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Ironic! the enemy Ethiopia giving out food while the saviors Alshabaab bomb civilians

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Ciidamada Nabad Ilaalinta Itoobiyaanka oo maanta markii labaad kaalmo raashineed gaarsiiyay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool magaalada Muqdisho. {Argagixisada oo hoobiye yaal ku garaacay dadkii kaalmada loo qeybinayay}


Ciidamada nabad Ilaalinta Itoobiyaanka ee ka howlgala dalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta waxaa ay bilaabeen lugtii labaad ee qeybinta kaalmooyin bini’adanimo oo la siinayo qaar ka mida shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ee dhibaatooyinka bini’adanimo heystaan.



Munaasabadii qeybinta raashinkan oo noocyo kala duwan ka koobnaa ayaa waxaa ay ka dhacday xaruntii hore ee xisbiga Hanti Wadaaga Kacaanka Soomaaliyeed,waxaana raashinkan la gaarsiiyay dadka soo bara kacay ee ku sugan dhowr xero oo ku yaala agagaaraha Stadium Mogadishu iyo xaafada General Daa’uud ee degamada Yaaqshiid.


Munaasabada qeybinta kaalmadan ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa masuliyiin ka mida maamulka gobalka Banaadir iyo safiirka dalka Itoobiya u fadhiya Soomaaliya .


Laakin waxaa aad loola yaabay in iyadoo kaalmo qeybintu socoto ay kooxaha argagixisadu hoobiye yaal kusoo garaacaan halkii dadka gaajoonaya kaalmada lagu siinayay,waxaana taasi ay muujineysaa in argagixisadu hadii ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed amaanka u diideen ay hanadana ka dhuun qabanayaan kaalmada ay siinayaan dadka uu Allah usoo gacan qabtay.


14-kii bishan ayay ciidamada nabad ilaalinta Itoobiyaanku fuliyeen wajigii hore ee qeybinta kaalmada bini’adanimo oo la gaarsiiyay dadka masaakiinta ah ee ku sugan 4 ka mida degmooyinka magaalada Muqdisho.


Dhawaan ayay ahayd markii argagixisadu ay hanjabaad u direen kooxaha gargaarka oo ay sheegeenin ay dilayaan hadii ay dalka Soomaaliya isku yimaadaan,taas oo ahayd arrin ay beesha caalamku aad uga qeylo dhaamisay.


Xafiiska war qabadka shabakada wararka ee Baydhabo. or

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The same enemy that witholds aid from the Ocaden region? The same enemy that didn't even bother to write Somalis in the Ocaden on the food aid list?



The same enemy that instructed the TFG withold food aid, which claimed the food was " out of date"? The same enemy...that..Islamaha ku qowracay suqa dhex-disa?.....masjidada ku xaray? oo saldig cidan ka dhigtay?...arrested hundreds of Somalis and sent them to dungeons?........oo file u galay 2 rape SOmali girls?.......nacalad baa ku tala....

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^Indeed you are stressing my exact sentiment, you aren't aware of it but you foolishly sided with me...


Isn't it ironic! that same enemy is supplying food to the hungry Somalis while the saviours aka Alshabaab are launching rockets to bomb them... that is my point, the puzzle for today!

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^ The Incorrigible Emperor, xageed ku aragtay xabashi wax quudisa? Iyadiibaa gaajo u bakhtiyaysa, saaxiib. This PR stunt ayaad riwaayad ka samaynaysaa!IS LA YAAB!

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Indeed you are stressing my exact sentiment, you aren't aware of it but you foolishly sided with me...


Isn't it ironic! that same enemy is supplying food to the hungry Somalis while the saviours aka Alshabaab are launching rockets to bomb them... that is my point, the puzzle for today!

No, am not siding with you! Gormay, Walalhaagi Xabashidu enemy noqdeen?


Let me tell you something: a western researcher/professor went to Ethiopia and She was astonished to find out that the Tigray Generals didn't even bother to register to the SOmali region and it's people as formal recipients of food aid from the UN, etc. Moreover, we know that this regime has been using food aid as weapon of war against SOmalis in the Ocaden and those in Muqdisho! This is just propganda( sick one) aimed at catching the attention of the International media!



I'm not suprised that Meles Zenaw's ilk would resort to such sick propoganda against vunerable, starving people, the very ones they uprooted from their homes and justified it because they were supporting " insurgents"! This is an elite who's leader tossed scraps of meat to his pet lion whilst his people were starving!



Lakin, waxaan la yaba the Somali Paper boys, ie those that do the daily paper round of Xabashi propoganda! Ayan Dhow what will they say? General Gabre Masjiidki Jimacaha ku tukadey? Cajiib!

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^ war waxan ha ku mashquuline, waa wax laga yaqyaq sado e, Brofeesorku ma Abu-geeljiraa? Geeljire midbaa la baxaye faraha uga qaad, saaxiib. Anagana spare us the confusion. Anaa kuu haya magacyo kale. Wayso-cadde ka waran? ama Mo'alin Dugsi, etc. :D

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^Abtigis, its you that need inuu ISLA YAABO, waayo runta been lagama sheego, even the spin master of the Alshabaab and indhacade's thug militia appeaser, the media warlord that kept fuelling Somali civil war for years, Yusuf Garaads BBC Somali section is reporting this story...


Goob cunto lagu qaybinayay oo la weeraray


Askarta Ethiopia ee ku sugan Soomaaliya

Hoobiyayaal ayaa lagu duqeeyay xaruntii hore ee xisbiga oo u dhaw garoonka Istadium Muqdishu, halkaasoo ay dagan yihiin ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah wax yar kadib markii ay halkaasi cunto qeybin ka sameeyeen sarakiil itoobiyan ah oo uu horkacayay safiirka Ithoobiya u fadhiya Muqdisho Ambasodor Fisaaha Shawal.

Hoobiyayaasha ayaa ku dhacay dhul maran mana jirto wax qasaare ah oo halkaasi ka dhashay.


Safiirka ithoobiya oo shir jaraaid maanta qabtay ayaa waxa uu yiri.


"Maanta waa maalintii labaad ee guutooyin kala duwan oo Ithoobiyaan ahi ay mushaarkooda uga soo iibiyeen, Bariis, Masago iyo saliida cuntada lagu karsado, dad degan meelo badan oo Muqdisho ka tirsan, si ay ula wadaagaan waxey heystaan dadka Soomaliya, dadka Muqdisho, ma ahan wax badan lakiin waxay doonayaan in ay muujiyaan waxey yihiin, waana u cadaalad wanaagsan ciidamda qalabka sida ee Etheopia, sidaad ka warqabtaana hadda waxey caawinayaan ilamaa iyo shan qobol oo qof, oo ah dad sabool ah, ayna saameysay sicir bararka cuntada ee aadka u sareeya ee Muqdisho, waxaan dareemay in talabadani ay wax xogaa cawin doonto, dadka degan Muqdisho." Fisaha Shawal.


Link of the report: BBC Somali


How many more sources do you want, I will ;)


Prof.geelka, do you know the meaning of Ironic, its you baseless arguments thats getting silly by the day...

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^ Leave alone food distribution center, Xabashi's will be attcked even if they are in Mosques! No place is safe for them in Somalia. Intanaad naf ka dayaysaa ood hoos orodka guumaysiga ku justify gareyn rabtaa!!

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Emperor, baseless arguments, ya? What's really ironic is that waxaad ku fanaysa Xabashis gave out food aid, when they were the ones that withheld food and displaced these people in the first place? Though, one always expects the TFG diehards to speak in tongues, when they are seemingly unable to recoizgne the fallacies of their paper-round recyled Xabashi propoganda!

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^Saaxib, its ironic that you always complained about massacre and civilians bombed, now its your beloved group that's bombing where the civilias gathered for food....


Abtigis, marki hore you were dismissing the story, but now you come across praising the bombing, very predictable of you, keep up your warmongering hit-run cowardism and later complain about massacre...

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^ No. Warloridsm is reserved for YEY and his followers. That is the hallmark of Yeyesters. Sit in the dark abode of iniquity cheering Mohamed dheere, YEY, Darwish, Cabdi qaybdiid and the rest of the social rejects as a government. Bartaas ayaa lagugu qaban adoo ka qaylyaya.


Worse, you don't mind the occupation of your country by Ethiopia, because without them Uncle Yey won't be a president. Or becuase there is a score to be settled with the poor people of Mogdishu for crimes committed by USC in 1990s.


That is all your pre-occupation, saaxiib.

War monger or not, Alshabab and the forces of liberation are on the march!! No wonder these last days, 'reconciliation, reconciliation, Asmara group breaking up' was the toast of those in the twilight of their disservice to the nation!

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^ No.Warloridsm is reserved for YEY and his followers. That is the hallmark of Yeyesters. Sit in the dark abode of iniquity cheering Mohamed dheere, YEY, Darwish, Cabdi qaybdiid and the rst of the social rejects as a government. Bartaas ayaa lagugu qaban adoo ka qaylyaya.


Worse, you don't mind the occupation of your country by Ethiopia, because without them Uncle Yey won't be a president. Or becuase there is a score to be settled with the poor people of Mogdishu for crimes committed by USC in 1990s.


That is all your pre-occupation, saaxiib.


War monger or not, Alshabab and the forces of liberation are on the march!! No wonder these last days, reconciliation, reconciliation, Asmara gropu breaking up was the toast of those in the twilight of their disservice to the nation!

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^Stop you nonsense usual irrelavant speeches, neither M. Dheere, nor Yey or Qaybiid is mentioned on this thread...


Solve today's puzzle, Ethiopia giving food to the Somali people, Alshabaab targeting at the same people to murder and dissrupt... BBC Somali reports...

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