Amisom ka geysanayaan Xamar miyaad diidantahay?

Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Uganda waxa ka dhacay waa fal ay ciidmadooda geysteen, oo caasimaddeena ayay si joogto ah masaakiintayada aan waxba galabsan u garaacaan, kaas ka damqo oo ka qeyli, shisheeye kalkaalkana iska daa!.



You keep repeating these lines as an excuse to avoid the painful reality of what took place in Kamapala. It is a heinous crime and a mass murder of innocent people. It is xaraam and against our religion to target people for crimes they have not committed. A Muslim isn't allowed to kill innocent people for a political gain and remain true to Islamic teachings. You're manipulating and dissing your deen when you say Ugandan troops kill innocent people in Somalia and their citizens were asking for it. That's a dirty political mind game, not a correct religious values, legitimacy and conviction. You can't have it both ways. You can't be against killing innocent people in Moqdisho and at the same time argue for killing innocent people in Kampala. Stop manipulating my religion purposely. What happened in Kampala was wrong and nothing short of indiscriminate killing of civilians including Muslims watching football match. You remain slave to your extreme ideology you don't see the right from wrong. If some skinhead start shooting Somalis in Ingiriiska to avenge the elderly couple held in Somalia, you wouldn't say Somalis had it coming. Or would you?


All the warlords have killed innocent people in Somalia but the difference with your group is that they do so everyday as it is a sacred ritual.

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People keep questioning him I get the feeling inuu mar dhaw qarxi doono 'maaddeey' saa uun ku wada walaalayaal :D


I've this feeling we might be in for a surprise. An actual confession maybe at hands here. Keep digging and questioning. :D:D

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Showqi, shalay sideen u hadlayey?.

Ayoub, dont just write fo the sake of argument, read before you reply!.

What have I missed? Did you say it was un-Islamic? Did you say it was mass murder? Did you say the mullahs celebrating the atrocities are wrong? Did you say what should be done to the criminals behind it?

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

quote:Originally posted by Norfsky:


Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Ngonge, what do you say, we continue this and other over u cuppa?

Ninkani shaah yaanu ku iibin. If he does, bisinka toban jeer qabso.
Ma aniga? What's wrong with my tea warya?


(he said he'll pay but I'll pass now).



Don't make it personal ninyaho.
Your tea? Miyaad isu iibineysa? :D

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