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Xuuraan iyo Xanta Suuqa: kala soco Is Kismayo Next?

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These guys lahjadooda aan ka helaa iyo siday ugu jajaban yihiin xornimada soomaalida, nacaybka ay u qabaaan caada qaate oo dhan, I have never read a single article on their web page inwhich they question the wisdom of fighting for Somalia's Dignity and the survival of its people.


This article below gives much information about what happened in Jilib and how it happened, what is rumoured to be next for the Jubba Courts. It was written before Alshabaab went to Kamsuuma. Bottom line, question is is Kismayo Cadey Next? :D boqolaal gaarayo oo dhawaan tabobar ciidan loogu soo xirey meel aan jilib ka fogeyn ayaa howlgalkii ugu horeeyey ee abni sugid ah waxa eey kula warageen amaanka magaalada Jillib oo foodo iyo qas uu ka jirrey billihii lasoo dhaafay, iyadoo dhanka kale digniin culus shalayto loo direy kooxaha ********ta ee magaalada Kismaayo ku sugan ee isbaarooyinka xaddhaafka magaalada dhexdeeda dhigtey, waxaana maanta Kismaayo ka dhacay shaqaaqoyin eey dad ku dhinteen. ______********TA KISMAAYO OO LOO MAALMO TIRINAYO.



Sida aan Arbacadii dhaweyn halkan ka faafinay, waxaa jirey ciidamo 500 boqol gaarayay oo tabobar maalin kahor loogu soo gabogabeeyey meel ka tirsan gobolka, kuwaas oo loogu tallo galay sugida amaanka shacabka jubbooyinka ee ********ta qoriga caraadiisa kula tagtay, sida warbixinteena ku xusneyd waxaa jirra abaanduule cusub oo ah nin dhalinyaro ah, kaas oo loo magacaabay ciidamada Maxaakiimta islaamiga ee gobolada Jubooyinka ka howlgala, waxaanan sheegney in xilli dhow eey ciidamadaasi ka howlgali doonaan magaalooyinka qasan ee Jubbooyinka ka tirsan.


Waxay u muuqataa in arrintasi laga dhabeeyey iyadoo xittaa todobad eeysan kasoo wareegin, maanta iyagoo aad u hubeysan, lugna ku jooga ayay ku waabariisteen degmada Jillib oo eey afduub ku heysteen ******** shacabka xaaxda ka mariyey, dagaal qadar daqiiqado socday ayay la galeen ********tii ma quusteyaasha ahaa ee meesha joogey, sida la sheegey 3 qof oo inta baddan dhanka ********ta ah ayaa ku geeriyootey, halka dhowr kale ay ku dhaawacmeen, kuwaas oo hadda lagu dabiibayo isbitaalka eey MSF maamusho ee tuulada Mareerey. Saacado kadibna waxay magaalada u gacan gashay si buuxda ciidamadaasi amaanka suganaya, waxay dadka deegaanka ku qancisey talaabadaasi in eey guryahooda kusoo laabtaan, halka markii hore eey ka barakaceen iyagoo moodayay in ciidamo beeleed eey yihiin waxa magaalada soo weeraray.


Magaalada ayaa haatan xasiloon, waxaana jirta in wax kasta eey caadi yihiin.


Dhanka kale magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubadda Hoose ayaa waxaa u galaya todobaadkii afraad oo qalalaase iyo mashaqo eey ka taagantahay, waxaa samaynaya rabshadaha ********ta magaalada ku xidideysatay ee iyaguna ma quuste yaasha ah, waxay maanta iyo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay kalifeen in eey is hortaagaan noloshii dadweynaha caadiga ah, waxay isbaarooyin bilqan ah dhigteen dhamaan isgoysyada wadooyinka magaalada, waxa eey xirreen wadadii ka imanaysay dekeda, waxa eey xittaa isbaaro dhigteen illinka isbitaalka weyn ee magaalada, oo xittaa gawaarida dhaawac iyo bukaanka wada eey lacago baad ah ka qaadayeen, maantana isla meeshaasi ayuu iska horimaad ka dhacay kaas oo dhimasho iyo dhaawcba uu ka dhashay.


Maamulka magaalada oo markani eey tallo ku cadaatay ayaa samaynaya wax u muuqda dadaalkii ugu dambeeyey oo si rajo dhig ah eey u wajahayaan qalalaasaha amaanka magaalada ka taagan, si ugu yaraan eey u muujiyaan jawi marmarsiimo u noqota in ciidamad maxcaakiimta eeysan magaalada kusoo galin iyagoo ku doodayo amaanka ayaan sugeynaa taasoo ah wax jirra.


Sida uu kusoo waramayo wariyaheena Kismaayo Barre Bullaale oo shalayto ka qeybgalay mid ka mid ah qudbooyinkii jimcaha masaajida magaalada , waxaa jirrey in culumada magaalada eey markani gaareen heer eey sii fiirsan waayaan waxa magaalada ka dhacay, oo eey danta ku qasabto in eey talaabo ku haboon ka qaadaan ******** diiratada ah, culumada ayaa inta baddan qudbooyinkooda ku sheegey in haddii 24 saac gudahood lagu qaadi waayo isbaarooyinka magaalada yaala in eey iyagu talaabo ku haboon ka qaadi doonaan ********ta ma naxayaasha ah ee caleenta raamsanaya. Tani waa digniintii ugu cusleed e ay fishaan ********ta iyo madaxdooda aay markani amar diideynayaan, balse aan wax badan iyagu dhaamin.



Marka aad hanjabaadaasi culumada eegto, isla markaasina aad barbardhigto waxa maanta Jillib ka dhacay, waxaad halkaasi ka arakaysaa in maalmihii ********ta Kismaayo ku mushaaxi lahayd, eey markani tirsanyihiin, kaba sii darane eey sheekadu maalmo dhaaftay, oo markani saacado tirsi eey gaartay, waliba 24 saac oo markani gabogabo ah.



Haddii aan sawir kale ka bixino sida eey wax u jiraan, ma ahan oo kaliya magaalooyinka eey maxaakiimtu qabsadeen ama ku wajanyihiin Kismaayo iyi Jillib, shalayto magaalada Baardhaare waxaa irdaha loo laabay dhamaan shaneemooyinkii magaalada, kadib markii fariimo maxaakiimta ka yimid loo geeyey, waxaad maanka ku heysaa in magaalada Buurdhuubo oo Gedo ka tirsan eey maxaakiimtu gacantu ku hayaan, gobolka Bay oo daris la ah, waa inagii dhawaan halkan ka sheegney in magaalada Baydhabo oo kaliya ey ka harsantahay oo la wada qabsaday intiisii kale, xasuusnoow magaalooyinka Saakow iyo Kudhaa waxaa ka jira maxkamado islaami ah oo diinta islaamka wax lagu maamulo. Marka waxaasi oo dhan la’isu wada geeyo, maxaa halkaasi kaaga soo baxaya?. Dabcan jawaabtu waa doqoni garatay iskaba dhaaf duul garaad lehe.


Gebi ahaanba soo guud maroo, haddii eey wax walbo u dhacaan sida loo qorsheeyey, Kismaayana eey maxaakiimtu gacanta ku dhigto, waxaa meesha ku dhicisoobaya qorshahii Barre Hiiraale iyo kooxdiisa (ASXAABUL KAHFIGA), ee ahaa in la sameeyo maamul Jubbaland la magac baxay, waxaanan arki Doonaa Barre iyo Kooxdiisa oo Godey ciidamo xabashidu loogu aruurinayo, waaba haddii eey gulufkani ka baxsadaane.



FG: Xuuraan Iyo Xanta Suuqa waa barnaamij taxliil iyo lafo gur ah oo aan ku eegno arrimaha ugu waawey ee maalintaasi dalka ka jirra, waana barnaamij faalo qorayaal arrimaha ku xeeldheer eey soo diyaariyaan, waqti baddan iyo baaritaan dheerna loo galo.

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As much as I would like the specific group I am from to support the liberation of the nation from the Ethiopian forces who have seized with impunity sections of it, I cannot help but be turned off by the tribalistic motives that become apparent after the veneers are pealed off every often.


U baroor jeclidaa in Kismaayo iyo meela aan Xabashi joogin shacab ku le'daan.


I caution you to use your sources well. During the Afgaduud events of yesterday, Kismaayonews was one of Duke's favorite sources and the disappointment is apparent. :D


The militia in Kismaayo has already left that city heading towards the areas taken by the invading forces and have told them to leave, do not see them as enemies, but if they do not will be forced to.


Ilaahay meesha ha nabdeeye, balse anigu waxay ila tahay in lays xiniinyo taabtay, rag is xiniinyo taabtayne alaa kala qaban karo. :D

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

As much as I would like the specific group I am from to support the liberation of the nation from the Ethiopian forces who have seized with impunity sections of it

What if the Ethiopians helped liberate a beloved home town from evil guys with evil cimamads? :confused:

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

quote:Originally posted by HornAfrique:

As much as I would like the specific group I am from to support the liberation of the nation from the Ethiopian forces who have seized with impunity sections of it

What if the Ethiopians helped liberate a beloved home town from evil guys with evil cimamads? :confused:
Perhaps you should be sent to the kiddy corner? smile.gif

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Adeer, this is not September 2006. That ICU of yesterday was rife with clan opportunists who succeeded in manipulating the true religious wishes of the people to wage "religious" wars for clan purposes.


Since then, the groups have been sized down to the true, legitimate, honest supporters of an Islamic Somalia free of Ethiopian and foreign incursion. Today they are the ones fighting in Mogadishu and elsewhere while the clan opportunists could not manage to endure the heat and have since left the country.


I can tell you many of the group's critics, including myself, have changed opinion since then. It is a disappointment to see this group to continue surprise attacking peaceful Somali areas and wasting limited resources they desperately need when Ethiopia still physically occupies segments of Somalia including the capital city.


I see that as a disappointment and only those whom I have long analyzed as the clan opportunists, including the starter of this topic, see it as a moment of felicitation.


Haye, ka daroo dibi dhal! smile.gif

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Abu Geeljire, this is exactly what I have tried to tell you.


The same website (Kismaayonews) the individual who started this topic used is now joining a chorus of others saying a heavily armed large militia has left that city of Kismaayo and is now headed towards the areas captured by the Islamic-oriented group to potential oust them by force.


Who succeeds if this fight occurs? Somali liberation or Ethiopia? What is the point of these maneuvers that will amount to nothing but a loss of resources that could be used against the real enemy who occupies sections of the country?


War Deg Deg ah: Ciidamo Kismaayo ka tagay oo caawo duulaan kusii ah deegaanka kamsuuma Sida eey sheegayaan warar aan la xaqiijinin, ciidamo aad u farabadan, oo hubeysan, ayaa caawo ka baxay magaalada Kismaayo iyagoo kusii jeeda deegaanka kamsuuma oo eey shalayto qabsadeen xoogaga maxaakiimta islaamiga ah.



wararka aan heleyno, oo laakiin aan wali la xaqiijin karin ayaa tibaaxaya, in ciidamo oo eey hor boodayaan saraakiil ciidan oo sheegey in Jillib iyo kamsuuma eey beelo qabsadeen, eey tahay in lagu duulo, dibna looga qabsado deegaanada eey qabsadeen, waxaana la sheegey in ciidamo aad u baddan eey ku baxeen dhanka Kamsuuma oo iyadu ku taala laamiga isku xiga Kismaayo iyo Jillib.


lama garanayo halka eey ciidamad gaareen, mana jirto wax isku dhac ah oo lasoo sheegey, sida eey sheegayan dadka yaqaana dagaalada uma badna in isla caawo eey dagaalo dhacaan, waayo waa in marka hore ciidamada duulanka ah ay marka hore fariisan samaystaan, kadibna indhoindheeyaan xaalada meesha ka jirta.


waxaa warar kale oo aan la xaqiijin sheegayaan in dooni hub wadda eey maanta kusoo xiratay meel ka baxsan xeebta Kismaayo, halkaas oo eey gawaarida maamulka kasoo daad gureeyeen, lama oga cidda hubkaasi keentey, waxaana la sheegayaa in awood 3 aad eey dabada ka wado ciidamada weerar tagay.
[ <---This paragraph is amusing...this coming from the same source that backed Afgaduud and Koojaar in the last skirmish


Wixiii kasoo kordha waan idinla soo socodsiin doonaa.


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ICU being hijacked by opportunists doesn't mean one has to sleep with the devil, even momentarily! As for the rest, I still don't get the point your trying to make! It seems like your saying:


1. ICU was full of opportunists and fakes. Therefore, that's why it's oright to have sought help from Ethiopia and lead the devil to the shores of Somalia;whilst other rival warlords are dabodhilifs for having done the same thing?


2. The resistance shouldn't resist warlords and moryaan militias(the so-called "peaceful ones") who ultimately led Ethiopians to Somalia and are still taxing, robbing and raping Somali civilians? All because they are good old Somalis, not Ethiopians, ya?

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

As much as I would like the specific group I am from to support the liberation of the nation from the Ethiopian forces who have seized with impunity sections of it, I cannot help but be turned off by the tribalistic motives that become apparent after the veneers are pealed off every often.


U baroor jeclidaa in Kismaayo iyo meela aan Xabashi joogin shacab ku le'daan.


I caution you to use your sources well. During the Afgaduud events of yesterday, Kismaayonews was one of Duke's favorite sources and the disappointment is apparent.


The militia in Kismaayo has already left that city heading towards the areas taken by the invading forces and have told them to leave, do not see them as enemies, but if they do not will be forced to.


Ilaahay meesha ha nabdeeye, balse anigu waxay ila tahay in lays xiniinyo taabto, rag is xiniinyo taabtayne alaa kala qaban karo.

The good fellas of your clansmen are leading and in cahoots with the armed religious knights almost always, why are you so blind? You find two cousins in opposite lines here saxib, adiga midka dadka dhacaayo yaa kuu matala qabiilka, what about the good cousin of yours? Isn't he worth your unmolested support? Can you deny the fact that a good junk of your clansmen are always on the side of the courts?


Dhuuso boys in Kistaa should hand over the reign of the city to their religious cousins to save the town from unnecessary violence :D Time is up bro for the lawless men in town.


PS:This time other sources also report the same events saxib, it is not only Kismaayonews. Sheekada waa mutawaatir lol. Edited.

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Abu Geeljire, adeer I never made an excuse for Ethiopia. The supposition you are deriving from my statement is yours truly and the bane with suppositions is that they are not rooted in fact but merely assumptions. I tried to make you understand why an organization such as the Islamic Courts Union would see the creation of critics when in the reality we are one of the most Islamic nations in this world, at least in so far as by percentile is concerned. I never tried to make an excuse for Ethiopian support.


Adeer with all due respect some of us have been resisting Ethiopian and foreign incursion into our nation even before you experienced your first inhalation of oxygen. :D


I spoke principally on the ICU and why some opposed it, including myself in the latter part of its organized existence and that is because it was an organization driven by clan opportunists. I do not know if you understand the implication of what I am writing but when the ICU become a tool of clan opportunism, it entered the fray of Somalia's clan based civil war where moral superiority is absolutely moot. How can Muuse Suudi's and Qanyare's militia boys given cimaamado upon the defeat of those warlords have any superiority over anyone else? I will leave you to understand how this plays into dynamics on the ground. It is the best I can do to try to make you understand the situation yourself.

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And LOL@waa lays xaniinyo taabtay, booto, waxaad haysaan soo daaya saxib LOOL.



PS: Horn, if I add to my previous comment, Qofka hadduu xumaan jiray laakiinse uu go'aan wanaagsan qaato maanta, xumaantiisii hore isaga iyo ilaahay yay ka dhexeysaa bro, and for that, I would even have a positive view about A/Y, Barre Hiiraale, Dheere should they all denounce their past and present condcut, their slavish support for the Xabashis and say they were mistaken. I would let them and other somalis who oppose them battle it out. I have never sided with one group of somalis when Somali wars were purely clan driven.


Also, If I thought like you, I would have switched my support from the courts when they atacked and disarmed the clan militia who share family lienage with me in Muqdisho. Adiga you accused and still accuse the coruts because they forced Hiiraale to abandon Kismaayo despite the courts having on their side men of your own blood.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

The good fellas of your clansmen are leading and in cahoots with the armed religious knights almost always, why are you so blind? You find two cousins in opposite lines here saxib, adiga midka dadka dhacaayo yaa kuu matala qabiilka, what about the good cousin of yours? Isn't he worth your unmolested support? Can you deny the fact that a good junk of your clansmen are always on the side of the courts?


Dhuuso boys in Kistaa should hand over the reign of the city to their religious cousins to save the town from unnecessary violence
Time is up bro for the lawless men in town.


PS:This time other sources also report the same events saxib, it is not only Kismaayonews. Sheekada waa mutawaatir lol. Edited.

Take it with a pinch of salt, but I consider myself on the side of Al-Shabaab no matter how hard this is for you to believe.


Xoog, the fact of the matter is maxaa dagaal keeney? This is the most irritating factor in all of this. Not only are there some Court-supporting individuals in my group, as you say, but I know in reality that the majority are. I also know that a lot of them have been turned off by this recent development and probably many of them heading to try to fight the groups now have no stomach for it. Balse maxaa dagaal keenayo. Adeer nin doonaya inuu ku dharbaaxo, gacamaha u laabayn maysid.


The fact of the matter is a section of the group entered Baardheere a mere two weeks ago. However, they came peacefully and told the people that their fight is with the Ethiopians forces and that their objective is cut off an Ethiopian supply line that runs through Luuq and Dollow. The townspeople said go in peace. They went to Buurdhuubo where the same thing transpired, and by today they are probably positioning themselves in various strategic places around the supply line both as saboteurs as well as sentry.


That is working towards the liberation of the nation adeer. Not going gun-totting in a land where tribal sensitivities are rife. Aggression breeds aggression. That is the law of the jungle.

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You missed this part bro :D



PS: Horn, if I add to my previous comment, Qofka hadduu xumaan jiray laakiinse uu go'aan wanaagsan qaato maanta, xumaantiisii hore isaga iyo ilaahay yay ka dhexeysaa bro, and for that, I would even have a positive view about A/Y, Barre Hiiraale, Dheere should they all denounce their past and present condcut, their slavish support for the Xabashis and say they were mistaken. I would let them and other somalis who oppose them battle it out. I have never sided with one group of somalis when Somali wars were purely clan driven.


Also, If I thought like you, I would have switched my support from the courts when they attacked and disarmed the clan militia who share family lineage with me in Muqdisho. Adiga you accused and still accuse the courts because they forced Hiiraale to abandon Kismaayo despite the courts having on their side men of your own blood. They were not motivated by clan.

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Horn The site is acting saxib, so I must say your support for the youth is welcome, it is noble, good for you and redeeming. Just make sure once they get into conflict with your first favourite, you continue supporting them bro :D

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Xoogsade iyo Abu-geelka goormee isku dhici doonaan iyagana?


I see Horn getting all defensive his beloved town is in danger of changing hands from his beloved clan to him now hated formerly lovely Shabaabs... That is a man who was supporting Shababka only days ago, what a U-turn and what a difference does a day make... The long road of Somali saga is yet to be over soon...


The notorious militia former Jnr members of JVA have trouble in their hands, heat, death and the real test of war is within sight, they have enjoyed so much the cake of playing the fair game indirectly being part of both, now it's over... Not only over from the Shabaabs and the ICU side but also the TFG side too, the TFG will not come to the rescue any time sooner, you will have to deal with the crazy Shabaabs on your own...


Now Shabaabka having lost the war against the TFG and failed to gain anything in the real ground, Mogadishu, it seems they set for the second strategic city of the South after Mogadishu, which is Kismayo... It's very important city and will wait to see how Huuraale is going to defend or will it be another historic run on a donkey. :D

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