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Somalia PM wants dialogue; 6,000 dead this year

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Originally posted by -:

^^The Somalis themselves with their retarded leaders, and masses who don't ever seem to appreciate their own plight. Dad aan isku naxeen cid unaxeesay ma jidho,hence the world's indifference to our plight.

Agree. When,a few good men went and formed a fantastic system based on GOD's rule, a few other bad men decided to use an enemy to stay in power.


Adeer,Allah has his ways,and he knows best. He only knows why he is doing this.

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Originally posted by -:

^^Allah gave everyone's will and the mind to shape their destiny. It is not Allah that led us to this awful path, it is our twisted minds that's to blame.

Errr,All things happen by the grace of ALLAH smile.gif


Lets not digress yaah. Lets blame the habashis here smile.gif

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All things do happen by His grace since the Almighty can foresee all your actions. Anyhow, if blaming Habashis put our minds at ease, then let's. But eventually the real culprits (Somalis) must be identified and be dealt with. That said, Habashis will have to answer for rampage in Xamar.

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

Imagine,if the glorious men of O*Gadenia just gave up their dream of liberating dhulka?

You're comparing apples with oranges there. The O-denia resistance fought and is still fighting decades to get from under the rule of the Ethiopian monarchy so they could live in freedom. Whereas the Asmara and the TFG group ana ku-xukumayo iyo i-xukumi maysid isku dilayaan [Ethiopia ha baxdo waa un iska mar-marsiiyo] Dagaalan wax laguma helaayo when you have an entire city in crisis, with 10,000 of its citizens dead, and more dying everyday, with no end in sight, me thinks. Nimaan isku naxayn waa loo naxaa aa la yiri.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

quote:Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

Imagine,if the glorious men of O*Gadenia just gave up their dream of liberating dhulka?

You're comparing apples with oranges there. The O-denia resistance fought and is still fighting decades to get from under the rule of the Ethiopian monarchy so they could live in freedom. Whereas the Asmara and the TFG group ana ku-xukumayo iyo i-xukumi maysid isku dilayaan [Ethiopia ha baxdo waa un iska mar-marsiiyo] .
I dont think thats what it is right now. Before the Habashis came,yes perhaps. Laakin hada,its a matter of life and death. The occupying army is killing Somalis. And the people are resisting it. Its the nature of occupation; The occupiers kill and torture,the resistance fights.


Calaa ya xaal,I agree with you. Peace should be given a chance and hadan been laisku sheegeynin,ALL THIS WILL BE SOLVED if the Ethios leave,Sax?

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The men who think they have the most to gain or lose in the TFG are not interested in peace or ruling Muqdisho with dignity. If people surrendered, they would still be victimized by A/Y and other warlords. Nothing muqdisho residents do actually makes a difference. People are being targetted for their clan saxib. And no one in the TFG cares about that. There is no representative in that dabacayuun group who speaks on behalf of Muqdisho residents. Each member cares about his position or lives in fear of the Xabashis and can't say a word. Note how they withhold their names when they speak to the media about their diagreements. Only warlord whose voice counts has spoken load and clear, People of Muqdisho are to be termianted if they don't surrender, and that is A/Y. Waxaan kale like Cade, or anyone whose name I can't recall is nothing but a name and useless. Some like Jeelle and Geedi were active participants of the violence and the displacement of Muqdisho's residents. The TFG needs to go.


And I notice the word which meant "dabacayuun" is blocked. It must have touched a raw nerve around here. People should accept their choice comfortably.

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No talks until the Ethiopians leave, the argument goes! But, why would there be any need for talks once the Ethiopians go/are defeated? How could anyone believe and attempt to pass such nonsense as some sort of legitimate argument? :(

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^ Because if ethiopians leave, A/Y and others will negotiate knowing they have no chance of survival if they don't. There will be no equality on any negotating table with Zenawi dictating the terms. Waste of time really.

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^^ But if the Ethios leave, A/Y wont matter much. Surely you realise that! Why then would the resistance sit and negotiate with him when he's weak?


Saaxib, I know you are against the TFG and that's a perfectly legitimate position to have (some would argue it's the only position) but you dishonour it by agreeing with weak propaganda such as "When the Ethiopians leave, we shall negotiate". :(


Saafi el niyaaah, saaxib, saafi el niyaaah...

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The stakes( war) in Somalia have been raised to new levels and more Ethiopians are been sent, whilst the other groups are heavily preparing and reorganizaing themselves. Of course the other side wouldn't lose face if they negotiated with this gentleman.Perhaps if they negotiate and he doesn't have the capacity to tell Ethiopians to leave; then the can say " we told you so..".


But if they ignore his calls for negotiations, then he can turn around and say " I am for negotation, but these guys don't want it". Lastly, what many people are forgeting is that there has already been hours and hours and negotiations in Sudan before the build up to the war last year. The conversation went something like this:


I.C.U: We want all foreign troops and Ethiopia out of Somalia

T.F.G: There are no occupation troops in Somalia,only friendly neighbours who came to *** ist the government

I.C.U: Ethiopia is our historical enemy and they are plotting against the Somali state!

T.F.G: No, that was a long time ago, we have patched up things and now they are trying to rebuild Somalia.

I.C.U: We don't believe such things, if they don't go, we shall have to remove them ourselves!

T.F.G: The only way our allies will leave is if you: lay down your arms, surrender the terrorists and accept the legitimate Somali Government!

I.C.U: We can't accept such things!


And the whole negotiations never got past that sticky point( presence of Ethiopians troops). Will this man raise the stakes, ie bring something new to the table? I highly doubt it!

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Gj, In the midst of the first round of talks held in Khartoum, the ICU were consolidating its power, seizing more territories. Prior to the second round of talks, They were given 50% of the parliament and a joint police force, but they squandered all of this chance and embarked their holy campaign of 'liberating Somalia' from what they considered as "warlords" including the TFG.


Let us be honest with each other, this defeated ICU has no solution for Somalia and were driven by a general perception of fear and distrust against the president's clan. Their demand for withdrawal of AU and Ethiopia that leaves the TFG in the lurch is seen a great opportunity to defeat and kill the TFG in its infancy.


However, the TFG was lucky enough to stave off the challenges of domestic realities in southern Somalia constrained by its thin military forces and lack of international support. It still faces huge obstacles from a coalition of forces led by a messianic, expansionist idealogy.

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^Which land, and what land, and whom? Is there a specific group that you are playing on their sense of injustice? Who are you fooling here? :mad:

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Caamir, whether the I.C.U has a solution for Somalia is a different story alotogether. But you are there politics were driven by fear, paranoia and sometimes hawkish tendencies displays some the younger ideologists and older hotheads from the early 90s. However, one could understand why the I.C.U adopted such a position. That is, the T.F.G can not be trusted as an entity. They can Khartoum even denying that there was thousands of Ethiopians crossing the border.Some of them went as far as claiming thatr they were Somali soldiers with donared uniforms. How do you sit down, trust and negotiate with a man who allowing his house(badioa) to be used a means to attack you? I mean, what was the point of being offered all those concessions when a war was being prepared? The real negotiations happened when the Ethiopian General met mr Shariff and those demands that they made to him were completely unaccaptable to him and his organisation, ie to surrender some wanted men, surrender their arms and most importantly allow the presence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia.

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