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The Four States of The Mind

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Nur, walaal, I've logged in again as I forgot earlier to say what I wanted to...


You are not talking in a dark room- not with a nic like Nur. smile.gif I understand the need sometimes for feedback- it can give your words more purpose and inspire you to write more. Please continue; we none of us have to agree with either your approach or the content of your pieces but such dedication can only have pure intention behind it.


Please is so important to remind one another of our faith, our purpose and our path. I pray that Allah rewards you for your efforts. Many benefit I'm sure but are too lazy to respond. Somalis, ehem, u know, get-up-and-go issues. Unless it's quite literal. smile.gif


Back to topic...I don't know where I fit in those four states right now. I've had many, many months of happiness, alhamdullilah- still ongoing- and I have been trying hard to thank Allah each time it occurs to me that I am free of burden. I'm especilly keen to show appreciation as this period of tranquility was preceded by well, a madness of sorts. Phew, how relieved I am that that period is over wa'l hamdu lilaah. At the time I hated having to go through the 'madness' but now I see the necessity of it. I see my mistakes clearly and have evaluated my responses and my attitudes now that neither anger nor ego are in the way. I can pick out what I should hold on to of my actions in times of distress and what I should discard. Hitting rock bottom(and for everyone this is a different place) has made it possible for me to hmm, yeah fly. I've been making a conscious effort to remember Allah now that the times are good and I've never before made such advances in keeping a Ramadan promise(we all make them). And all with Allah's Will and help.


A little bit of the madness threatens to return now but I won't be repeating those old mistakes, no way. People can bring chaos to my door but I'll deal with them at the xataba, say what I have to and close the door to my world. I'll use the best of me and leave the rest where it belongs...rock bottom.


Jazaka Allah Khayr. We're listening.


off to bed with thoughts of death for company; no chance of sleep then smile.gif Again.

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Sheherezad sis


Thanks for the good feedback, I was resassured many times that Nomads read these threads, but they may not be keen to post their thoughts.


As for your case, Alhamdulillah that you have an internal struggle to force yourself to stay on the Siraatul Mustaqeem, for now, you like many other Nomads on these forums seem to be in the Nima state, which requires a great deal of shukr to keep it coming. Shukr comes in many forms, such as extra worship, helping of nthe poor or volunteering for Dawa work, take your pick.



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Warrior Of Light and Sheherezad


I hope that you are both in the Nicma state, inshallah, time permitting, I want to write a piece on the Nima state, the last one was plain feelings, but Nomads deserve a well researched article on this great state.


" Siraatal alladiina ancamta caleyhim"


The Path of those (Allah) has endowed Nicmah.



Nicma..... Coming soon to a monitor near you!




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bro . i just want let u know as well as the others have, that u not "talking in a dark room" and i'm reading along and learning from many of your posts.


i do appreciate the time and effort that u put into your posts, so jazakallahu khairan again bro asalam.

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Dear Nomad, do you know what a NICMA means? before I surprise you with some uncommon facts about NICMA State, tell me what it means to you, we even have female names in Somali called NICMA, being married to a Nicma is every Faaraxs wish I guess, your thoughts are solicited about NICMA STATE?



A Hint:


Read Suurah Al Faatiha


What does Nicmah mean in that Surah?


Now, Think about the possibility of Somalis becoming a familay again?


Is it a Nicmah?


Can you recall the verse in Quraan that explains Nicmah from a brotherhood perspective?


You Need a Hint?


OK, Here you have it:





When we dont have that feeling, what state are we in?



Common, get outta couch and click your opinions.


Oh, are you afraid of your BIG BROTHA?


How about the Angels on your Shoulde?, ever say hi to them?




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Nur, you teased my competitive spirit with your questions so let me take a crack at some.


What does Nicmah mean in that Surah?


The nicmah in the fatiha is guidance to the righteous path. Why do we recognize a nicmah only when we have lost it? Our nicmahs are niqmahs sometimes.


Now, Think about the possibility of Somalis becoming a familay again?


Somalis never stopped being a family; being hateful and cruel is part of nature and if they had appreciated the nicmah of land, wealth, and each other, they would not have fallen.


Can you recall the verse in Quraan that explains Nicmah from a brotherhood perspective?


Al-Imran, Verse 103. By far, my favourite since I was a child.

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Originally posted by Naden:

Nur, you teased my competitive spirit with your questions so let me take a crack at some.


What does Nicmah mean in that Surah?


The nicmah in the fatiha is guidance to the righteous path. Why do we recognize a nicmah only when we have lost it? Our nicmahs are niqmahs sometimes.


Now, Think about the possibility of Somalis becoming a familay again?


Somalis never stopped being a family; being hateful and cruel is part of nature and if they had appreciated the nicmah of land, wealth, and each other, they would not have fallen.


Can you recall the verse in Quraan that explains Nicmah from a brotherhood perspective?


Al-Imran, Verse 103. By far, my favourite since I was a child.

{ وَٱعْتَصÙÙ…Ùواْ بÙحَبْل٠ٱللَّه٠جَمÙيعاً وَلاَ تَÙَرَّقÙواْ وَٱذْكÙرÙواْ Ù†Ùعْمَتَ ٱللَّه٠عَلَيْكÙمْ Ø¥Ùذْ ÙƒÙنْتÙمْ أَعْدَآءً ÙَأَلَّÙÙŽ بَيْنَ Ù‚ÙÙ„ÙوبÙÙƒÙمْ ÙَأَصْبَحْتÙمْ بÙÙ†ÙعْمَتÙه٠إÙخْوَاناً ÙˆÙŽÙƒÙنْتÙمْ عَلَىٰ Ø´ÙŽÙَا Ø­ÙÙْرَة٠مّÙÙ†ÙŽ ٱلنَّار٠ÙَأَنقَذَكÙمْ مّÙنْهَا كَذٰلÙÙƒÙŽ ÙŠÙبَيّÙن٠ٱللَّه٠لَكÙمْ آيَاتÙه٠لَعَلَّكÙمْ تَهْتَدÙونَ }



(And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah) hold fast to the Religion of Allah and His Book, (and do not separate) in religion. (And remember Allah's favour unto you) by giving you Islam: (how ye were enemies) before Islam (and He made friendship between your hearts) through Islam (so that ye became as brothers by His grace) by His Religion, Islam; (and (how) ye were upon the brink of an abyss of fire) i.e. because of disbelief, (and He did save you from it) by means of faith. (Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations) His commands, prohibitions and favours (unto you, that haply ye may be guided) from error.


Walahi, its an ayat that is often forgotten over and over again.


Maybe a nomad can retell the story behind this ayat.


JZK Nur and Naden

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Naden walaalo


Jazakallahu Kheiran for your thoughtful partipation


you write:


What does Nicmah mean in that Surah?


The nicmah in the fatiha is guidance to the righteous path. Why do we recognize a nicmah only when we have lost it? Our nicmahs are niqmahs sometimes.




Walaalo, You are half right, Ancamta in Fatiha means ( Those You Have Given iimaan) in other words the other eyes with which to see the Ghayb.



You write


Now, Think about the possibility of Somalis becoming a familay again?


Somalis never stopped being a family; being hateful and cruel is part of nature and if they had appreciated the nicmah of land, wealth, and each other, they would not have fallen.


Can you recall the verse in Quraan that explains Nicmah from a brotherhood perspective?





Before the advent of Islam, Arabia was pretty much like somalia today, bedounis with only clan allegiances bent on killing and attacking each other, idol worshipers that are difficult to deal with.


In Madina, Two Tribes Aws and Khazraj were on each other's throats for many years, when Prophet Muhammad arrived in Madina, they put their enemity aside and became brothers in faith, and from that day, they became known as the Ansar ( helpers of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS, similar to the Desciples of Jesus May Peace Be upon him)



So the Nicmah in the following verse


{ وَٱعْتَصÙ?Ù…Ù?واْ بÙ?حَبْلÙ? ٱللَّهÙ? جَمÙ?يعاً وَلاَ تَÙ?َرَّقÙ?واْ وَٱذْكÙ?رÙ?واْ Ù†Ù?عْمَتَ ٱللَّهÙ? عَلَيْكÙ?مْ Ø¥Ù?ذْ ÙƒÙ?نْتÙ?مْ أَعْدَآءً Ù?َأَلَّÙ?ÙŽ بَيْنَ Ù‚Ù?Ù„Ù?وبÙ?ÙƒÙ?مْ Ù?َأَصْبَحْتÙ?مْ بÙ?Ù†Ù?عْمَتÙ?Ù‡Ù? Ø¥Ù?خْوَاناً ÙˆÙŽÙƒÙ?نْتÙ?مْ عَلَىٰ Ø´ÙŽÙ?َا Ø­Ù?Ù?ْرَةÙ? مّÙ?Ù†ÙŽ ٱلنَّارÙ? Ù?َأَنقَذَكÙ?مْ مّÙ?نْهَا كَذٰلÙ?ÙƒÙŽ ÙŠÙ?بَيّÙ?Ù†Ù? ٱللَّهÙ? Ù„ÙŽÙƒÙ?مْ آيَاتÙ?Ù‡Ù? لَعَلَّكÙ?مْ تَهْتَدÙ?ونَ }



is the Nicmah of imaan that transformed them from enemies to friends.




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