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Time for yet another foreign intervention in Somalia!

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NOT YET FAILED. SO IT IS VERY MUCH WORK IN PROGRESS. But That discussion is for another day. I am not going to take you off the hook just yet.

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Hargeisa said it would send its peacekeeprs to Moqadisho if President Ahmed asked for help.


There is no sign yet, however, sending Somaliland peacekeeprs to Somalia is said to be much better having Ethiopian troops back.

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NGOONGE: Adeer stop it. The old man is retired he was closest to winning the war but alas it was politics, old age and health that deterred him.


A&T. Yusuf defeated not only Jama Ali, but Aydeed as well as Xasan Dahir Aways in the 1990s. He kept his region safe and secure from any foreign entity. He even chased out and humiliated the secessionists when he was at the helm.


A strategist per excellence who outwitted the warlords of Mogadishu and their religious clan zealouts. Remember Yusuf was deep in Jowhar for months with his own forces without any Ethiopian presence and no one could do a thing.


Thus spare us the bullock’s lads. The old man is missed but he retired and wont return and its up to the new groups to last.

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Emperor said it best. It is foreign intervention or shabaab take your pick. Those of you who opposed A/Y and now support Sharif should acknowledge that it is AU troops and the TFG army that are still protecting the govt.


The only way to defeat the shabaab is more foreign troops or else the talibanization of Somalia.

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Bringing back Yusuf is not the way forward, thanks to God he already had his shot on us. However, finishing up with Aweys and his cohorts who appear to have hidden agendas of protracting Somali masses' misery is the call I make!

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Duke, perhaps we need to bring him back on a contract just to thrash Aweys into the straight and narrows? I am sure odeygu would be delighted and would do it for free. :D

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FYI, I just hang up a call with Yusuf who is based in Yemen. The dude indulged me in depth how he has been coping with the new situation and intermingling with the locals, he said: you see I consume too much ceesh and smoke hookah now per excellence. With that said, I briefed him what is happening back home and the call of many for his return. However, it was the irony of all ironies that he said with confidence "I aint interested" and added Yusuf keliyaa dhiigyo cab ah ha iga hadho, Islaam baan u dagaalamaynaa hayga hadho, wuxuuse hadalkiisa ku soo afjaray talo uu u soo jeediyey Aweys, oo uu u dhigay sidatan “ Saaxiib Aweys-ow Soomaalidii way bahalowday, oo xitaa haddaad islaam ugu soo gabbatid ma xukumikarayside ee Eritrea inaad iskaga noqoto baa kuu dhaanta…. Ama hadba ciddii ku ogol.

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