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Somalia: China oil company representatives visiting Puntland

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Shirkado heshiis la soo galey Mr.Yusuf oo gaarey Mudug

29 May 29, 2008 - 7:05:58 AM


Magaalada Galkacayo ayaa sadexdii maalmood ee la soo dhaafey waxaa ku sugnaa saraakiil ka socota shirkado shidaal oo laga leeyahay wadanka China.


Shirkadahaan oo kala ahaa China National Offshore Oil Corporation CNOOC iyo China International Oil and Gas [ CIOG] ayaa May 2006 waxaa wadanka China heshiis kula galeen Madaxweynaha DF ah Cabdulahi Yusuf oo xilagas booqasho ku joogey Bejin.


Wararka warsidaha GO soo gaaraya ayaa sheegaya in xubnahaan oo ay wehehliyan dad Somali ah ay booqasho maalin qaadatey ku tageen degaanka la yiraahdo GODAD oo magaalada Galkacayo 40km ka xigta dhinaca barriga [Jiriiban & Garacad].


Hehsiiska oo Madaxweyne Cabdulahi Yusuf shirkadahaan kula galey wadanka China May 2006 ayaa sida Garowe Online fahansan yahay waxaa lagu sixiixey dhismaha safaarada Somalia ay ku leedahay magaalada Bejin.



Saraakiishaan ka socota shirkadahaan China ayaa tagistoda magaalada Galkacayo ku soo beegmaysaa maalmo kadib markii shirkad la sheegey in ay shidaal ka baarayso Bariga Puntland ay qalab kala soo dagtey magaalada Bosaso kuwaas oo qandraas la soo galey Madaxweynaha DGPL Cadde Muse iyada oo uu wakiil ugu yahay ninka lagu magacaabo Libaan Muse Boqor oo ay qoys yihiin.


Imaanshaha shirakadahaan ayaa waxaa ay daboolka ka qadeysaa heshiis qarsoodi ah oo ay labadaan mas'uul ku qaybsadeen dhulka Puntland hoos yimaada kaas oo dadka Puntland in muddo ah isweydiinayeen sababta Madaxweynaha Somalia uu afka uga xirtey dhibatoyinka isugu jira amni-xumada, sicir bararka iyo musuq-maasuqa wax ka qabashadooda kuwaas oo ragaadiyey shacabka gobolka.


Dhinaca kale heshiisyada ay garwadenka u yihiin qoysaska Cabdulahi Yusuf iyo Cadde Muse ayaa gabi ahaanba la hareer marshay Barlamanka Somalia isla markaana ka hordhacey iyada oo wadanka aan laga hirgalin sharci nidaamiya khayraadka dalka..


Ra'isal wasare Nur Cadde ayaan gabi ahaan intii uu xilka qabtey wax hadal ah ka soo saarin arrimaha la xiriira heshiisyadaan iyo moqifka xukumadiisa ka taagan tahay.


Madaxweynaha Somalia Cabdulahi Yusuf ayaa April 25 waxaa qoraal uu ku taageerayo qandaraasyada Cadde Muse ka soo saarey magaalada London.


Xuquuda daabacaada: ©2008

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Bosaso(HR Media):-Wakiilo ka socda shirkada shidaalka ee dowladda Shiinaha ayaa booqasho ku maraya qeybo ka mid ah gobolka Mudug ee maamul goboleedka Puntland, sida ay Horseed Media ka heshay ilo xog ogaal ah.


Shirkadaasoo lagu magacaabo CNOOC oo baarta saliida iyo gaaska ayaa la sheegay inay booqashodeeda Puntland ay ku wehliyaan saraakiil ka kala tirsan maamulka Puntland iyo dowladda federaalka.


Imaatinka shirkadda CNOOC ee Puntland waxaa ka dambeeyay ka dib markii dowladda kmg ah ay ee Soomaaliya ay heshiis la gashay shirkadaasi si ay shidaal uga baarto gobolka Mudug.


Dhinaca dowladda kmg ah ah heshiiskaasi waxaa u saxiixay madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed.


Arrinta ku saabsan heshiiska shidaal baarista ee Puntland waxa uu sababay khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay madaxweynaha dowladda kmg ah ee Soomaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo ra’iisal wasaarihiisii hore Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi.


Weli dowladda kmg ah iyo maamulka Puntland midkoodna kama si rasmi ah ugama uusan hadlin wakiilada shirkadda CNOOC ee booqashada ku timid Puntland gaar ahaan gobolka Mudug.


Imaatinka wakiilada shirkadda CNOOC ee Puntland waxa uu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo shirkada shidaalka ee African Oil ka bilowday deegaanka Dooxda Dharoor baarista shidaalka la tuhmayo inuu halkaasi ku jiro.


Horseed Media

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Waxaa maanta lagu weeraray Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkacayo Hoobiyaal kuwaas oo khasaarooyin kala gedisan ugaystay dhismaha garoonka siiba qaybta soo dhawaynta shacabka oo ay ku dhaceen tiro Hoobiyaal ah oo ay soo ridayeen kooxihii soo weeraray Garoonka.


Kooxahadn maanta soo weeraray ayaan la ogayn sababata keentay inay weerar kusoo qaadaan Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalakcayo iyo waliba halka ay kasoo jeedaan inaksta oo wararka la isla dhex marayo waqooyiga magalaada Gaalkacayo ay sheegayaan in kooxihii soo weeraray Garoonkaasi ay yihiin koonfurta magaalada.


Waqtigii uu dhacay weerarkii lagu soo qaaday Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkacayo ayaa waxaan jirin wax diyaarad ah oo fadhiday waqtigaasi iyadoo weerarkaasi uu ahaa mid si wayn looga dareemay gudaha magaalada Gaalakacayo saamayn wayna ku yeeshay.


Lama oga ujeedada dhabta ah ee ay lee yihiin kooxahn soo weeraray Garoonka xilli aysan wax diyaarad ah fadhiyin Garoonka inkastoo ay ugaysteen khasaarooyin soo gaadhay dhismaha Garoonka taas oo hakin karta shaqada Garoonka inta laga sugayo amniga garoonka.


Hadaba dhinaca maamul magaalada Gaalakacayo ee maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaan wali ka hadlin weerarkan lagu soo qaaday Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee magaalada isagoo ah isha ugu wayn ee magaalada Gaalakacyo ee ay ka helaan dhaqaale aad ufara badan maamulka Puntland.

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^^^Galkacyu airport is ok, and this attack was a minor incident of trouble makers trying to stir things up.


As for the thread CNOOC is no small company this firm made Sudan an oil exporter. And is one of China's biggest oil & gas firms.


The trip went well dear lads.

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Profile of company





China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC, SEHK: 0883, NYSE: CEO, Chinese: 中国海洋石油总公司) is the third-largest National Oil Company (NOC) in the People's Republic of China next to CNPC, Sinopec. It focus on the exploitation, exploration and development of crude oil and natural gas offshore of China. Its listed arm CNOOC Ltd shares are traded in Hong Kong and New York. China Oilfield Services (COSL) is a fellow subsidiary of CNOOC Limited listed in Hong Kong.


CNOOC is a state-owned oil company, 70% of whose shares are owned by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council performs the rights and obligations of shareholder on behalf of the government.

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^^lol. Why cant we foster simultaneous good relations with all of them? US, China and France are interested and who can blame them with oil prices at an all time high. Also we only gave them the North Mudug area to look at, the rest is open to the western firms.

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I dont know why northwest Somalia is obsessed with what's going on with us. They flood the threads with their B.S positive news and then look for any article they can find against the rest of Somalia. There president just threw their democracy out the window and they barely even spoke about it. Such a huge inferiority complex, do you see us looking for every article and posting it?

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Good development, thanks Duke for the update..


Its great to see Puntland is focusing and dealing with all the important issues be it political, economic, security and the compaigns of the upcoming elections... great indeed

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Originally posted by somalipride:

I dont know why northwest Somalia is obsessed with what's going on with us.

Puntland is blessed with natural resources, that is why.

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Here is a comment from another confused foreigner.


While everyone was concerned about rescuing him, his "government," and, more importantly, his long-suffering countrymen, from the rising Islamist tide last year, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was busy negotiating a contract with the PRC's state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) – the same firm that one year earlier had been forced to back off a takeover of Unocal under pressure from a broad bipartisan group in the U.S. Congress – as well as the smaller China International Oil and Gas (CIOG) Group. In November 2006, while the TFG was besieged in its last redoubt at Baidoa and Ethiopia was preparing to intervene to rescue those members of the regime who had not fled or defected to the Islamists, the Somali "president" traveled to CNOOC headquarters in China to ratify the deal with the oil group's chairman and chief executive officer, Fu Chengyu. And apparently in June of this year, while special envoys from the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Italy were shuttling around Somali territory trying to drum up support for ultimately-abortive national conference, TFG "energy minister" Abdullahi Yusuf Mohamad was meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, with Chen Zhuobiao, head of CNOOC operations in Africa, and Judah Jay, managing director of CIOG, to put the final touches on the technical details of the deal.


Up for grabs is what is believed to be a field located in the Mudug region of the semi-autonomous northwestern region of Puntland, traditional fief of Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed's ***** clan. In the 1980s, a number of Western firms – including Conoco-Phillips (then two separate enterprises), Chevron, British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, and Italy's Eni S.p.a. – held exploration concessions in Somalia and, according to some estimates, invested more than $150 million in onshore geological studies before they were forced to shut down operations with the collapse of the state. Now Range Resources Ltd., a mysterious oil group that has been suspended from listing on the Australian Stock Exchange five times in the last two years (its share price closed last Friday just shy of 70 U.S. cents), has concluded from data collected by earlier firms as well as field studies that it has managed to conduct in recent years thanks to its close ties with Puntland's rulers that the potential yield may be as high as
10 billion barrels – making the Mudug field alone worth more than $700 billion at Friday's $70.28 a barrel London Brent crude spot price.
pure speculation....


The deal gives the Chinese firms 49 percent of the profits with the rest supposed to go to the TFG. In addition, according to a subsequent Financial Times report, the TFG will receive a bonus of $50 million for any wells which yield more than 200,000 barrels a day for seventy-five consecutive days. While the venture is clearly risky for the Chinese firms – recall that Somalia has been without an effective government for more than sixteen years – the real question is, in the event they should meet with success, whether Somalis in general will actually see any benefit from the natural resources under their feet. It seems that Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Abdullahi Yusuf Mohamad, apparently with the collusion of their clansmen in Puntland, entered into the bargain without consulting TFG


Last year I argued in this column that the Beijing was engaged in a long-term pursuit aimed at securing Chinese access to Africa's energy resources wherever they can find an opening, an observation confirmed by President Hu Jintao's twelve-day, eight-nation tour of Africa this past February, the third since he took office in 2003, which I likewise commented on in this space. However, as I noted earlier this summer, "while the focus has largely been on what China has extracted from Africa, what Beijing brings to the regimes of the continent" needs to also be examined, particularly when it "appears that the PRC has progressively found that arms transfers can serve a wide array of Chinese foreign and even domestic policy purposes, including improving relations with particular countries" even as it "undermines what little leverage Western governments and international organizations have with recalcitrant regimes."


All these concerns come together in the formerly secret deal that the TFG "president" struck with the Chinese firms. In Somalia, public unrest increases daily as a direct result of the heavy-handed actions of the TFG: last Friday, the popular Shabelle radio station in Mogadishu reported that it was shut down for several hours when the local police commander in


The TFG head's bet, of course, is that the deal will bring him resources that will enable him to safely ignore his critics or, if necessary, to suppress them. Certainly the record of Beijing's other friends in Africa would lend credence to his calculus. As for ordinary Somalis, if TFG's Chinese firms maintain the same modus operandi in Puntland as they have elsewhere across the continent (i.e., bringing in foreign workers and adding little to the local economy), they will receive little more for their inconvenience than the environmental degradation of their grazing lands and perhaps a little abuse by their own security forces working with the resource exploiters (see my report last year China's hydrocarbon extraction in South Sudan).


And the greatest irony of it all is that if CNOOC, CIOG, and their partners strike it rich in Africa's newest oilfield, it will be because U.S. diplomacy, money, intelligence, and arms provided the security and propped up the TFG political cover without which the Chinese consortium could not have gone prospecting in Somalia on behalf of the one country that, according to both the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review and the 2007 Annual Report to Congress on the Military Power of the People's Republic of China, "has the greatest potential to compete militarily with the United States and field disruptive military technologies that could over time offset traditional U.S. military advantages." Were it not for the grand strategic stakes involved, this whole tale would actually be quite a comical (and just) comeuppance for the architects of the ill-considered policy of throwing America behind the corrupt and illegitimate TFG.


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