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Ambush attack kills [puppet] government soldier in Somalia capital

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Sun. January 14, 2007 03:45 pm.

(SomaliNet) At least one soldier of the transitional government has been killed and civilian person was injured in ambush attack in Somalia capital, Mogadishu later on Sunday – amid series of explosions and attacks against the presence of the Ethiopian forces in the country.


Witnesses told Somalinet that an unknown group of militiamen attacked a police station located in Huriwa district in north of Mogadishu where they killed a policeman and took the guns of three other policemen.


A girl has also been wounded in the attack, which happened around 10:05 pm local time. The assailants escaped unharmed.


Shortly after minutes, elsewhere in the city, unidentified men have launched an ambush attack to convoys of Somalia and Ethiopian forces in northwest of the capital Mogadishu.


The allied forces responded with gunfire and repelled the attackers. The convoys were passing near Coca-Cola Company on the main industry road.


“We could hear heavy explosions and gun shots and we got terrified,” said Farhio Ibrahim, local resident in Yaqshid district near where the accident happened. “The rivals exchanged heavy machineguns and artillery fires,”


There is no immediate casualty on the latest attacks.


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Explosions, gunfight stir Mogadishu night



MOGADISHU, Somalia Jan 14 (Garowe Online) - Residents in the Somali capital Mogadishu were stunned with loud explosions and subsequent gunfire that lasted for “several minutes” near Ifka Halane, a former stronghold for the Islamic Courts forces.


The incident happened around 11p.m. local time Sunday when nearby residents reported the heavy exhange of gunfire that was heard throughout the Mogadishu night.


The fighting groups are not yet known, but Mogadishu has been the scene of intense nighttime battles between unknown rebel fighters one side, and allied Somali and Ethiopian soldiers on the other.


Witnesses said the explosions were caused by RPGs.


Government and Ethiopian troops had taken control of the area and were securing it after the rebel fighters escaped into the night.


There have not been any confirmed reports of casualities but keep with Garowe Online for all the latest on this developing story.

Garowe Online News

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Wow...I didnt see this coming Castro.


Gee..why are these terrorists attacking the liberating Govt. :eek: The Govt that wants to bring back the SOMALI govt[With etobian soldiers} & American mighty Power?

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^ So far, all the resistance is doing is annoying the occupiers. They haven't killed many of their troops yet. I suspect this was done to coincide with the AU delegations visiting town today. To give them a peak of what they should expect when they send those "peace-keeping" troops.

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Originally posted by raadamiir:

^^^IF you are a dowladiid you don't have a place in Somalia.

So anyone who's against the occupation and the puppet regime it installed has no place in Somalia? LOL. Then who does? The likes of you? Uff.

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War deg deg ah Wararkii ugu dambeyey dagaalka caawa ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho


Wararkii ugu dambeyey dagaalka caawa dhexmarayey ciidamada Qaranka iyo kuwa Itoobiyaan ah oo dhinac ah iyo maleeyshiyo beeleedyo jidka ugalay ciidamadaasi iyadoona la arkaayey baabuur dhowr ah oo holcaayey oo yaalo inta u dhaxeysa mahad Alle iyo koontaroolkii hore ee Balcad ,hadana waxaa muuqato in ay yaraatay Rasaastii oo aan hada la maqleynin wax rasaas ah.


Dagaalka Caawa oo u muuqdo mid marba marka ka danbeysa sii xoogeysanaayey iyadoona la maqlaayey qoryaha waaweyn ee loo yaqaano Suuga iyo dhashiikaha kuwaas oo dadka reer Muqdisho dhagahooda ugu danbeysay mar hore .


Dadka degan deeganadaasi ayaa la soo daristay cabsi aad u weyn iyadoona laga yaabo in ay duulaan aad u weyn ay soo qaadan maalinta Bari ah ciidamada Dowlada oo kaabayo kuwa Itoobiya




Ciidamada Dowlada ayaa maalmahaan ka bilaabay Muqdisho hub ka dhigis taasoo keentay in dadka qaar ay ka hor yimadaan hubka dhigistaas .


Dagaalka Caawa oo geystay dhimasho iyo dhaawac isagu jira labada dhinac iyo waliba kuwa rayid ah ayaan la heyn tirada saxda ah madaama lagu jira xili habeen ah


Marnaba lagama sugeyenin xiligaan dagaal noocaan ah in uu ka dhaco magaalada Muqdisho madaama Qabaailada degan Muqdishio ay u balan qaadeen in ay la shaqeynayaan Dowlada




News Update in English

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Originally posted by Abu Paragon:

Marnaba lagama sugeyenin
dagaal noocaan ah in uu ka dhaco magaalada Muqdisho madaama Qabaailada degan Muqdishio ay u balan qaadeen in ay la shaqeynayaan Dowlada

So these fights should have come a little later than now? May be sooner?


Gotta love these Somali journalists.

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^^They thought resistance is dead, no it isn't dead, I tell them. It is far from dead, it is just being born and had just begun to walk!


Soon we shall stagger, then walk, then run towards you Ethiopians with an RPG our shoulders. Soon you should run Tigre, preferrably run till you fall off a cliff!

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Originally posted by raadamiir:

^^^IF you are a dowladiid you don't have a place in Somalia.

We dont consider an xabashi installed government as doowlad, the people will never accept a president and primeminister that rides on xabashi helicopters and tanks, the time will come inshallah when this government will be kicked to Adis Ababa where it belongs too.

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Originally posted by Abdi2005:

quote:Originally posted by raadamiir:

^^^IF you are a dowladiid you don't have a place in Somalia.

We dont consider an xabashi installed government as doowlad, the people will never accept a president and primeminister that rides on xabashi helicopters and tanks, the time will come inshallah when this government will be kicked to Adis Ababa where it belongs too.
Who is this "we" you speak of? Is it your qabil, or the dowladiid boys of SOL.


Cause the Somalians in Bay,Bakool,Hiiraan, Kismayo ,Puntland,Sool,Saang,Jubba,Jowhar all welcome and support this Government. So please don't use "we" use I or "us".


Those that used Islam for their on personal gain don't go anywhere I thought you learn that lesson already? Where are your boys from the ICU?



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I didn’t see anyone welcoming the TFGoons and their Ethiopian masters, you must be seeing things. A government, who is welcomed by their people, won’t need foreign occupiers to protect them, unless they are being protected from their people.


A traitor like you should drop dead.

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God bless the Mujaahidiin in their fight to liberate the homeland from dirty Xabashos and their Somali slaves...


War deg deg ah

Dagaal qaraar iyo qaraxyo xoog leh ayaa haatan ka soconayo Wadada Warshadaha, gaar ahaan agagaarka Ceymiska iyo deegaanada ku xeeran, waxaana rasaasta iyo hubka cullus laga maqlayaa guud ahaan Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana aad u adag sida lagu ogaan karo xogta dhabta ah ee dagaalka iyo qasaarihiisa, hase yeeshee naga suga dhawaan



Waraaqo lagu daadshay Magaalada Muqdisho..


Axadii (14/1/2007) ayaa Magaalada Muqdisho wadooyinkooda waxaa lagu daadshay Waraaqo loogu hanjabayo Ciidamada Itoobiya ee soo galay Soomaaliya iyo kuwa u adeegaya, waxaana daadshay urur la magacbaxay Mujaahidiin Wal-Qitaal.


Waxyaabihii ku qornaa waraaqahaasi waxaa ka mid ahaa in ururkaan uu dagaal la gali doono Ciidamada Itoobiya iyo wax uu ku tilmaamay kuwa dabadhilifka u ah, waxayna shacabka Soomaaliyeed uga digeen in aysan ku dhawaan goobaha ay joogaan.


C/llaahi Cali Cumar oo ah Guddoomiye ku xigeenkii Midowga Maxaakiimta oo u waramayey Webka Islaam ayaa waxa uu sheegay in golaha Maxakiimtu ay sii wadi doonaan Dagaalka ay kula jiraan ciidamada Itoolbiya oo uu sheegay in ay dalka qabsadeen.


Web-ku ma sheeg in halka uu ku sugan yahay guddoomiye, waxana uu intaa sii raaciyey in Ciidamada Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah waqti ay ahaataba ay dib u soo laaban Doonaan, waxa uuna Shacabka Soomaaliyeed u soo jeediyey meel kasta oo ay joogaan in ay dalkooda ka saaraan Ciidamada ku soo duulay.

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Dirty Xabashos and their Somali slaves hiding behind cars.


15,Jan,Onkod,Muqdisho: Dagaal qaraar ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay Caawa fiidkii magaalada muqdisho dagaalkan ayaa waxa uu ahaa dagaal aad u qaraar oo ay labada ciidan ay rasaas xoogan is dhaafsadeen dagaalakan ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay xaafada suuqa xoolaha iyo Warshada Agagaarka ee COCO_COLA una dhow guryihii ceymiska waxaana la xaqiijiyay in la gubay laba baabuur oo kuwa dagaalka ah


Dagaalkan ayaa caawa waxa uu ka dhacay xaafada suuqa xoolaha iyo meel u dhaw agagaarka telefeshinkii hore ee xaafadda towfiiq waxaana la arkayya laba baabuur oo ay leeyihiin ciidamada Ethobiyanka ah oo holcawa


Dhinaca kale Ciidamo kale oo Ethpiyan ah oo isku deyey iney ka soo gurmadaan dhinaca suuqa xoolaha ayaa iyagana jidka loo galay agagaarka warshadda baastada halkaas oo la sheegay in dagaal xoog badan oon asagoo kale waaayadan muqdisha la arag ka dhacay.


Dagaalkan ayaa waxa uu noqonaya midkii Shanaad oo dhex mara labada dhinac ee Dowlada KMg iyo maleeshiyooyin fara badan


Wariye Axmed sadiiq

Wariye madax banaan

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