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SANAAG: Secessionist lose more militias to Puntland Somalia

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Oh you are still lurking about Socod badne!! Why don't you post anymore? I miss your crazy posts!


And my Somali is getting better redface.gif it is understandable not unbearable!


Duke understood the question perfectly well!

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What does this sort of behaviour say about the enhabitants of these regions, lack of principles dare i say....

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Originally posted by Qudhac:

What does this sort of behaviour say about the enhabitants of these regions, lack of principles dare i say....

Qudhac, to generalize an entire region and it's inhabitants to be lacking principle is a big gaffe methinks. You should take that back. Yes these guys(militias)mostly unskilled poorly trained young men, would go where ever there is money and they don't represent the entire region and it's inhabitants as you put it.

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Pland can't feed its own militia.


Ciidmo gadoodey oo Bosaso gaarey


Jul 23, 2008 - 8:41:21 AM


Ciidmo gadoodey ayaa saaka Bosaaso soo gaadhay kuwaasi oo rasaas fara badan riday iyaga oo argagax xoogan ku abuurey shacabka Bosaaso, Ciidamdaan ayaa la sheegay inay ka soo boqoleen dhanka magaalada Laasqoray ee Gobolka Sanaag kuwaasi oo la sheegay inay waayeen wax Mushaharo iyo Raashin ah, taasina ay ku kaliftey inay soo baneeyeen Saldhigyadii ay ku sugnaayeen.


Ciidamadaan ayaa watay Gaadiid dagaal kuwaasi oo qadar xirey wadooyinka magalada Bosaaso, waxaana horkacayey Laba Sarkaal.


Askari ka mid ah Ciidamadaasi gadooday oo codsaday inaan magaciisa la shaacin ayaa GO u sheegay inay mudo la'aayeen mushaharadkodii ay xaq u lahayeen kadibna ay ka soo guureen fadhiisimihii horay loo geeyay.


Sarakiisha ciidamada Booliska oo aanu la xidhiidhnay bal inay arinkaasi ka warbixiyan ayaa ka gaabsaday inay faah faahin ka bixiyaan ciidamadaasi soo gadooday, iyada oo maanta magaalada Bosaaso laga dareemayay dhaq dhaqaaq ciidan oo xoogan.


Ciidamadaan ayaa bishan horaanteedii la geeyay degmada Laasqoray ee Gobolka Sanag kadib markii ay soo baxeen warar sheegaya in ciidamada Somaliland ay gudaha u soo galeen magaalada, taasi ayaa keentay in Puntland ay ciidamo ku daadgurayso jiidaha Sanaag.


Xukumada Cadde Muse ayaa waxaa dhibato xoogan ka haysata bixinta mushaharadka shaqaalaha, ciidamada Darawiishta iyo Booliska taas oo sababtey amni daro ku baahda cariga Puntland.


Garowe Online,Bosaaso


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