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General Duke Shiekh Sharif attacks the house of Allah + defends the sea deal

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A leader who never was!


| Ali Sharif

Daabaco | Print | Faafin: | Monday, September 21, 2009


A leader who never was! | Ali Sharif | Akhri Qoraalkan

A childless lady who has passed the age of child bearing discovered that by way of miracle, she gave birth to a baby boy and instead of thanking to Allah for given her a son, she run off of the house and shouted ‘I have got a baby boy, I have got a baby boy’. None the less, when she returned to the house, the miracle baby was nowhere to be found.


By the same logic, it was in the year 2006 when a hardly known Sharif Sheikh Ahmed was heard as the leader of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) in southern Somalia from the media channels. Mr. Ahmed had unidentified record of accomplishment within modern Islamist groups, i.e. Al-Islah and Al-Itahad al-Islam that dominated Islamizing nation’s citizens in the past 30 years and so. On the contrary, he was said to be an aid to warlords Ali Mahdi then Mohamed Omar Habeeb (Mohamed Dheere). His appointment to the post was rather a lot more to do with local political arrangements than any meritocratic or previous leadership skills. Nevertheless, war-weary population, who have known only murderous warlords have welcomed the seemingly charismatic young leader who has been making right noises.

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On the contrary, he was said to be an aid to warlords Ali Mahdi then Mohamed Omar Habeeb (Mohamed Dheere).

Classic waxa la yidhi line. And about Ali Mahdi being a warlord, was it meant for some to titter more than others?



And Abti Johnny, whatever Dukey's motivation is regarding the home grown terror is minor in comparison to the groups who contributed and profited from the lives of the said young men.


Besides, the question you and others should be asking is not whether or not Dukey condemns the center but why now? Why this weekend? This condemnation should have happened long ago and no amount of rage will bring back the dead. These children were robbed of their lives, considering that most of us take life for granted and in turn, their families became social outcasts because they demanded justice for their sons and asked that the Masjid be accountable only to be met with intimidation by the masjid officials and their supporters. They had the audacity to question the establishment and neither the leaders of the community nor the administrators of Al Bakar were willing to acknowledge fault, directly or indirectly.


Do you know what position the supposed center took? Don't blame us just because it happened under our watch, we had nothing to do with it and if you speak about this out loud, the authorities will get you and sent you back home, so you better keep your mouth shut and remember, "WE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT".


They didn't ease the pain of the families of these boys, instead they did the unthinkable, they raised funds, more funds this year than previous years. This was a good year for the Abu Bakar center, even if it came at the expense of human lives.


But does it matter that our President who came from a long way and who is battling the source of evil had to reaffirm what we already knew to be true in our heart of hearts? Does it matter that he said what many of you should have said upon hearing the news of the disappearance of the young boys and the connection to the center? Oh no, don't let that rage go to waste and instead, you should condemn Sharif for denouncing teenage profiteers aka Abu Bakar Center.

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^^^Even know his supporters say, that he met the "Imaams" of the place and they all are on the same page. Thus they are paying lip service to the problem, words, just mere words.

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Madaxweyne Shariif oo Jaaliyadda Somalida ee Mareykanka kula wacdiya caruurtooda in ay ka ceshadaan Masaajidda laga baro Isqarxinta.


Madaxweynaha dawladda KMG ah ee Somaliya oo socdaal taariikhi ah ku maraya dalkaasi Mareykanka ayaa sheegay jaaliyadda Somaliyeed ee dalka Mareykanka in ay kaalin muuqata ku leedahay xaaladaha ka jira guaha dalka Somaliya.


Sheekh Shariif oo u khudbeynayay dadka magaalada Minneapolis ayaa cadeeyay in aysan Islaamka raad ku laheyn waxyaabaha hadda ka soconaya gudaha Somaliya oo ay wadaan dhaq dhaqaaqyada Islaamiga ah ee Somaliya.


Madaxweyne Shariif waxaa uu ugu baaqay Jaaliyadda Somalida Minnesota in ay ilmahooda ka ceshadaan masaajida uu sheegay in laga soo baro waxyaabaha aan dhaqanka iyo shareecada ku jirin sida Isqarxinta waa sida uu hadalka u dhigee.


Waxaa uu sidoo kale ku booriyay shacabka Somaliyeed ee dalka Mareykanka in ay gacan ka geystaan nabad kusoo dabaalidda dalka Somaliya isla markaana ay joojiyaan qeyb ka qaadashada dagaalada iyo colaadaha ka taagan dalka Somaliya.


Madaxweyne Shariif waxaa uu difaacay xukuumaddiisa isagoona sheegay inay u istaagtay soo celinta sharafkii uu qaranka Somaliyeed ku laha adduunka balse ay jiraan dad dano gaar ah leh oo arrimahaasi kasoo horjeeda.

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