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Egypt prepared to help Somalia parties overcome differences: FM

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Egypt prepared to help Somalia parties overcome differences: FM




Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said on Thursday that Egypt is prepared to offer all forms of support to help the two parties in Somalia to overcome existing differences.


In a statement, Abul Gheit said dialogue was the best way for settling differences between the interim government in Somalia and the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC).


Abul Gheit welcomed recent reports that both sides agreed on Wednesday to a ceasefire and starting a new round of talks without any preconditions after European efforts to convince Somali factions to immediately return to the negotiating table on a recent visit by Louis Michel, the European Commissioner for Development and Aid, to Mogadishu.


Talks between Somalia's two parties collapsed in November when Islamists refused to negotiate until Ethiopian troops, alleged by the UIC as deployed to help the interim Somali government fight the UIC, pull out amid mutual accusations of violating the previously agreed recognition and truce pacts.


Fighting resumed in Somalia for a second day between fighters loyal to the weak transitional government and advancing Islamist militia in Baidoa in southern Somalia.


Somalia hardline Islamist leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys on Thursday said his powerful militia movement was at war with Ethiopian soldiers in Somalia.


Fighting erupted early Wednesday hours after the expiry of an Islamist ultimatum for Ethiopian forces to pull out or face major attacks.


Many fear war in Somalia could spread through the Horn of Africa, drawing in Ethiopia and its arch-foe Eritrea, which is accused of supporting the Islamists.


Somalia has been without a functioning central authority since the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre.


Source: Xinhua

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Originally posted by Garaad Caanood:

Egypt prepared to help Somalia parties overcome differences: FM


I can't, don't want, play the AllMighty, but if there is anyone that should pay Karma here on earth, its egypt.


They have always done the same with Somalia, as they do with the poor palestinians.


Hassan Tahir can go and get strategy from their Intelligence chiefs and threaten us with our survival, because we are building few hydro electric dams, but this time is different.

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