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Masuul ka tirsan DFKMS oo sheegay in ciidamada Kenya iyo Etoobiya ay galayaan Baydhabo hadii Maxaakimtu ay soo weeraraan

Last Updated::2006-10-23 17:20:30


Masuul ka tirsan DFKMS oo diiday in magaciisa la shaaciyo oo u warramayay wargeyska asharqal awstay ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in --

dalalka Etoobiya iyo Kenya ay si rasmi ah ugu balan qaadeen madaxweyne C/lahi Yusuf Axmed in ay siiyaan taakulayn ciidan waqti kasta oo magaalada Baydhabo ay soo weeraraan ciidamada maxaakimta .


Waxaa masuulkani intaa ku daray in ciidamada dalalka Etoobiya iyo Kenya ay galayaan magaalada Baydhabo iyaga oo ka hortagaya isku day kasta oo maxaakimta ay ku doonayaan in ay ku qabsadaan magaalada Baydhabo ,waxana uu intaa ku daray in maxaakimta ay talaabo noocan oo kale ah kala kulmi doonaan khasaare aad u fool xun



Waxaa masuulkani sheegay in ilaa 5000 oo askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada DFKMS ay diyaar u yihiin in ay difaacan magaalada kuwaas oo ay xoojinayaan maleeshiyo beeledyo lagu qiyaasay ilaa 3000 oo dagaalyahan


Waxaana uu intaa raaciyay in DFKMS ay kalsooni wayn ku qabto in ciidamadeedu ay ka soo baxayaan waajibka kaga aadan ka difaacida magaalada maxaakimta Islaamig ah .


Waxaana uu masuulkani gaashanka u daruuray in ciidamo Etoobiyan ah ayku sugan yihiin magaalada Baydhabo laakin waxaa uu xusay in ciidamada Etoobiya aysan hakanayn hadii maxaakimtu ay weerar ku soo qaadan magaalada Baydhabo.

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"Masuul ka tirsan DFKMS oo diiday in magaciisa la shaaciyo oo u warramayay wargeyska asharqal awstay ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in --

dalalka Etoobiya iyo Kenya ay si rasmi ah ugu balan qaadeen madaxweyne C/lahi Yusuf Axmed in ay siiyaan taakulayn ciidan waqti kasta oo magaalada Baydhabo ay soo weeraraan ciidamada maxaakimta " :cool:


Waxaa masuulkani sheegay in ilaa 5000 oo askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada DFKMS ay diyaar u yihiin in ay difaacan magaalada kuwaas oo ay xoojinayaan maleeshiyo beeledyo lagu qiyaasay ilaa 3000 oo dagaalyahan



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Ilahow hanaga yaabin. Are you amazed of the possible intervention to protect the transitional government from your horrid military advancement into its temporary and peaceful city,Baidabo----a reminiscent experience to many of the horrors of the civil war in the 90s.


What is holding the courts to initiate things that are of paramount importance , such as social services, education, heightening of the security of Madina district in Mogadisho, transfering adminstrative positions and power to the locals in Merka, Barawe, Qoryoley and Janale???

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People behind the horrors of the civil war such as warlord/criminal Qeybdiid and Qanyare are in Baydhabo, the "peacefull city", the temporary seat, hosted by our "good president Yusuf and our equally good prime minister Geedi.

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duuliye, we are not here to judge who is good and who is not, but who is flaming fire, who is inviting war, who is transgressing into far and far distances unaware of the consequence of their actions, and finally who in the middle of Ramadan have created more refugees and starvation?


The bad president has been avoiding war and still asks for a conciliatory attitude from his tribesmen. Why are they so extreme and aggressive?

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