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And thus the media war intensifies hapless Shariif accuses Puntland of hypocrisy

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Madaxweyne Shariif “Puntland xiligii C/laahi Yuusuf Kaalin Muuqato ayay Dowladda u taageeri jirtay hadda maxaa u diidaa?


Published on: November 20,2009 Garowe Time 3:39 pm


Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Somalia ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aysan jirin wax dhib ah oo uu ugaystay xoogaga maamulo gobalka Galgaduud ee labaxay Ahlusuna Waljamaaca.


Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo Shir Jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in dowladiisu ay diyaar u tahay la Heshiinta maamul Gobaleedyada ka dhisan Somalia si looga baxo kala daadashada.


Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in Xoogaga Galgaduud maamulo ay yihiin Dariiqada Suufida dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyeedna ay yihiin Ahlusuna Waljamaaca “waan ka xumahay in Hadalkeygii si xuxun loo fasiro Culimada Ahlusuna waxaan u naqaan Duruqul Suufiya dowladda dhan ayaana ah Suufiya”ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Shariif .


Mr.Shariif ayay Suxufiyiintu weydiiyeen, Ahlusuna waxay ka caroodeen in aad Jabhad ku Tilmaanto? wuxuuna ku jawaabay ” Duruqu Suufiya hadii ay dowlada taageersanyihiin soo dhawaada laakin koox hubaysan oo aan dowlad ahayn waxaan aan jabhad ahayn uma naqaan, waan ognahay anaga Shabaab iyo Xisbul islaam ayaa nala dagaashan waana Jabhado layaqaan” ayuu hadakiisa sii raaciyay.


Dhinaca kale Shariif ayaa si kulul ula hadlay Maamulka Puntland oo uu sheegay in ay si iskood ah wax u wataan, isagoona sheegay in madaxda Puntland ay si kabad badis ah uga hadleen khilaafkii dhawaan dhacay.


” Waan ka xunahay in Puntland ay si ka bad badis ah uga hadasho arrimaha Kheyraadka waxaan rejaynaynaa in dowladdu ay arrinkaas Xal ka gaari doonto” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Shariif Sheekh Axmed.


Saxaafadda ayaa Madaxweynaha weydiisay halka dhibka ka taaganyahay marka loo Eego xiriirka dowladda iyo Puntland wuxuuna ku jawaabay ” Puntland xiligii C/laahi Yuusuf Dowladda way taageeri jirtay hada maxaa diidaya in ay taageerto arrimahaas dhan waxay u baahanyihiin falaqayn” Shariif.


Ugu dambayn wuxuu lahadlay Maamulka Somaliland wuxuuna sheegay in uusan wax dhib ah ugaysan balse uu Somaliland ugu baaqay Midnimo iyo dowladnimo Soomaaliyeed, hadalada madaxweynaha ayaa kusoo aadaya xilli aysan dowladu wada maamulin Muqdisho.

Colaad Cadde RBC Muqdisho

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No more nice words by Mr. Funduq.



Saxaafadda ayaa Madaxweynaha weydiisay halka dhibka ka taaganyahay marka loo Eego xiriirka dowladda iyo Puntland wuxuuna ku jawaabay ” Puntland xiligii C/laahi Yuusuf Dowladda way taageeri jirtay hada maxaa diidaya in ay taageerto arrimahaas dhan waxay u baahanyihiin falaqayn” Shariif.

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^The big question here is: How will Mr. Shariif get out of this media disaster and bad press on refusing the progress and goals aspired by the only federal state in Somalia, which is also equal to 1/3 of Somalia?

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Saxaafadda ayaa Madaxweynaha weydiisay halka dhibka ka taaganyahay marka loo Eego xiriirka dowladda iyo Puntland wuxuuna ku jawaabay ” Puntland xiligii C/laahi Yuusuf Dowladda way taageeri jirtay hada maxaa diidaya in ay taageerto arrimahaas dhan waxay u baahanyihiin falaqayn” Shariif.


Is this his line of defence? I think he should narrate and clearly mention the points he's disagreeing with Faroole rather than bringing Abdulahi Yusuf into this equation.


Abdulahi got the support of Puntland when he was Madaxwayne because he was the President of that state before and anway run the state indirectly, Adde Muse was his SSDF combatriot and most of the ministers at the time were his old ministers and friends so even if he had said to them let's go to hell they would have probably done it let alone supporting him against the Shariif's old Maxkamado.

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Madaxweyne Shariif oo beeniyay Qilaaf la sheegay in uu udhaxeyo PL iyo DKMG


Ka dib shir jaraaid oo uu maanta ku qabtay xarunta Madaxtooyada magaalada Muqdisho madaxweynaha Dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Sh Shariif Sh Axmed ayaa waxa uu ku beeniyay Shirkiisan jaraaid in uu jiro qilaafaad u dhaxeeya Maamulka gobolka Puntland iyo Dowlada Dhexe ee Soomaaliya.


Wixii ka dambeeyay kulan ku dhexmaray madaxweynaha Puntland iyo kan dowlada Soomaaliya waxaa soo if baxay warar sheegayay in qilaafaad uu soo kala dhexgalay labadaasi masuul, balse waxaa taasi ka hor yimid waba kala jiraana ku tilmaamay Madaxweynaha Dowlada Soomaaliya Sh Shariif Sh axmed .


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shirkiisa jaraaid waxaa kale oo uu ku soo hadal qaaday in hadiiba uu jiro wararka beenta ah ee la faafiyay aanay dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ogolaandoonin wax aan sharciga waafaqsaneyn oo aanay aqbaleyn axdiga Fedralka wax uusan qabin dowladisa, isagoo si rasmi ah farta ugu fiiqay in dowladiisu aysan ogolaaneynin maamul goboleedyo, dhulka Soomaaliyeedna uu mid yahay dowlada KMG ahna ay masuuliyadeeda qaaday.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee hadalkan uu jeediyay Madaxweynaha Dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa uu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo inta badan maalmihii aynu ka soo gudubnay ay saaxafada qaar iyo dadweynaha hadal hayeen qilaafaad soo kala dhexgalay Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr C/raxmaan Faroole iyo weliba Madaxweynaha Dowlada Dhexe ee Soomaaliya.


Max’ed Xaaji Xasan Abuukar

SBC International Muqdisho

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Mr. Farole, who ran for Puntland president in 2005, indicated that President Muse's focus on exploration is a major cause for insecurity, adding that he can give direct advice to Muse, since he helped Muse win the Puntland presidency by having Farole supporters in parliament vote for him during the 2005 presidential elections.


"Adde Muse has focused on exploration only and this is the source of insecurity," Mr. Farole said, while underscoring that the deal Muse signed with foreign companies to explore Puntland is "illegal."


He stated that his resignation from the Puntland government in early 2006 is rooted in disagreements with Muse over "illegal" exploration deals.


"It is right to take advantage of Somalia's resources, but the route he [President Muse] chose is absolutely wrong," Mr. Farole said.
"Natural resources belong to the whole country and the country has a federal government."


The ocean in every country I can think of is the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, not regional ones. It's the Federal governments that make the decisions. i.e Coast guard.


I don't understand, a couple of years ago, President Faroole was a strict supporter of the Federal government and that Puntland was under it. Now that he is leader of Puntland and the Federal President Sharif has made a decision, Faroole is completely against it. I don't understand it.


I think President Sharif has a very valid point and that he isn't a hypocrite. Before President Faroole was arguing for the Federal Government is to be in charge of Puntland's affairs, and now he is asking for regional states. Even after then president Abdullahi Yusuf signed deals for Puntland, Faroole was calling it illegal.


I think that President Faroole shouldn't not be seeking more independence after supporting the Federal government for so many years. Now that he is at the wheel, he wants to changes, but when others were he was against it.

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^^^Again lets look at our interest today, the weak happless TFG of Sharif is not a friend of Puntland. The president position is one that Cade Muse, Yusuf & Mohamed Abdi Hashi would have taken. The interest of the state is above games, and his record as an opposition while shabby, should not confuse us as to the interest of the state, which is with the Galkacyu agreement and securing Puntland for a future Federal Somalia.

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I agree with that, but my point is that in the past Mr. Faroole didn't have that view point even when the federal president was from Puntland. He staunchly agree with Geedi even.


Even if we look at it today, President Sharif is the internationally recognized leader and he makes the ultimate decision.

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^^^He was wrong then, he is wrong with the Oil exploration now also, he is wasting time with such an important issue. However when it comes to this issue, he has followed a conservative Puntland line, one all our former President's would follow, thus lets concentrate on our interest.


If Puntland sucumbs to the issues at hand no one will have a legacy, not Faroole, nor Cade, nor Hashi and Yusuf.


Today its about the state, Faroole will be measured when the time comes.

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Got to admire Faroole. He doesn't really do much but still manages to annoy the ONLF, TFG and Somaliland all in one go. In true pirate style, he managed to hijack the media's attention (yet, he really doesn't do much! Bal ka waran hado is wali laha!). :D

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^^ Puntland's rights did not start last month, saaxib. It always had rights and always had opponents. But to have them all moaning about Puntland at the same time is a new thing. War give your president some credit, xaasid yaho. He may be short of fingers but it doesn't make him less of a calculating man. :D

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