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Even in Hargeysa, UN Development Projects Plan Reflect One Somalia

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UNDP & Somaliland oo is khilaafey


Wasiir ku-xigeenka Wasaarada Qorshaynta Somaliland Axmed Xaashi Cabdi ayaa albaabada u xidhay shir Hay’ada UNDP ku soo badhigtay qorshe ay soo ansixisay dawlada Somalia ee KMG ah taas oo loogu tala galay in lagu gargaaro dalka Somalia halkii balantu ahayd iny la yimaadaan qorshe lagu horumarinayo Somaliland mudada 2010 – 2012,


Xukuumada Somaliland iyo hay’adaha caalamiga ahi ayaa arintaasi hore uga kulan ayaa la sheegey iney horey isugu afgarteen kadib markii labada dhinac magaalada Hargeysa ku kulmeen 14-kii February 2010-ka.


Dawlada Somaliland iyo hay’adaha caalamiga ah oo ay hogaaminayso Hay’ada UNDP ayaa mudo sadex sanadood kahor heshiis ku gaadhay qorshe lagu horumarineed oo mudadiisu tahay 5 sanadood oo wax lagaga qabanayo arimo ay ka mid yihiin Tosinta mamulka, Adkaynta nabad galyada, Dib u dhiska iyo Horumarinta kabayasha dhaqale iyo adeegyada bulshada oo loogu talo galay miisaaniyad lagu qiyaasay $500 milyan.


Waxaa markii subaxdii hore 7 April,2010 la isugu yimi Hotel Ampassador oo ku yaala magaalada Hargeysa wada fariistey dhamaan ergadii ka kala socotay qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada,s araakiisha ka socotay hay'ada UNDP iyo madaxdii Somaliland halkaasi oo warbixin dheer oo ku qornayd af Ingiriis ka akhriyay sarkaal ka socday UNDP, waxana warqadaasi xaga sare kaga qornaa dawlada Somaliya oo ansixisay deeqaha sanadka 2012 ee barnaamijka gargaarka Somaliya.


Waxyar kadib khudbadii uu akhriyay sarkaalkaal ka socdey UNDP ayuu sare u kacay Wasiir xigeenka Qorshaynta ee Somaliland Axmed Xaashi Cabdi waxana uu ku dhawaaqay in uu shirku xidhan yahay,isaga oo sheegey in UNDP kulankaan ku soo dartay wax aan la isla ogolayn oo ay ka mid tahay in aanu ka mid nahay Somaliya iyo qorshayaal kale sidaasi daraadeed shirku waa xidhan yahay.


Ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhanka saraakiisha hay`ada UNDP.

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‘Shirku waa xidhanyahay’ is the only policy course left for Somaliland officials when confronted with the painful truth of being considered a part of a failed state, and NOT INDEPDENT COUNTRY.


The phantom state features well in ina Warabe's fiery speeches, and perhaps Ahmed Yasin's spirit, but apparently it has no reference in international arenas.

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Somaliland response


Somaliland oo Albaabada u xidhay Shir ay UNDP ku soo Bandhigtay Qorshe ay doonaysay inay ka fuliso

Written by Qarannews

Apr 07, 2010 at 11:32 AM

Xukuumadda Somaliland oo Albaabada u xidhay Shir ay UNDP ku soo Bandhigtay Qorshe ay doonaysay inay ku fuliso Somaliland oo ay soo Ansixisay Dawladda Sh Shariif


Hargeysa-(Qarannews)-Wasiir ku xigeen wasaaradda qorshaynta Qaranka Axmed Xaashi ayaa shalay irridaha u xidhay Shir ay Hay'aadda UNDP ku soo bandhigtay qorshe xukuumadda Somaliya soo Ansixisay oo lagu taageerayo Somaliya, halkii laga filayay inay keento qorshe Somaliland u gaar ah oo lagu Horumarinaayo 2010-2012 ka taasoo ay hore xukuumadda Somaliland ugala hadashay Hay'addaha Caalamiga ah arrintaasi sanadkan bilowgiisii


Hadaba shirkii shalay oo la filayay in lagu sii ambaqaado qorshihii shanta sano ahaa ee shanta milyan ku baxaysay ayaa markiiba joogsaday kadib markii sarkaal ka tirsan hay'adda UNDP uu bilaabay inuu madasha ka akhriyo qorshe loogu talagalay Somaliya oo ay soo Ansixisay Dawladda Sh Shariif, dhacdadan ayuu markiiba ka cadhooday wasiir ku xigeenka qorshaynta ee Somaliland waxaanu markiiba xidhay shirkii iyadoo ay saraakiishii iyo Ururadii bulshada ee Somalilandna ka baxeen


Wasiir ku xigeenka qorshaynta oo faahfaahinaya sababta uu u xidhay shirka ayaa yidhi " waxay inoo samaynayeen qorshe shan sanadood ah oo Somaliland u8 gaar ah qaabkii ay qorshahaas u soo samaynayeena horaanu ugu dirnay, nasaab daro waxay soo dhigeen qorshihii Somalia, waan ka joojiyay mikirifoonkiina waan ka qaaday waxaanan u sheegay inaanay waxan oo kale iyo qorshe aan ina khusaynin dalka keenaan, waxay nagu yidhaahdeen waanu khaldanay qorshihiinii ayaanu soo samaynaynaaye shirka ha xidhina fusad na siiya, laakiin waanu ka diidnay, kadib caawa ayaanu balansanayn inaan ka soo hubiyo inay diyaariyeen iyo inkale waanan soo hubiyoo may diyaarin sidaas darteed si rasmiya ayaanu u joojinay shirkaasi illaa intay ka keenayaan qorshe inoo gaar ah"



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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

xiinfanin why do u love us to be part of a Failed state

Its not what he loves lad. Its the truth, you are part of Somalia.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

xiinfanin why do u love us to be part of a Failed state

Xaaji, the failed state is yours. It's NOT UNDP's. You want to take your toys and leave like an angry kid. But the international laws does not permit such frivolous activity to affect recognized borders.

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Oh no he prefers and Likes Somaliland to be part of the failed koonfuria. But don’t worry No undp meeting in our own Country Can Stop Somaliland’s Self determination

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No undp meeting in our own Country Can Stop Somaliland’s Self determination


How come you could not determine what their stance was before the meeting? :D

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The only truth is that Somaliland Government responded in a very mature way, And me being part of Somalia is a dream that will never come true xiin. :D

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What you say does not matter much, xaaji. Another truth is without recognition, and with the prospect of Somalia’s rebirth, you and the region you represent would easily fall in line singing the national anthem you helped compose


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UNDP waa qaldantahay Somaliland aayaheeda TFG in lagala tashado ama ay u qorsheyso maaha, iyagaa qorshahooda wata! Nimankaas reer Waqooyi waa tashadeen intii qubta & qacda koonfur ka socotay, Hambalyo.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

What you say does not matter much, xaaji. Another truth is without recognition, and with the prospect of Somalia’s rebirth, you and the region you represent would easily fall in line singing the national anthem you helped compose


That’s What you like to see Somalia’s Rebirth But that’s far from the actual truth there is no way Somalia will have a functional state or a powerful government that resembles the former Siyaad bare government not going to happen. Somalia’s only Solution is to Go back to our former Colonial borders and fix the problem we caused with the 1960 unity, which failed all Somalis.


The only song I will be singing the next century is Somaliland dalkayga somaliland dadkayga get used to it :D

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Times, ya xaji, are pregnant with unknowns. Somaliland dalkayga somaliland dadkayga was the song late Abdurahman Tuur thought he would be singing for next century :D .


And you know very well how that movie ended.


Somalia is not dead, it will get back up and move again...and you will be part of it.


Yaan laga tegine toosi luquntaada, waryee :D

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