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Che -Guevara

Al-Shabaab Spokesman on Galgala Skirmishes

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Xudeedi, Nasir, Koora-tuunshe - sxbyaal let's take it easy. Things come and go but the aftertaste usually determines how sour it was. Hadaad la kala roonaanin roob ma da'o.


Xudeedi, inadeer banooniga deji kistoo. smile.gif


Originally posted by Samafal:

We used to hear "Dadka dagaalamaya waa dadka degaanka in Mogadishu, when Alshabaab weren't so powerful in Mogadishu".


Too bad reer Puntland will not buy this ****shit, too bad some are falling for this becouse of their clan.


Alshabaab or no Alshabaab the guy even admitted in that SPR conterversial interview Alshabaab and his group have same goal of establishing Islamic adminstration with the Alshabab way of interpreting Islam.


Kuwan reer sanaag sheeganaya, waxa ka maqan ee ninkan uu usoo dhicinayo maxay yihiin?

Samafal, waa sidee adeer? Beryahan waad yara kacsan tahaye? Adeer hubsiino hal baa la siistaaye la soco. Waxba yeyan caadifad na qaadin. Bal aan is dejinno, waayo runtii we could be unknowingly supporting or opposing sides we know not what their agenda is.


I am asking myself: regardless of my initial objection towards Faroole's method of approaching this matter - what if Atam and his so-called wilaaya are indeed al-Shabaab?


Or despite my policy disagreements with Faroole - what if he is indeed doing the right thing for all members of PL? On the contrary, what if I support him from now on in that I think the law and order of PL is of existential importance beyond clan cleavages, but then again end up a group of villagers undeservedly oppressed?


PS: I don't like both Wadaads and regional leaders blowing internal misunderstandings to global proportions. And for that reason I condemn any party that seeks the attention of global powers and global jihadis. No sir, I can't accept that.



As for the topic,


Whether these folks in Galgala are indeed Al-Shabaab or not, one thing is clear: they made a cardinal sin in PL's political perspective and all over Somalia's as well - they they made the mistake of mentioning Islam as their prefered system of self-governance. And that is their mistake; the term Islam is a psychological taboo in all the world.

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^^^ Lol false ambiguity won't wash. This mini war is between the state represented by Faroole and Al Shabaab led by their rep in Galgala. Nothing has changed, and like in the south Al Shabaab hide behind clans to crate division and discord.


It's time to move on and stop making excuses for little warlords wearing headscarfs.


PS: Islam has nothing to do with this. This just a terrorist group using "Islam" as a slogan and defending the "clans indeginous" interest at the same time which does not mak sense, since Islam does not like nationalisam let alone clan interest.

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Che, Paragon, Nassir and co, xamaasadda iska yareeya. Don't fall for the lies of terrorists. Don't make the same mistake the South did in 2006. Don't give away your peace and prosperity for violence because of political grievances. Shun these qabqableyaal. Waa iga talo.

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Haatu, good counsel sxb. Waa talo wanaagsan oo raacid istaahisha. Raaceyna anigu. Thank you.


Nabadu waa sheey qaali ah.

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Originally posted by TheParagon:

Xudeedi, Nasir, Koora-tuunshe - sxbyaal let's take it easy. Things come and go but the aftertaste usually determines how sour it was. Hadaad la kala roonaanin roob ma da'o.


Xudeedi, inadeer banooniga deji kistoo.



Originally posted by Samafal:

We used to hear "Dadka dagaalamaya waa dadka degaanka in Mogadishu, when Alshabaab weren't so powerful in Mogadishu".


Too bad reer Puntland will not buy this ****shit, too bad some are falling for this becouse of their clan.


Alshabaab or no Alshabaab the guy even admitted in that SPR conterversial interview Alshabaab and his group have same goal of establishing Islamic adminstration with the Alshabab way of interpreting Islam.


Kuwan reer sanaag sheeganaya, waxa ka maqan ee ninkan uu usoo dhicinayo maxay yihiin?

Samafal, waa sidee adeer? Beryahan waad yara kacsan tahaye? Adeer hubsiino hal baa la siistaaye la soco. Waxba yeyan caadifad na qaadin. Bal aan is dejinno, waayo runtii we could be unknowingly supporting or opposing sides we know not what their agenda is.
Sxb nin caadifadeed iguma taqaanid. laakiin waxaa layiri mu'min god labo goor lagama wada qaniino. Alshabaab caasumadeenii bay huf iyo haatuf ka dhigeen dadkii bay is ka laynayaa bilaa macno, wax aan diintu islaamku aysan qabin oo is qarxin, dad masaajida lagu dilo oon waligeed Soomaliya laga aqoon bay keeneen.


Saas ooy tahayna wali ma joogsanayaan dhul kale oo nabdoon bay rabaaan inay baro kiciyaan islaamaha iyo caruurta iyo inta maatada ah. Hadaa aduunkii nala yaabanyahay hadii 3 Milyan oo kale labarokiciyo xagay baynu aadi. Marka Waxaan dareemayaa khatarta nimankaan soo wadaan iyo waxa ay rabaan, idnku waxaan ka hadlaysaan reerkayagaa loo socda! war heedhe reerku maxay haystaan oo gooniya oo dadka intaa le'eg oo walaalahooda ah oo waligood aysan waxba ka bi'in ah isugu raacayaan inay weeraraan oo qabsadaan. Marka su'aashaydu waa iga dhab waxaan rabay inaan ogaado waxa reerku ay tuhmyaan in ninkaan loogu socdo. Waxaan filayaa reer qardhood baa reer Dahar xinif ka dhaxaysaa! laakiin bal adigu ii sheeg labo reer oo reer buntland ah oo aysan xinif ka dhaxayn, laakiin taas cadaawad la iskugu soo duulo oo laysku gardaroo ma gaarto, mana filayo in caqligaa cidna isku raacayso.


Ta kale Islaamka cidna ma diidana, Soomali oo dhan hadii layiraahdo Islaamka isku dhaqa way soo wada ordin iyadoo aan cidna la layn, dhibaatana dhicin ee Somlai culumo waa wayn bee leedahaye iyaga ha loo dhiibto talada, wiilashaan yar yar oo indhaha soo duuduubtay cid islaanimo ugama ma fadhido Soomaali wax ku filan waa ka aragtay.

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The Paragon, salaams saaxiib.


War nabadeeyda ha haynine atam taageer ninyahow.

Aniguna ilaa shalay baan damaashaadayey oon lahaa kol hadii ninmakii Hunguri ka dhashay xabad bilaabeen, hadda unbay aduunka dhinac ka raacayaan, ilka-jiirna Puntland President inuu noqdo ugu dhowdahay. :D

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Oodweyne, maxaad isu yeelyeeleysaa , you know Abtigiis iyo qoladu uu taageero iney hadda xabada sida loo rido barteen. Waa nimankii yiri hogaankooda dagaal yiri, Hari waayaye haqluhu, ma wadkeyguu wadaa.

Haqluhu waa gaari jiib ah. Bless Siyad Barre for his much help to that community/Land of Abtigiis by association. . :D



Paragon and Haatu, you can go back and reread my posts. I'have never supported the local warlord and his movement, but what I have only dissected were the policies of Farole's admin and the pathologies of PIS that spawned this movement. I was speaking for a specific community that reside in that area and to avoid trading silly accusations that can have global security implications. The Maakhiris are too expansive in territory and too powerful in unity to be involved in that Galgala conflict.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

The Paragon, salaams saaxiib.


War nabadeeyda ha haynine atam taageer ninyahow.

Aniguna ilaa shalay baan damaashaadayey oon lahaa kol hadii ninmakii Hunguri ka dhashay xabad bilaabeen, hadda unbay aduunka dhinac ka raacayaan, ilka-jiirna Puntland President inuu noqdo ugu dhowdahay.

run u dhawaan lahaydaa haddii SOL nicks ay reerka dareenkiisa ka tarjumi lahaayeen :D

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^xiin and Paragon, VOA has interviewed Mr. Atam. It invalidates the whole Paltalk speech. Listen to it.

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no matter what you will defend him tooth and nail. The Pal talk interview was devastanting for their cause. They lost so much support, that is why they are trying to back track. It's called damage control. He admitted it, and justified President Faroole's actions. The TFG parliamentarians that were against Puntlands actions, had to eat their words after Atam admitted it.


Now he and his Al Shabaab colleagues are trying to distance themselves because their plans in our regions have been exposed!


You said that if their is proof he is associated with Al Shabaab, you would support the Puntland gov't, well he admitted it with his own words!

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Originally posted by Nassir:

^xiin and Paragon, VOA has interviewed Mr. Atam. It invalidates the whole Paltalk speech. Listen to it.

give us the link Nasir plz.

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Haatu.....Nigga don't put in the midst of this firestorm. I'm neutral observant though I did get message from Asia minor via Shangoole :D:D


Nassir..I understand your frustrations and grievances of your community but Atom's ambitions go way beyond just redressing the wrongs done to one community.And I agree with most reer Sanaag here that PIS that went awry and answers to nobody.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Haatu.....Nigga don't put in the midst of this firestorm. I'm neutral observant though I did get message from Asia minor via Shangoole

Stop BSing nigga. You were pimping tolka left, centre and right :D


Adeer Shangoole weli Guriceel ma soo dhaafey icon_razz.gif

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Nasir, I listened the interview and I must say it's very politically calculated one , Atom's talking points seem to synchroize with Xuddeed's arguments on these pages that his war has nothing to do with alshabaab, and that it is all about defending local interests. he points out to PIS and the perceived injustices they represent ...his melitia are only from teh local area...the elders know us ...former president Cadde dealt with us in ways that managed the conflict to a political disagreement...Faroole lacks direction and is not reliable as he is controled by foreign entities...


that is what his VOA interview says.


But the reporter should've asked him why the marked difference between his two interviews ? Because in the paltalk interview he clearly spells out why he is fighting and to what end and who is with him on this fight against Puntland.

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