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Maxkamadaha islaamka oo iska fogeeyay dilalka ka dhaca Muqdisho

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Maxkamadaha islaamka oo iska fogeeyay dilalka ka dhaca Muqdisho


Mogadishu 24, August 07 ( Sh.M.Network) Guddoomiyaha guddiga fulinta maxkamadaha islaamka ayaa beeniyay in Maxkamadaha ay ka dambeeyaan dilalka qorsheysan ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho.


Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo u waramayay shabakadda warbaahinta Shabelle, isagoo ku sugan magaalada Asmara ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dilalka qorsheysan ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho ay yihiin kuwo ay ka dambeyso dowladda Ethiopia, taas oo ay u soo tababaratay dad gaar ah oo laga keenay gudaha Ethiopia.


" Maxkamadaha islaamka ma ahan kuwo laaya dadka rayidka ah, waxaadna ku ogaan kartaan in markii aan ka talin jirney Muqdisho aanu sidaasi dhici jirin" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif oo si weyn u cambaareeyay dilalka ka dhaca caasimadda.


Sheekha ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dhibaatada iyo tacdiyada ka jira Muqdisho ay ka dambeeyaan ciidamada dowladda Ethiopia iyo rag kale oo jawaasiis u ah sida uu hadalka u dhigay Sheekh Shariif.


Hadalka Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxa uu yimid xilli magaalada Muqdisho ay ka jireen dilal qorsheysan oo loo geysanayo dadka wax galka ah, dilalkaasi oo dowladda KMG ah ay horey ugu eedeysay in ay ka dambeeyaan waxa ay ku tilmaameen haraadigii maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia.


Dhinaca kale Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxa uu wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay in dadkii rayidka ahaa ee laga barakiciyay magaalada Muqdisho lagu tilmaamo argagixiso, isagoo sheegay in arinkaasi uu tahay mid qaldan.


Hadalka Sheekha ayaa waxa uu daba joogaa hadalo Max'ed Dheere uu ka jeediyay shir Jaraa'id uu ku qabtey xarunta Comando Bulusiya 20 kii bishaan oo uu ku tilmaamay dadka ku barakacay duleedka Muqdisho in ay yihiin argagixiso.

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^ Logical progression of the above statement.


"Mohamed Dheere,'mayor' of Mogadisho, is a clan elder/leader respected and loved by his clan. Killing him,and even criticising him, would be dulmi and gheeba(xan/backbiting) which is not allowed by Islam. He also happens to be a Muslim oo shanta salaad tokatho(wow, amazing criteria) and as such, it is wrong to cause any harm to a fellow Muslim. Islam does not allow that. It is not nice, too. In short, clan elders(and TFG officals), regardless of what sorta ahem extra-curricla activities(high treason, genocide, massacres, conspiring with the enemy) should not be targeted at all. It is dulmi and Islam does not allow dulmi."


Baash Muhandis, naga qaleey, sxb. The Islamic Courts is talking about the killing of innocent civillians(which is being done at the hands of burcad, shufto, and TFG soldiers). The Islamic Courts is not saying that traitorous clan leaders who sleep with the enemy should be spared.



Maxkamadaha islaamka ma ahan
kuwo laaya dadka rayidka ah
, waxaadna ku ogaan kartaan in markii aan ka talin jirney Muqdisho aanu sidaasi dhici jirin" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif oo si weyn u cambaareeyay dilalka ka dhaca caasimadda.

Traitorous clan leaders(Qeybdiid, M.Dheere,A/Y) do not fall under the category of rayyid-ka(civillians). People who stand with, support, conspire with, and prolong the Ethiopian occupation also do not fall under the rayyid-ka category. There's a name for them: conspiring traitors. And in Somalia, as with the rest of the world, conspiring traitors get got.

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^ :D I like ya buddy. I really do.


TFG, those who are conspiring with the enemy, clan worshippers, and what have you, have no principles. They don't have to abide the rules of engagement. Those who fight in the name of Islam do. You can't be an assassin and profess Islam as ur guiding light at the same time awoowe. The two don't mix.


Not only that it is always a good move to show, nay prove, that you have the high moral ground. Killing the armed militia is justifiable. Targeting non armed clan elders is not. The only thing that kinda game will accomplish is pushing more clannist (the ones that their chief have been downed) under the enemy column. Bad tactic. Doesn't work.

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^Usheeg Baashi.


Why don't we expand the discussion a bit:


1- What do the Islamic Courts really want(politically speaking) apart from Ethiopia out?


2- What is the political platform in terms of governance - appointment or election, federal or centralized, etc?


3- Do they see a role for themselves in the current political system (4.5 TFG) or do they want a whole new process to take place? If the latter - what would the new process be?


4- Does the Asmara Group really have any control over those fighting in the Islamic Courts name? ie. in a negotiation - each side must bring something to the table?


5- Is the Asmara Group open to a comprise with the current crop in Mogadishu - if not, why not? What are the preconditions to talking?


I hear very little on these vital issues from the proponents of the Islamic Courts. There needs to be clarity if any genuine discussion to move Somalia forward.

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My man ThePoint may I try to shed light on your concerns? Yeah! Super.


A1. They want to have a right to preach, to form political association, to pitch for leadership in post-conflict Somalia without having to listen to the didatic lectures given by bulldogs of the region and their sponsors in the land of the brave.


A2. The platform is familiar Sharia-based governance but not spelled out in terms of how that gets executed and how one gets the hurdles on the way -- ignorance, clan allegience, foreign threat, powerful and competing warlords, etc., outta way.


A3. No.


A4. Asmara group consists of alliance of Islamists, nationalists, and clanists expelled from the TFG's decion-making elite.


A5. Some are. Some are not. The ones that are open to new compromise is led by Inna Aideed Jr. UIC leadership are opposed to that idea. Their beef is the venue and the fact that those who are commissioned to hunt them down are charged in managing the security details.


Awoowe Somalia's shido is a migrane headache.


The trouble with the Asmara's position, however justified, is that TFG is a winner by default. I have proposed a contraversial tactic that would have put the TFG and its backers on the hot spot.


Maxayse kuuga taal awoowe haw bay igu soo yiraahdeen. Gacan ku gabad baan ahay. Halakan sheeko iyo shaah baan u imid iyo inaan ragga akhyaarta ah iskala sheekaysto haatanse kax baan joogaa oo inaan iska aamuso yay u badan tahay.

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^Interesting answers Baashi. But if they see no role for themselves in the present political formula as in Q3/A3 - how can there be any comprise? And if it is an adhoc alliance as in A4 - why bother to comprise if the deliverables are not necessarily in the hands of those doing the comprising?


Adeer hawga iska da - you are a ressonable and sensible man on Somali politics - what is the controversial tactic?

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Is there any doubt of who is killing the people.


Anytime a Tigray murtadid is killed, they take their frustrations on the public. They are doing the same thing in Somali galbeed. Ever since those 70 murtadiin were killed by the ONLF, the Ethios have been ruthlessly murdering innocent nomads.


They are know for these kinda of acts. NO doubt it's the Ethiopians that are behind all the conspiracy and the secretive killings of journalists.

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Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo u waramayay shabakadda warbaahinta Shabelle, isagoo ku sugan magaalada Asmara ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dilalka qorsheysan ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho ay yihiin kuwo ay ka dambeyso dowladda Ethiopia,
taas oo ay u soo tababaratay dad gaar ah oo laga keenay gudaha Ethiopia

Along with pointing out the indiscriminate targeting of civilians, Sheikh Sharif also touched on yet another crucial point - you'll need to listen to the full interview with Shabelle to get the gist of it.


The Sheikh revealed that the tactics being used by the occupation mirrors those used by the Derg military junta under Mengistu's reign ( see wiki entry). A special contingent famous for their inheritance of tactics from the Derg has recently been setup in Mogadishu.


The Derg rose to power through systematic, calculated elimination of their political opponents. In a very short period (June - Sep, 1974) they were able to displace the imperial government, imprison high ranking military officers and take control. The Derg's trademark tactics included assassinations, executions, tortures etc of any member of society they deemed a threat to their rule. Following their rise to power, the Derg attempted to counteract negative stereotypes by changing their name many times.


One might ask - why is Sheikh Sharif linking the Derg of the 1970's and 80's Ethiopia to the current occupation? Well, contrary to popular believe - the Derg did not melt away after the toppling of Mengistu's regime. In fact, Zenawi's EPRDF were able to overcome Megistu only with the help of Derg officials from Mengistu's inner circle. As such, the Derg and their brutal tactics have been inherited by Zenawi's EPRDF.


According to Sheikh Sharif, the tactics of the Derg are now being employed in Mogadishu. Torture, imprisonment and the more recent executions and assassinations of leading figures from Mogadishu (businessmen, clan elders, religious and indigenous civic society leaders, journalists, and human rights activists) all bear resemblance to the tactics of the Derg. The aim of this campaign is to root out all dissenting voices. By eliminating important members of society and by not allowing room for political opposition, the occupiers aim to reduce the conflict to a military one. They have (mistakenly) reasoned that a military conflict favours them best.


Sheikh Sharif further contends that members of the Derg (with specialty training) have, in recent times, been pouring into Mogadishu in ever increasing numbers. The recent hike in targeted assassinations is, therefore, directly attributable to this wing of the Ethiopian military. Targeted assassinations of important figures; not unlike that used by the Derg of the 1970's and 80's, has become the new weapon of choice for the occupiers.


Critics will no doubt dismiss Sheikh Sharif's claims but on what basis? Isn't Sh. Sharif in a better position (with access to intelligence both from the resistance and perhaps from high ranking Eriterian military and government officials) to know the strategies being used by the occupiers?


I doubt not the truthfulness of these claims. This revelation speaks volumes about the growing boldness of the occupiers.


[ August 25, 2007, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: BiLaaL ]

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