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What happen to the alliance between indhacadde and qaybdiid

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Indhacadde: Waa sharci darro xarigga Cabdi qeybdiid

Thu. October 20, 2005 11:24 am.


Qof u *** warkan






Shiikh Yuusuf Maxamad siyaad Indhacade oo ah Gudoomiyaha Gobolka sh/hoose ayaa sharci daro ku tilmaamay xariga dalka Sweden loogu geystay taliyaha Ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed Cabdi xasan Cawaalle Qaybdiid oo uu magacaabay wasiirka amniga qaranka ee dowladda federaalka oo afar casho ku jira gacanta Ciidamada Booliska dowlada Sweden.


Indhacadde oo maanta shir jaraa'id magaaladda muqdisho ayaa waxa uu ku sheegay iney qalad ahayd xariga Cabdi qeybdiid isla markaana uu ka danbeeyo C/laahi yuusuf axmed madaxweynaha dowlada Fedraalka waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.


"Mar haddii denbi dagaal la qaadayo waa in laga soo bilaabaa C/laahi Yuusuf oo ku faana had iyo jeer aniga ayaa ugu horeeyay xabad la rido iyo Aniga ayaa ugu hub badan" sidaa waxaa yiri Yuusuf Indhacade.


Dhinaca kale indhacadde ayaa shirkiisii jaraa'id maanta uga hadlay warbixin ay dhowaan ka soo saartay Gobolkiisa Qaramada Midoobay oo lagu sheegay in xashiish lagu Beero Gobolka isla markaana lacago baad ah laga qaato hay'ahada samafalka ee xafiisyadda ku leh Gobolka taasoo ku sheegay warbixin Been abuur ah oo aan xaqiiqda ku saleysneyn.


waxaa kale oo uu tilmaamay inay qabsanayaan qareen u dooda iyaga islamarkaasina ay iyagu dabar gooyaan muqaadaraadka.

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Somalia: Between Warlords and Clan based Islamic Courts- a choice between Pest and Cholera





Dearest country men and women, I must admit to you that I was not happy about the fact that the clan organized Islamic courts or Islamists groups took over the power in Mogadishu after they have defeated all notorious warlords in the trouble town of Somalia. However, the so-called new conquerors of Mogadishu are not new to me. May be they can present themselves as pragmatic Muslims to someone who don’t know them but for me and for many of my ideological brothers and sisters, these gays are the old and well know murders of Mogadishu. Every honest Somali knows that the new masters in Mogadishu took a major part of the mass killings of innocent people in Mogadishu for the last decade and a half. They are responsible for a systematic and organized assassination of many engaged Somali intellectuals in Mogadishu for the last 15 years. They are responsible for hundreds of controversial so-called court decisions that have been exclusively applied to minorities groups only. Hundreds of young and poor boys from the minority groups in Mogadishu lost their weak hands simply because they have stolen tomato from a market or a mobile phone from a shop. It is undisputable that thieves from the major rivaling clans in Mogadishu were excluded from all that draconic religious punishments. In Mercca and Baraawa, self declared Sheikhs and Allah warriors took the property of the native clans and compelled them to work for them as fishers, farmers and in Mogadishu nearly every thing belong illegally to them. More than a half of the previous state properties and buildings are in the hands of the clan Islamic courts and groups.


It is true that the new religious political power in Mogadishu are inter-related with many other fanatics in all over Somalia included the Northwest of Somalia, through a sophisticated business and religious network. The Mullahs of Mogadishu and their friends own the most profitable Enterprises and productive land in south Somalia to-day. The Mullah clique in Somalia applies two effective strategies in order to achieve their bloody profit oriented targets. In the first instance, they organize brutal militia on the bases of their clans. Secondly, they propagate religious propaganda so that the poor people are narcotized and they don’t feel the pain when Mr. Indhacade for example wants to rube the properties of the weak people. In Qoryole area for example, the people in that area became literally slaves in their own villages. The new masters in Qoryole are well organized on clan bases and armed with motorized techniques. Brutal killers known as militia compel hundreds of families to work in the Banana Farms and pay illegal taxes. The militias of the new masters in Mogadischu are primitive, brutal and criminal. It is reported by international NGOs that the Militia loyal to Mr. Indhacade kill every day one member of innocent Jerer-Ween Somali farmers in their homes or farms between Mogadishu and Kismayo area.


Islamists did not win the war against the warlords only but they also won the indoctrination of a whole nation. The Somali Muslim version was known long enough as the most liberal one in African and the Arabic world. Today, Organized Islamists groups are dominating the daily life of the people in Somalia. In the Koran schools of Mogadishu, Islamic groups produce their future killing machines. Somali women, whom Brother Bashir Goth once correctly describes them as the bread winners of the Nation are the mostly misused and manipulated group by the Islamists in our country. The Islamic groups are not feeding our nation like our sisters and mothers are doing between Zeila and Kismayo. In the contrary, they are parasites living from the blood of our people just like the warlords. Some of our Somali intellectual has a very short memory because they have almost forgotten that the warlords and the Islamic business establishment in Mogadishu had a year ago a common interest and a common enemy. Their common major enemy was for a year his Excellency the President of Somalia Mr. Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed and his Excellency the premier Minister of Somalia Dr Ali Mohamed Gedi. However, as we know and witnessed many political coalitions and criminal partnerships collapsed in Mogadishu for the last 15 years. I am expecting that the recent armed conflict in Mogadishu which is not yet over will bring a new criminal clan coalition in the ex-capital of Somalia. For example, Osman Atto’s new proclamation in the BBC Somali section today were he says that he is claiming that he handed over the largest part of his militia arsenal to the Clan organized Court militia is smiling like a new dirty clan coalition which underlines my thesis. The choice between the Warlords and the clan based Islamic courts is a choice between Pest and Cholera.


Finally, if the Islamist groups are truly not interested in establishing a new Taliban State in Somalia, they have to talk immediately to the TFG and remove all their militia from the town and be ready to hand over all the clan arms first to a neutral International Institution.. Any other Friday speeches in the countless Mosques of Mogadishu from the Clan based Islamic courts will be considered as a lie and has absolutely nothing to do with my Islamic believe/faith and they will never be my heroes.


Ali Osman Samater


The opinions contained in this article are solely those of the writer, and in no way, form or shape represent the editorial opinions of "MarkaCadey.Net"

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