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Igad pledges more troops to help secure Somalia


The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Igad) will increase the number of troops in Somalia by 2,000.


This follows militant group al-Shabaab’s Sunday attacks in Uganda, that claimed 74 lives.


At the same time, the European Commission and the Somalia Transitional Federal Government condemned the attacks and called for a more decisive action on the militant group.


Igad Executive Secretary Mahboub Maalim said the attack on fans watching football World Cup finals between Spain and Netherlands had strengthened the organisation’s resolve to deploy more troops in August, "to help secure the war-torn country".




"After the deployment, the number of Amisom (African Union Mission in Somalia) troops will grow to 8,100," said Mr Maalim at a meeting in Nairobi.


The meeting was called to implement a number of projects under Horn of Africa Initiative, whose key objectives are peace, energy, transport and food security.


"Igad calls upon the international community to strengthen the economic and military support to the Transitional Federal Government to fight these terrorists in Somalia and the region."


There are 6,100 AU troops in the region, but details of deployment of the additional ones will be finalised in the coming weeks, Maalim said.


News linking the bombing to al-Shabaab came to the limelight after Al Shahid, a Somali news agency, quoted a senior member of the militia saying the blasts were a retaliatory attack on Uganda for sending peace keepers to Somalia to support President Sheikh Sherif’s Transitional Federal Govern ment.


The bombings targeted the Ethiopian Village restaurant, a popular night spot where hundreds of football fans were gathered to watch World Cup finals. The pub is frequented by foreigners.


The second attack struck the Kyadondo Rugby Club, where the match was also shown.


The attacks bore hallmarks of al Qaeda and groups linked to Osama bin Laden’s network. Al Shabaab is believed to be one of them.


Mr Maalim said Igad would continue to check terrorism in the region as it forms one of its core functions at ensuring peace and food security.


Shameful occurence


Dr Roger Moore, a representative of the European Commission, present at the meeting, termed the attack shameful occurrence and an affront to peace and security in the region.


Kenya has since heightened its border security following the attacks while the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) will also be part of the team investigating the bomb blast.


At the border with Uganda in Busia and Malaba, officers were on high alert, with claims the terrorists could escape through the border.


Busia OCPD Erastus Muthamia said police had been deployed along the border to ensure no one with ill intentions found his way into the country.


Mr Muthamia allayed fears the terror suspects who committed the attack in Uganda would use the border town as an escape route.


"Our officers, uniformed and in civilian clothes, have been positioned at all entry points along the border to arrest any suspects," he said.

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Ethiopia:Igad oo ka deysrisay xaalada Amaan ee geeska Afrika hadii aanan Soomaaliya wax laga qaban.

14. juli 2010


Addis-Ababa:(Allpuntland)-Ururu goboleedka wadamada ku bohoobey Igad ayaa ka deyrsiysay xaalada Dalka Soomaaliya ee uu imika kusuganyahay,waxaana uu ururku ku baaqay in si deg deg ah loogu gurmado Dadka Soomaaliyeed islamarkaasna la caawiyo dawlada Jilicsan ee jirta.


War qoraal ah oo laga soosaaray Xafiiska Xoghayaha guud ee Ururka Igad Eng,Maxbuub Macalin oo warbaahinta loo qaybiyey ayaa lagu sheegey in uu Ururku ku baaqayo in la taageero dawlada jrita islamarkaasna si deg deg ah ay taageeradaasu u dhacdo.


“Ururka Igad wuxuu ka xunyahaya Qaraxyadii isniinta Kambala gilgilay,waxaana taasi ay muujinaysaa sida Islaamiyiintu ay dhibaatooyinka ugu hayaan dadka Soomaaliyeed imikana ay u wareejiyeen guud ahaan bulshada geeska Afrika”Ayaa lagu yiri War Saxaafadeedkan oo qeybtiisii koowaad looga hadlayey Qaraxyadii Kambala.


Xoghayaha guud ee Igad wuxuu Qoraalkiisa ku sheegey in Igad ay ku baaqayso in si deg deg ah loo geeyo Ciidamadii Soomaaliya loogu yaboohay,waxaana uu intaas ku daray in Ururkiisu uusan marna joojin doonin Taageerada uu siiyo Xukuumada imika ka jirta Xaafado kamid ah Muqdisho.


Eng,Maxbuub wuxuu intaas ku daray In go’aankii dhawaan kasoo baxay ururkiisu uu sida ugu dhakhsiyaha badan u fuli doono,isagoo sheegey in Qarayxadii Kambala aysan waxba u dhimi doonin Go’aankaas marka laga reebo inay sii siyaadiyaan Taageerada ay siiyaan Xukuumada jirta maahee.


Cabdiqani Xayir


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Kambala:(Allpuntland)-Madaxweynaha dawlada Ugandha Yoweri Kaguta Museveni ayaa markii ugu horaysya dawladaha Geeska Afrika ugu baaqay inay si wada jir ah ula dagaalamaan Dhaqdhaaqa Shabaabul-Mujaahidiin oo uu sheegey inay tahay Khatar ku dhex jirta geeska Afrika.


Madaxweyne Museveni oo ka hadlayey baroordiiq ka jirta dalkiisa ayaa sheegey in Ururka Ashabaab ay tahay khatar imika si baaxadleh ugu sii fidaysa Geeska Afrika,waxaana uu madaxda & Saraakiisha ciidamada ee wadamada Afrika ugu baaqay inaysan ka aamusin dhibaatooyina Alshabaab.


“Alshabaab imika waxay noqdeen kuwo dhibaatooyin & rabshado aanan kala joogsi lahayn ka dhex wada wadamada geeska Afrika,marka madaxda Wadamada aanu Saaxiibka nahay ee Afrika & Caalamka waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa inay ka qeybqaataan ladagaalanka Kooxdaas oo Alqaacida hoos ku wadata”Ayuu yiri Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.


Madaxwenaha dawlada Ugandha wuxuu sheegey in Soomaaliya imika ay khatar ku sugantahay,waxaana uu wadamada Caalamka gaar ahaan kuwa Igad ugu baaqay inay ka dhabeeyaan go’aankii ay ciidamada ku keeni lahaayeen dalka Soomaaliya.


Cabdiqani Xayir


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