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General Duke

Calling on all the Shabaab supporters... have your say..

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Showqi, shalay saas ma dhihin, dadka beenta sheega inaad ku jirto ma mooden sxb, ee bal dib u laabo.


Ngonge, what do you say, we continue this and other over u cuppa?

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What adigu samaysay waxba igama saara. Laakin in Alshabab ay arimahaa qaarkood ka manuucday meelaha ay ka taliso miyaad diidan tahay?

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Originally posted by Norfsky:

Kuwa ku la murmaayaan la yaabey anigu. Waar ninku waa scriptkii la sheegi jirey dee.

loooool. Maantoo dhan safiih bay la doodayaaan oo su'aalo weydiinayaan. Soomaalidu waa ummad wareersan. Anuu Kashafaan doonayay inaan eego wuxuu yidhaahdo.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Ngonge, what do you say, we continue this and other over u cuppa?

Ninkani shaah yaanu ku iibin. If he does, bisinka toban jeer qabso.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Showqi, shalay saas ma dhihin, dadka beenta sheega inaad ku jirto ma mooden sxb, ee bal dib u laabo.

Maaddeey beentu ma fiicna dadkana ma masabido anigu, please read my post, your post and General Dukes post here

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Originally posted by Norfsky:

quote:Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Ngonge, what do you say, we continue this and other over u cuppa?

Ninkani shaah yaanu ku iibin. If he does, bisinka toban jeer qabso.
Ma aniga? What's wrong with my tea warya? :D


(he said he'll pay but I'll pass now).



Don't make it personal ninyaho.

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I only asked where did they claim it, reading the first 4 posts of that thread i couldn't see any thing that corresponds to the Title, markaan hadalkaaga arkay knowing inaadan been aqoon ayaan ku weydiiyey, markaad ii sheegtay kadibna waan qancay.


Lakin marna kuma doodin iney iyagu sameeyeen & in kale, teeda kale weligey baan lahaa dad aan wax galabsan in la dilo ma banaana, maantoo dhanna ku soo cl-celinayey, waxa kalood iga rabto waa maxay?. In qaraxii shalay ay sabab u tahay waxa ay Amisom ka geysanayaan Xamar miyaad diidantahay?

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Ngonge, Adiguu ku leeyahay bisinka ka qabso shaaheyga!, bal kan yar waxa uu igu maagay ii sheeg!, mabaan la hadli jirin ka hor intuusan hadal igu soo darsan, oo waxaan u aqaannaa: 'Mr. Chocolate Cake' :D

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Maaddeey, maanta sheekada saxaabadii majoogto ee wexey joogtaa miyaa kuwii Amisom troops kaba Somali bey dhameeyeen marka a taste of their medicine hala siiyo miyaa? Anaga maalinba meel noo jeedi! Be man of your words walaalkiis, shalayba waa dheheysay qofaad jeceshahay qaladkooda kuma difaaceysid (or something to the tone)...

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KK, 2 posts be4 ur post haddaad akhrin lahayd, daac-daacsigaad soo qortay uma baahateen!, kaftan waa halkiisa lakin this is serious.

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Marka two posts before my post kaliya miyaan aqriyaa? Maxaanse kaftan ka dhigay? It just boggles the mind how every action, however wrong, of xayawaaniintaas is justifiable, that's all...

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How did I justify it when I condemn it?, said: ma banaana, mase waxaad i leedahay Amisom waxba ha ka sheegin, duqeynta Xamar ha soo qaadin, ciidamadooda waxay ah Somalia ka geysanayaan baa sabab u ah ha dhihin??, is it?

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