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The Zack

ONLF Wey Adkaan, Saado Ali writes a new song

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^Yaa ku yiri daawo dumar is-luxaya? Ma hebel kaa anjabi baa kuu xalaaleeyay? Extremists need not comment.


Nicely done Saado.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

cajaa'ib @ 'si fiican u dhegeysta o dhuuxa dabadeedna ku camalfala'

Maaddeey, waa hees wacdi ah sxb, dadku waa iney ku camal falaan.

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The Oga.den project is getting to worry me. I am 100% with the ONLF and the struggle against Ethiopian occupation must continue to the last drop of blood, under whatever label.


But I am getting worried about the effect the new 'oga.den'ia' identity which is spalshed across websites and all events is going to have on the young and the children. It will create a confusion in their mind and they may see it more sacred than the big prize, which is Somalinimo.


I think we, me and those who think in my line, have a big task in the coming years in addressing this issue and helping the community understand that while the name 'ONLF' can be used to mobilise foot soldiers on the ground, a parallel sensitisation programmes must be done to the effect of ensuring that the people to be liberated are Somali's, and the O comes as one clan among the many.


The last thing we want to get out of this struggle is a confused generation who will put oga'denia before Somalia. If we go that way, we are the new secessionists, just like our brothers who have now adapted Italian-looking flag as a protest against the rest of Somali's.


Zack, arinta magaca qabiilka ee website'yada lagu daabacayo, dad cadiifad qabiil ku jirto oo ONLF u taageersan maadaama ay yihiin reera ayaa wada. Waa in si adag loola dagaalaa.


Awal waxaan ku marmarsoon jiray magaca ONLF xaalada ayaa lagaga gudbayaa (as it the only practical way of organising the people this time around, as some argue), laakin hadda waxaad moodaa in si toos ah 'to'laayey rer-macallin cabdullahiyoow' loo leeyahay. Waa arin dhaawacaysa ujeedada aasaasiga ah ee halgankeena oo ah inaan la midoowno oo wax la qabsano walaalaheena Somaliyeed.

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AT&T, dadka ONLF iyo halgankeeda xornimo u dirirka ah taageersan badankood qabiil ahaan uma taageersana qabiilna dan kama laha. Waa runtaa waa jiraan kuwo yar oo qabiil jecleysi ay ka buuxdo oo magaca lagu dagaalamayo aad ugu faraxsan kuna dhex dhuumanayo, kuwaasna umad walba waa ku jiraan but mark my words the majority still want Somalihood over Og-hood. One thing though, Somalida reer Somalia dhibaatada ay halganka ku hayaan haddii uu sii socdo dadka Somali Galbeed dhamaantiis jaceylka Somalinimada wuu ka guuri doonaa sida reer waqooyiga oo kale. Maamulada ka jiro Waqooyi Galbeed iyo Waqooyi Bari Somalia labaduba xabashi u adeegayaal bey noqdeen. Shacabka intiisii kale badankiisna, ama qurbo ha joogo ama dibad ha joogee, ayagana waxba kuuma ogola (waa wada xasad), halgankana ma taageersano oo waxey ku odhan qabiil baa tahiin oo magaca Ogdenia magaca Ethiopia beyba ka jecel yihiin. Tusaale waxaa kuugu filan, Forum-kan aan hadda ku jirno baaba magacaas censor gareeyo iyagoo ku mar-marsonayo waa magac qabiil meesha website-yada ajinabigu ay soo qori oo Wikipedia iyo meel kasto uu magacaas ku jiro. Labadaas arimoood oo is biirsay baa laga yaabaa in mustaqbalka dhow ay dadka Somali Galbeed ay door bidaan iney waddan gooni ah noqdaan oo Somalinimada baas iska nacaan.

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