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General Duke

Calling on all the Shabaab supporters... have your say..

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Norf, Adiga walaalow caqliga xaggee kaa aaday, meel kalena repercussions baa ka iman doonaad ku lahayd, sow kan Kampala ka dhacay repercussions maaha?, Uganda waxa ka dhacay waa fal ay ciidmadooda geysteen, oo caasimaddeena ayay si joogto ah masaakiintayada aan waxba galabsan u garaacaan, kaas ka damqo oo ka qeyli, shisheeye kalkaalkana iska daa!.


Qof aan dembi lahayn in la dilo Anigu ma qabo, lakin falkan wuxuu ku dhalinayaa reer Uganda iney ka fiirsadaan waxa askartoodu Xamar ka sameeynayaa.

Mr script,


Dee waa sidaan sheegey. You KNOW their cause isn't Islamic. You know what they've done isn't Islamic. You KNOW Islam doesn't condone these acts UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES yet you still fly the flag for them.


Caqli la'aan waxa ka daran caqli xumo.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Where is Kashafa ?

Where is Che?


Your boys have made a hell of a ****** move. But you who reside in the west and who want to have it both ways, lets see how brave you are now.

You where the one who was supporting and cheering Ethiopians attacking and terrorizing innocent people in Moqadishu. While they where enjoying peace for first time in decades.

Or was that ok, because it was your uncle who brought them in the first place.


You have no credibility to speak about terrorism against innocent people. Cause you were supporting it last time.

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Muslinimo nimaan kugu wadayn muuminnimo khaasa

Gaal maxasta kuu dhawra ood magansataa dhaama


Inuu af qalaad ku qora baa xitaa ku adag Ibn Al-Faacilah. I bet this miserable miscreant who supports extremists like Al-Shabaab lives in the West. Whenever he's not conducting his cabbie and cleaner duties, he's on SOL - vainglorious and unhinged - frothing in a fit of sadism.

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Kashafa waa nin waalan oo xag-jir ah.


Maaddeey wuu isyeel yeelayaa ee Alshabab inay nacalad yihiin wuu og'yahay.


Che -ma garanayo meel aan saaro. Waa nin macquul ah laakiin Alshababtan ey'da ah wax daba dhigay garan maayo!


Masaakiintii Uganda ku qaxday bay kadaba tageen.

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Abtigiis, waxaan u heystaa inaad reasonable tahay, ee mid iiga jawaab:


Masaakiinta Amisom leyso sow Soomali maaha oo kama damqaneysid, kuwan Uganda u daa waa wax ay iyagu falkadeene, sidey rabaan ha uga dabaasheene, Soomaali haddii Al Shabaab Kampala weerartona ma fakanayaan, haddeysan weerarinna waa sidoo kale oo Caasimadooda ayay ku fakan waayeen oo xalay 2:00 dad iska hurda ayaa madaafiic Amisom soo ridday ku dhintay, waa sheekadii Ina Xagaadheere: Haddeynu Hadallo waa af sallax ku dheg, Haddeynu aamusnona ariga laynta laga deyn waa, I feel sorry for dadkii habeen hore dhintay, lakin I feel more and bitter for Soomaalida, intaas maxaad ku diidantahay?

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Abtigiis, waxaan u heystaa inaad reasonable tahay, ee mid iiga jawaab:


Masaakiinta Amisom leyso sow Soomali maaha oo kama damqaneysid, kuwan Uganda u daa waa wax ay iyagu falkadeene, sidey rabaan ha uga dabaasheene, Soomaali haddii Al Shabaab Kampala weerartona ma fakanayaan, haddeysan weerarinna waa sidoo kale oo Caasimadooda ayay ku fakan waayeen oo xalay 2:00 dad iska hurda ayaa madaafiic Amisom soo ridday ku dhintay, waa sheekadii Ina Xagaadheere: Haddeynu Hadallo waa af sallax ku dheg,
Haddeynu aamusnona ariga laynta laga deyn waa
, I feel sorry for dadkii habeen hore dhintay, lakin I feel more and bitter for Soomaalida, intaas maxaad ku diidantahay?

Malcolm X has a point here. Why havent you guys condemn earlier the innocent people killed by AMISOM and now start to be outrages by the killing of innocent people in Uganda? Isnt it the same, the innocent being slaughtered for no reason?

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Dadka Soomalida ah ee dhimanaya waan ka xunnahay and it is not even worth stating that. Way iska cadahay inaan ka danqanayno dhibaatada shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Laakin Amisom ma aha dhibaatadu hadda ee waa kooxda diidan in wax dawlad ah inay ka dhalato Somalia. Xalka Somalia waa in la helo Dawlad, dawlad kasta oo dhismi lahaydna waxaa hor taagan koox argagixiso caalami ah oo aan dan Somaliyeed wadin.


Gobolada Jubboyinka Amisom ma joogto, maalin walbana dadbaa kurka laga jaraa oo la yidhaa diin ayey ka baxeen.


On a personal level, xorriyadda adigu aad London u doonatay maxaad ugu quudhi la'dahay masaakinta dalkii ku hadhay ee wadaad rer-miyi ah maalin walba karbaashayo?


Bottomline is Alshabab's version of Islam is not what Somali's want and Somalia will not prosper with such primitive interpretation by primitive and ignorant wadaad's.

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Maaddeey, I had this same argument with Xiin, Paragon and others after the London bombings a few years back. "Cause and effect was to blame", they said. "We do not agree with the killing of innocent people but we understand why it happened" they argued. But, today, because the bombings are closer to home and the "terrorists" are Somalis I bet the logic and opinions will suddenly become different (Xiin yara sug, iminko imanaya isago leh takfiiri, takfiiri). The point is that everyone gets carried away with passion every now and then lakin nin ween o ilaahay caqli siiyay waa ino dib iso noqda o fakara, saaxib. Khalad waa khalad, sax na wa sax. Is cadee adeer; oo ama Al Shabab waalidan ku taageer adigu leh "diinta waxan ino fasaxday", ama Al Shabab o hanjab iyo diid adigu leh "waxanu waa akbar al xaraam waana khalad".


"I don't condone the killing of innocents" iyo "look at the innocents of xamar", waa munaafiqnimo cad, saaxib. Munaafiq kugu man ogeen ee dib o fakar.

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Anigu Maaddeey waan ku wareeray!


I am almost tempted to believe inuu wixii la sheegayey ee ahaa waa Script run yahay. Sababtoo ah ra'yigiisu mid kolba waaqaca jira ku xisaabtama oo isbadala ma'aha.


Anigu waxaan aaminsan ahay in Maaaddeey Xinnfanin samaystay si uu isula murmo?

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A & T, meesha aan kaala hadlay maahane meel kalaad ila aadday ee bal ku noqo!.


Tan dawladnimada, Shabaabkan aan Anti-Tank heysan, miyey Amisom, Maraykan & TFG meel saari waayeen, haddey run kaa tahay ood Dawladnimo rabto waxay kuugu dhoweyd Dawladdii C/lahu Yusuf, oo isagaa si niyad ah dawladnimada aad sheegeyso u rabay Shabaabna intuu joogay gacno ku gambad bey ahaayeen.


Primitive, haddaad ula jeeddo sidii Nabiga & Saxaabada, ogow Nabigu wuxu yiri: 'qolada badbaadeysa waa kuwa sida Aniga & Saaxiibadeey u dhaqma' hadaladaas oo kalena waan kuugu baqaa, sxb.


Xorriyadda aad sheegi waa maxay?, sidaad u taal & waxaad aaminsantahay ayaa halkan lagugu dagaalaa 'with a smile of course', halkaasna diinta laysku garaacaa, tee daran?

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Malcolm X, these two brother do have point here. They both do condemn the killings of innocent by AMISON. So that point is clearified and closed.


But they do have a point; You cant support Shabab and at the same time say I am against the killing of innocent people in Xamar or I want peace. Brother that is something which doesnt go together.


And I hope you will take the advise of these two brothers, Abtigiis Tusbaxa sita iyo Adeer Ngonge. Cause they do seem sincere.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Mr. Somalia, hadda ka hor sow kuma dhihin inaadan fahmo badneyn?, bal waxa aad igu heysato af Soomaali iigu sheeg!



Your post is typical in two ways:


1. Hatred of truth is evident.


2. An inability to understand the core message of Islam. For instance, you parrot isolated justifications for the Kampala carnage without understanding or even the remotest speck of insight.


Do you even realize how contemptuous your reasoning is to the teachings of our Holy Prophet(p.b.u.h)?


I suspect that you know nothing. Your mind is closed and blinded in your radical ideology.


But I will enlighten you a bit by simply asking you to reflect on something. Do not provide simple platitudes without understanding, but think for a change:


Now, your justifications for these Kampala murders were that, since Ugandan troops shell civilian neighborhoods in Mogadishu, it is just to kill Ugandan civilians in retaliation, all in the name of Islam, right??? Though I can understand your emotions in this are plentiful; it seems to me, the one that most dictates your point of view is Anger. Now as Muslims, we have been taught by our beloved Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) that Anger is an evil emotion which leads to destruction and unwise reasoning. There's a reason why he (p.b.u.h) said "do not get angry" not once, not twice but THREE times. Islam is a religion of peace and as Muslims when we claim this, it should not be just lip-service but it should radiate in all our actions. That is why I do not believe the Kampala bombings, according to Al Shabab, to have been an act of worship or an act done in the defense of Islam because it clearly goes against every core principle of our noble religion.


Allow me to remind you that Allah(S.W.T) has set us a criterion for what the correct conduct of a Muslim should be...


In Surah Al-Furqan(Verses 63-70)


The (faithful) slaves of the Beneficent are they who walk upon the earth modestly, and when the foolish ones address them answer: Peace; (63) And who spend the night before their Lord, prostrate and standing, (64) And who say: Our Lord! Avert from us the doom of hell; lo! the doom thereof is anguish; (65) Lo! it is wretched as abode and station; (66) And those who, when they spend, are neither prodigal nor grudging; and there is ever a firm station between the two; (67) And those who cry not unto any other god along with Allah, nor take the life which Allah hath forbidden save in (course of) justice, nor commit adultery - and whoso doeth this shall pay the penalty; (68) The doom will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein disdained for ever; (69) Save him who repenteth and believeth and doth righteous work; as for such, Allah will change their evil deeds to good deeds. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. (70)


Maaddeey, please point out to me where in the aforementioned verses lies instruction to kill, maim and bomb innocent civilian noncombatants EVEN in retribution? Or are you simply feigning ignorance of these divine commands? Or of the countless examples of our Holy Prophet(P.b.u.h) where he encourages mercy over vengeance; Love over hate; and patience over rashness?


Do you easily forget when our Holy Prophet's blood was flowing profusely in Taif, and he was given the choice for each and every resident therein to be destroyed? Remember his noble and exemplary answer? Tell us Maaddeey, did he wrathfully say,"Off with their heads!" or didn't he show compassion to a people least deserved of it?


I believe, Maaddeey, that you know the true answers to ALL the questions I've posed thus far, and I believe, it isn't necessary for me to repair your ignorance on this matter any further. We both know that Al Shabab are religious deviants who have opted for the usurpation of our blessed religion for their own selfish sublunary purposes by being a perfect example of a walking contradiction, i.e, their actions have ALWAYS belied their proclamations.


In conclusion, Maaddeey...

قَد تَّبَيَّنَ ٱلرُّشۡدُ مِنَ ٱلۡغَىِّ(Surah Al-Baqara 256)


The ONLY true path is the one delineated, with wonderful power and patience, by The Almighty. So take it or leave it.



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Xoriyaadu aad haysato eed iska indhatirayso waa inaad Jeans xidhan kartid, gadhka maalinkaad rabtidana bixin kartid maalinkuu ku dhibana xiiri kartid, Kubad aad daawan kartid, etc etc. You take these minor rights forgranted. They are not in Alshabab's Somalia.


Midda kale bal waxaad ku hadlaysid eeg bila calayk. Sidaad utaalo ayaa lagugu dagaalaa with smile ayaad tidhi! Ma cidbaa ku xidha? Ma cidbaa ku garaacda? Ma cidbaa ku ciqaabta? Haday ku qoslaan, soo dhulkoodi ma'aha? Iyagu iyadoo Bikini xidhan oo is-dhunkanaya haday Somaliya yimaadaan miyaa laga yeeli lahaa? Markaa, adeer inta ay dhulkooda kaaga ogol yihiin uun ku qanac ileen lama lihide!


Dawladda aad sheegina, haa oo kolkol waan is idhaahdaa Cabdullahi Yusuf was right, and certainly if I had the foresight to know what Alshabab planned for Somalia, I would have supported the old man. I don't hold much hate for him nowadays as I used to do those days.


Shariifkuna wuu ku saxan yahay inuu flexible noqdo si ummadda somaliyeed ee kala daadsan uu meel ay salka dhigaan ugu helo. I am not only happy with the pace with which he is changing. I want him to start dancing in the floors with hobolada u heesaya and to be more moderate.


Wadaad oo dhan waa la'iga shiddaa aniga.



Mr. Somalia, waa dangerous vagrant, laakiin fahmo-daro kuma ogeyn!

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I know their sincerity IA, Adigana khayr Alle ha ku siiyo Aaqil.


Ngonge, If Cheri Blair uderstood why Palestinians blow themselves up, y not me? Adigu -runtii-ma fahamsanid miyaa waxa keenay the suicide bombing in Kampala? weligaa cunug yar oo edeb daran ood ka xishoneysid inaad disho, mid xoogaa ka madax fiiqan ma garaacay ee 'baga' ma tiri?.

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Originally posted by Chief_Aaqil:

Malcolm X,And I hope you will take the advise of these two brothers, Abtigiis Tusbaxa sita iyo Adeer Ngonge. Cause they do seem sincere.

Adiga xog badan ayaa kaa maqane, anigaa ku tilmaami. Fariintan copy garee oo PM ugu *** Xinnfanin. Malcom X'ga aad sheegi in ninkaasi samaystay ayaa loo badinayaa. Markaa isaga unbaa wax ka badli kara ee scrpit'gan ha isku xiiqina. :D:D

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