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Shocking News. Warlord Yusuf Somalia for sell, 80% off.

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This wesite Midnimo is progovernment website but could not hide what could well be another heartbreaking history making breakup of Somalia designed by Western power for the benefit of Ethiopia and supported by the Warlord, Ethiopias best friend, Yusuf.

Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaa Dowladda Itoobiya iyo Midowga Afrika ku wargeliyay inuusan waxba ka qabin in Somaliland loo aqoonsado Dowlad ka madax bannaan Soomaaliya.

Dowladda Itoobiya oo Dadaal ugu jirto sidii ay u

isticmaali laheyd dekedaa Berbera


Ilo Muhiim ah oo lagu Kalsoon yahay ayaa waxay sheegayan in Dowladda Itoobiya ogolaasho buuxda uga heshay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi qorsho ka dhan ah ku saabsan Dekeda Berbera.


Itoobiya waxay dadaal ugu jirtaa sidii Somaliland loo aqoonsan lahaa,iyadoo ujeedada ugu weyn ay tahay Dekedda Berbero oo Itoobiya Maamuli doonto sida ay sheegayan warar lagu kalsoon yahay.


Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaa Dowladda Itoobiya iyo Midowga Afrika ku wargeliyay inuusan waxba ka qabin in Somaliland loo aqoonsado Dowlad ka madax bannaan Soomaaliya.


Xildhibaan Cabdalle Xaaji Cali oo ka mid ah Baarlamanka Federaalka Soomaaliya kuna sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in go'itaanka Jamhuuiryadda Somaliland ay ka go'do Soomaaliya inteeda kale ay ku xiran tahay in Soomaaliya ay isku tagto kana hadasho arintaasi iyo afti laga qaado dadweynaha ku dhaqan gobolada W/galbeed Soomaaliya balse uu yiri in aysan ku go'i karin hadal si shaqsi ah loo sheegay oo ula jeedada Ra'iisal wasaare Geeddi uu ka leeyahay ay tahay in uu ku dhaqaaqo soo dhaweyn iyo dano gaar ah uu ka leeyahay shacbiga ku dhaqan gobolada Somaliland.


Waxaa kale oo uu sheegay in Qaraarkii ka soo baxay Qaramada Midoobay sanadii 1991 kii ay ku qeexnayd in midnimada iyo xuduudaha dhuleed ee Soomaaliya ay tahay arin lama taabtaan ah, isagoo sidoo kale tilmaamay in Ra'iisal wasaare Geeddi hadii uu doonayo in Gobolada W/galbeed ay ka go'aan Soomaaliya inteeda kale uusan isaga dhawaaqi laheyn, balse uu caalamka ka dhaadhicin lahaa in Somaliland ay mudan tahay in la aqoonsado.


Qaar ka mid ah Shaqaalaha iyo saraakiisha Xafiiska Midowga Afrika ayaa laga soo xigtay in qoraal ka soo baxay Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya lagu sheegay inuusan waxba ka qabin in Somaliland loo aqoonsado Dowlad gooni ah,iyadoo qoraalkaas Xafiiska Midowga Afrika ee Adis ababa uu keenay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Danjire C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil.


Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa ka ballan qaaday Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal wasaare Geeddi in dalka Soomaaliya gacanta looga dhigi doono, gaar ahaan waxaa lagu yiri dalka intiisa kale iyagu Maamuli doonaan.

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Cabdullahi Yusuf is rumored to have killed his own brother-in-law because he stood in his way to power. This "president" we have is a power-hungry individual who'll do anything, including sell Somalia, to get to the status of Aadan Cadde, C/rashid Cali Sharmaake and Maxamed Siyaad Barre (Allaha u naxaristoo kuwii dhintay) as the undisputed president of Somalia.


As far as Ethiopia being pro-secession: I think that possibility is too far off the chart. Let's remember that Ethiopia is a nation-state with a vast amount of mini-states based on different ethnic and linguistic units (i.e. current civil strife between Tigres and Amharas). If Ethiopia recognizes Somaliland, the chance of internal self-determination warfare will skyrocket and rebel groups such as the OLF and the ONLF will be empowered to further pursue their secessionist goals within Ethiopia. For Somaliland, rumors of Ethiopia recognizing them is a way to calm the public's anxiety.


I believe that Addis Ababa's interest lies in having a divided Somalia (a short-term gain). As long as there is Somaliland, Puntland, Hebel-land, Ethiopia is sitting on pure gold. Berbera port will serve its military-economic interests; Puntland will serve it by being quiet about the atrocities being committed by Meles Zenawi's military in Kilinka Shanaad (i.e. recent massacre in Qabri-Dahare). And Muqdisho will be alienated as being a haven for "terrorists" - and so Bush gives Zenawi more military hardware to fight the "terrorists" but those weapons will be turned against the Somalis, the Oromos, the Amharas and other groups within Ethiopia. Also, a vast amount of those weapons will be handed over to Cabdullahi Yusuf so he can build the "national army" - increasing the risk of warfare in southern Somalia once again. BUT, Somaliland will remain in diplomatic limpo and Ethiopia will continue to milk the ignorant cow (Somalia) politically and economically.


Power is in strategy. But if those Somalis we entrusted to design the most successful of strateg ies are Ethiopian spies, then I'm not only afraid for our future, but I'm terrified.

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Power is in strategy. But if those Somalis we entrusted to design the most successful of strateg ies are Ethiopian spies, then I'm not only afraid for our future, but I'm terrified.

Very true indeed. No body can deny that our self-appointed leaders are now Ethiopias stooges thats Jowhar group or were Ethiopias stooges thats Mogadishu group. Or maybe Our self-appointed leaders are playing hard ball with Ethiopia for now and will turn agains it as soon as Somalia once again stands on its feet. As you said, Power is in stragety.

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Waxaa marwalba sax ah oo aan daah ku qarsooneyn in dowlada ay tahay ProEthiopia. laakiin waxaan la qarin karin in ay Soomaaliyoo dhan ay itoobiya dabada ka wado including SL. warkaa isagoo dhan ma oran karo inuu beenyahay.

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The breakup of Somalia was done in 1991, not by Ethiopia or any other foreign country, but by the people of Somaliland who wanted to desolve the ilfated union of the 1960. The breakup is final and has no going back. It is a matter of coming to terms with it and smelling Xoorka Geela.


Time to get over it guys.

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Originally posted by Jannisary:


As far as Ethiopia being pro-secession: I think that possibility is too far off the chart. Let's remember that Ethiopia is a nation-state with a vast amount of mini-states based on different ethnic and linguistic units (i.e. current civil strife between Tigres and Amharas). If Ethiopia recognizes Somaliland, the chance of internal self-determination warfare will skyrocket and rebel groups such as the OLF and the ONLF will be empowered to further pursue their secessionist goals within Ethiopia. For Somaliland, rumors of Ethiopia recognizing them is a way to calm the public's anxiety.


Heh. It’s like Eritrea never happened. :D

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As ever one is very amused. If this is all you have got then keep it coming.


As we stand. Somalia has a recognised government by this I mean internationally. By its neigbours including Ethiopia, Kenya and so on. Its recognised by the UN, EU and even the United States, hence the President visit to the UN.


SL, is not a nation but a region which is part of Somalia, yes it is independent but so is Kismayu, and Puntland. In fact one can say all of Somalia todays enjoys some form of self determination in compariosn to the days of Siyad.


It has been a year and the government is stronger than ever, yes its transitional, poor and its leaders at times confused, but hey it is a reflection of the Somali;s everywhere.

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