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Ethiopian helicoptars miss Dhoobley, bomb Kenya!

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Ethiopian Helicopters Miss Somali Target, Bomb Kenyan Border Post

2 January 2007 | 21:09 | FOCUS News Agency

Nairobi. Ethiopian helicopters pursuing Somali Islamists missed their target and bombed a Kenyan border post, prompting Kenyan fighter planes to rush to the area on Tuesday, officials said cited by AFP.

A top Kenyan police official, who requested to remain unnamed, told AFP that the four helicopters targeted the Somali town of Dhobley, about three kilometers from the frontier line, only to end up dropping bombs on Kenya's Har Har border post.

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Ethiopian helicopters pursuing Somali Islamists attempting to escape into Kenya bombed a Kenyan border post by mistake.


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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Ethiopian Helicopters Miss Somali Target, Bomb Kenyan Border Post

2 January 2007 | 21:09 | FOCUS News Agency

Nairobi. Ethiopian helicopters pursuing Somali Islamists missed their target and bombed a Kenyan border post, prompting Kenyan fighter planes to rush to the area on Tuesday, officials said cited by AFP.

A top Kenyan police official, who requested to remain unnamed, told AFP that the four helicopters targeted the Somali town of Dhobley, about three kilometers from the frontier line, only to end up dropping bombs on Kenya's Har Har border post.

LOOOOOOL. Tigray door knobs supporting TFG door knobs.


This is too much. LOOOOOOL.

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Nothing is off limit to Axmaar as they flex their musles in the region.


Too bad Somalis or the warlord-government has no leverage at all. Axmaar can now bomb wherever they please in the name of chasing out Islamists.

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^^Where does Barre stand on this national tragedy?


Since he finnaly made back to Kismayo and talked to his supporters will he see the light or will he get on with Ethiopias program and be inline with wiilka agoonka ah ee saaka Xamar ka hadlay?


More importantly where do you stand today yaa Horn? Are you happy for the icu's temparary setbacks and cheering for Ethiopias historic milestone?


....Couldnt resist yaa horn...just for the record.

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You are an extremely smart fella. I do not understand why you would frame your question along the lines of "either you support Ethiopians in Somalia or you do not".


Adeerow ma niman wax dooran karaan maanta nahay?

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^ He's trying to simplify it for you knowing that if he gave you any more options, perhaps you couldn't count that high. :D


Now answer the bloody question or go to bed.

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Ah! Siligga Xaar Xaarka, deserves to be bombed. The post of cruelty, I say. The border post is around a mile and a half from Dhoobleey and 17 km to the nearest Kenya division (Liboi). It usually doesn't house any civilians, but there are those open air kiosks that sell cigarettes and drinks to vehecles passing to either side. The place has the presence of a dozen or two of AP (admin police) and civil police and occassionally, the Kenyan army parks tanks and helicopters there.



It is not the first time it was attacked. I remember the attack of Cabaas Waal (Horn's kinsman) during 1989 or 1990 as a result killing four Kenyan police officers (one of them of Somali orgin). The Siligga's proximity to Dhoobleey can mistake those conducting arael observations. I am simply glad that the place still remains unsettled, because there were plans to resettle the village of Liboi in Xaar Xaarka just before Somalia's civil war.


Good luck to the hawkers (Jeebleyaasha boys and girls) selling things to travellers.

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Adeerow ma niman wax dooran karaan maanta nahay?

Actualy Yes. But before you get to wax doorasho,one needs to own a few Principles & a strong back bone[ Also known as BALLS] icon_razz.gif

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Abaanduulaha Ciidamadda Jubbooyinka Col. Koojaar oo Hub Kadhigis Ku sameeyay Ciidamo Barre Hiiraalle U Diray Dekadda Kismaayo si ay Ula soo Wareegaan Alaabo Maxaakiimtu Ka Tageen iyo Hanjabaad iyo Isku Dhaarasho Galabta dhex martay labadan Masuul.



Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo aanu ka helay dad ku dhaw dhaw Abaanduulaha Ciidamadda DFKMG ah ee Gobolada Jubbooyinka Col. Aaden Koojaar ayaa sheegaya in uu mugdi soo kala dhex galay Col. Barre Hiiraalle iyo Aaden Koojaar, kadib markii Maleeshiyo Beeleed daacad u ah Col. Barre ay damceen in ay qaatan alaabo yaalay Dekadda Kismaayo oo ay uga tageen Maxaakiimta Islaanka.



Aaden Koojaar ayaa waxaa la sheegaya in uu is hortaagey Ciidamo Barre Hiiraalle u diray Dekadda Kismaayo si ay halkaasi u galaan oo ay ula wareegan Alabaddaasi, muran kadib waxaa ay sheegen in uu soo diray Wasiirka G/dhiga Col. Barre Hiiraalle, waxaa markiiba hareereyay Ciidamadii Barre ka socotay Ciidamadiii Aaden Koojaar oo Hubkii ay siteen ka qaadey, Aaden Koojaar, kadibna ayaga oo fara maran ayaa waxaa ay ku soo laabteen Magaaladda Kismaayo.


waxaa kaloo wararku intaasi ku darayaan in uu Col. Barre Hiiraalle si kooban ula hadlay Col. Koojaar oo isaga iyo Barre Hiiraalle xurgufo hore u dhexeeyeen xilgii dagaalka sokeeye, kadibna uu u sheegay in Dekadda uu Barre ahaan jecel yahay in uu maamul u sameeyo ku meel gaar ah maadama lagu jiro xaaladda Dagaal, balse waxaa arinkan ku gacan sayray Col. Koojaar oo ka soo jeeda (Maxamed Subeer- Reer *****). isla markaana waxaa halkaasi ka dhacay is aflagaadeyn iyo hanjaabad.


kadib markii uu mugdigan iyo is faham daro ay timi ayaa waxaa la sheegaya in Wasiirku uu la xariiray Salaad Cali Jeelle iyo C/llaahi Yuusuf oo ku sugan hada Kenya oo ay wehliyaan Wafdigiisa Xassan Abshir iyo Xubno kale ayaa la sheegaya in uu ka codsadey Wasiirka in lala sugo inta uu ka soo noqonayo arimaha uu ka cawdey Wasiirka G/dhiga Col. Barre Hiiraalle, hadii ay u suura gashana uu Madaxweynaha iyo Wafdigiisana laga yaabo in ay Kismaayo soo maraan marka ay Kenya ka soo noqdaan oo ku aadan dhamaadka Asbuucan.


dhinaca kale Waxaa maanta la shiray Duqowda iyo siyaasiyiinta Beesha ****** Col. Koojaar waxaana uu u jeediyay warbixin dheer waxaana ka mid ahaa hadaladiisa in aaney jirin cid magac Dawladeed uga aargoosaneysa isla markaana qorshaha hubka aruurintana ay tahay wax ay ula simanyihiin Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, Ciidamada la qorayana ay dadka ula simanyihiin, shacabka hubka loo dhiibayana ee la Qaramey'nayana ay dadka ula simanyihiin.


Isku soo wada duubo waxaa caawa Kismaayo amaankeeda gacanta ku haya Ciidamo DFKMG ah oo uu hogaaminayo Abaanduulle,Aaden Koojaar oo ka amar diiday Wasiirka G/dhiga oo fadhiya Dekadda Iyo Garoonka Dayuuradaha, iyo Barre Hiiraalle oo Caraysan oo Talo gacanta ugu jirin oo C/llaahi Yuusuf ka dhursugaya waxa uu ka yiraado arrinkan

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Adeerow ma niman wax dooran karaan maanta nahay?



Actualy Yes. But before you get to wax doorasho,one needs to own a few Principles & a strong back bone[ Also known as BALLS]



I see people are still leaving their humor at the door.

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looool@inta Maraykan la iska dhigayo dadyowga kale iyo shicibka halla laayo! Maraykan baa xitaa Precision Guide ku khasaara.

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