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Sadam's end...any thoughts people?

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Salaam Everyone,


In advance, I must say that there is nothing graphic or shocking in here. Just a discourse in attemp to get a glimpse of everyone's view on this sensitive matter. I am sure we can all be adults and engage in this recent event respectfuly.


My thoughst are these on the subject, I think the purpose behind his execution was misguided, it was a pathetic attempt on part of the u.s a long with the "new Iraqi" government trying to pull of a "political public relations attempt" to make themselves look good, trying to act like something good came out of this war; as if that they are serving the Iraqi people and humanity by executing this dictator.


What is more, this execution was a violation of international law, by handing a prisonor of war to his adversary. In addition, there tare dictators who raomed around this earth freely.Just to give you a glimpse, see link


(maybe someone else can share a revised version if they find it)


Anyway, where are all these dictators? probably at a tropical island, a Hawaii Luau doing the limbo? lol ....



Allah SWT knows best ..but these things happen for a reason, ,a lesson to all indeed, may allah protect us from the fitnah in this world.


Lastly, I just foundout about a senegalese restaurant that makes some tight Bariis, I think I'll keep their number on speed dail.




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