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Al-Shabaab Oo Sheegatay Qaraxyadii Ka Dhacay Magaaladda Kampala


July 12, 20100 comments | leave your own!Xarakadda Al-Shabaab ayaa sheegatay masuuliyadda labo qarax oo habeenimadii xalay ka dhacay magaaladda Kampala ee caasimada dalka Uganda,kaas oo sababay khasaaro dhimasho iyo dhaawac badan.


Afhayeenka Xarakadda Al-Shabaab Sheikh Cali Dheere oo maanta Shir Jiraa’id ku qabtay magaaladda Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in qaraxyadaas ay ugu talagaleen in ay aar gudaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo uu tibaaxay in ay xasuuqeen Ciidanka Uganda ee ku sugan magaaladda Muqdisho.


Wuxuu intaa ku daray in mudo ku siman 12-maalmood ay diyaarinayeen qaraxyadaas isagoo sidoo kale digniin u direy shacabka reer Burundi isla markaana xusay in qaraxyo la beegsan doonaan magaaladda Caasimada ah ee Bujumbura.


Hogaamiyaha Al-Shabaab Axmed Cabdi Godane ayaa dhowaan digniin ujeediyey wadamada Burundi iyo Uganda oo u sheegay in ay la beegsan doonaan weeraro.


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Where is Kashafa ?

Where is Che?


Your boys have made a hell of a ****** move. But you who reside in the west and who want to have it both ways, lets see how brave you are now.

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Tragic, indeed. Do these SOL terrorist-sympahtizers really believe that such carnage and destruction visited upon innocent civillians is excusable on religious grounds?


How could one seriously continue to support such a fanatic, blood-thirsty organization?


Maaddeey waa iska safiih ee kii yaraa ee Kashafa oo digdigta badnaa mee?

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I doubt they will come out and say anything. They know and have known for a while that AS isn't an 'Islamic' freedom movement. They know its a race for power more than anything else and are happy with that for some reason.

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Yet the door to repentance remains wide open for all those misguided Somalis. Just like you seem to have forsaken those religious deviants-- which in the past you used to support-- many folks are slowly waking up to the reality of Al-Shabab.

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Originally posted by Norfsky:

I doubt they will come out and say anything. They know and have known for a while that AS isn't an 'Islamic' freedom movement. They know its a race for power more than anything else and are happy with that for some reason.

Spot on!

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Norf, Adiga walaalow caqliga xaggee kaa aaday, meel kalena repercussions baa ka iman doonaad ku lahayd, sow kan Kampala ka dhacay repercussions maaha?, Uganda waxa ka dhacay waa fal ay ciidmadooda geysteen, oo caasimaddeena ayay si joogto ah masaakiintayada aan waxba galabsan u garaacaan, kaas ka damqo oo ka qeyli, shisheeye kalkaalkana iska daa!.


Qof aan dembi lahayn in la dilo Anigu ma qabo, lakin falkan wuxuu ku dhalinayaa reer Uganda iney ka fiirsadaan waxa askartoodu Xamar ka sameeynayaa.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Qof aan dembi lahayn in la dilo Anigu ma qabo,

Waxay dileen 74 qof oo aan dembi lahayn ,,,,,,,,, sow ma khaldana markaas ??

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Hey, Maaddeey--Yours is the logic of a terrorist sympathizer, and no man can answer that.


Your mind is warped by an innate principle of terrorist extremism, and therefore not accessible to the just teachings of Islam, or a desire to adhere to it's tenets regarding civilian noncombatants.

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