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Somaliland Needs a Paradigm Change: Now or Never!

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Somaliland has existed for nearly two decades by now. Aspirations and dreams associated with the declaration of Somaliland are fading out from hearts of normal citizens day after a day. The Somaliland Republic intended to restore prosperity, justice, freedom, dignity, development and in short, whatever good, is not anymore delivering these goals while almost two decades have gone. Any intellectual, self-critical, visionary and strategist acquainted with the implicit aspirations of Somaliland people during the struggle and high hopes of early nineties can easily observe the anxiety experienced by the people nowadays. In brief, Somaliland people are missing the very reason of Somaliland! Why? Was Somaliland Utopia? Nay!


In short, Somaliland is drowning into deep ocean of senselessness and self-inflicting destruction politically, economically, socially and culturally. Why so many frustrated young generations committing outright suicide in the deep seas? Who by the way, lived and grew in the PEACE we boast with. What is missing?


For that reason, may we examine the recent past, the present, and CHANGE the history of tomorrow? Dare we break the silence and fence-sitting behaviour? I believe now or never!


Any human change begins with the twist of mind and switch of thinking. Indifference and desperation are the killers of thinking. Paradigm examination is the next step. To revive and resurrect the ebbing hopes, aspirations and again, get motivated with the end in mind, Somaliland Needs Paradigm Change, not quick fixes and adjustments!


Paradigm is the WAY we do things. Suppose you want to go somewhere and you carry a map to take you there, and you never find where you were going. What is wrong? Is it that the place you were going does not exist at all? Or, that there is something wrong with you? What about if there is nothing wrong with neither you nor the place? Then, the map must be the wrong one. This is exactly the situation Somaliland is today. There is nothing wrong with Somaliland independence itself or with the right course and aspirations of Somaliland people. The problem is the map, the paradigm Somaliland ventured.


Until now, if you are still looking to figure out what I am talking about and the background of my worries, I suggest you read and contemplate writings and speeches of Somaliland’s veteran intelligentsia, (particularly, former chairman of SNM Central Committee, Prof. Ibrahim Maygaag Samatar’s latest article ‘Where I Stand’, one of the founders and fighters of SNM Prof. Abdisalam Yasin’s recent series of poems and articles in the media and lastly but not the least, founding member and latest vice-chairman of SNM Hassan Isse Jama’s insightful speeches in different occasions).


The intelligent scientist Albert Einstein once said, “The significant problems we face can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were, when we created them”. Thus our present problems are our present paradigms.


By paradigm change, we do not mean change of our aspirations and dreams, but twist our mind and switch our thinking to the right route. Let me relate you one of such things I myself learned that clicks the RIGHT LINK of our minds and thinking. It was the twelve of August (12th August) at the meeting hall of Ambassador Hotel where SONYO (Somaliland Youth Umbrella) organized a seminar for more than 150 youth representing different regions of Somaliland to celebrate the International Youth Day. Dr. Jama Musse Jama was invited to the stage. He asked one question in the beginning. Imisa sano ayay Somaliland jirtaa? (How many years Somaliland exists). The youth rushed to the answer and promptly replied, ‘more than 17 years’, without hesitation. Then, Dr. Jama repeated another question and asked, ‘ok, how many hours does Somaliland people especially government people spend at their offices?’ ‘Two to three hours’, they said loudly. ‘So, how can we say Somaliland existed 17 years then’? Inquired Jama. Alla! Alla!……. ‘Wallaahi waa runtiisa……, oo waxaynu jirnayba waa intaa rubuceede!’ (Oh! he is right…. , we existed only quarter of that) They all exclaimed!


The point is clear. If you are employed one month and your job is to work 30 days, but you work only 10 days and end up doing third of your job at the end of the month, it does not mean you have done your job even though 30 days have passed. Thus, the problem is the attitude of time. Time is not something external and out there but you, your being and deeds. This is one classic example of the many vague paradigms of life we are encircled by.


Any sphere of our life is shackled by one or some contradictory self-destructive paradigms. Look at our economic, societal, political and cultural paradigms. Look at our value of work, the prevailing political philosophy and moral status.


We must change and break with the past.


“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing” Edmund Burke


AFEEF: There is no any explicit or implicit indication that I, the writer of this article am above these criticisms, habits and behaviours I am explaining. Rather, it is truth and self-critical analysis to share with you, those who think and care!



Written by

Jama Gabush

Helsinki, Finland

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