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Terms deployed to create division among the resistance!

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First they were both Islamist extremists, later they were divided into two categories: Moderates and Radicals.


Apparantly in order to appear 'moderate' one has to shave his beard, tack in the shirt or wear western style of dressing.Our faith doesn't prohibit wearing suit by no means, but one doesn't have to change his appearance and 'loosen' up his convictions to 'fit in'. This is a complex world with different faiths, cultures and believes, one must not change his ways in order to please others.

You earn moderate status once you are percieved as someone willing to change and malleable to accept the ground rules lay down by others.


If you remain firm to your core values and stick by them without accepting outside intervention to influence your goals both your short term and long term objectives then you are emotional driven radical with no feelings and political wit.


Let me give you an example:


Many of our nomads in this very site were critizing the alshabab movement for many reasons. Some were critizing for no other reason then their fight against the TFG and their Ethiopian counterparts, others were bashing the movement for politcall immaturity. Today, Alshabab proved both groups wrong by displaying how much they grasp the political reality in Somalia today. Following their seizure of Baydhabo, the seat of the TFG parliament, they rounded up all the MPs for little while then release them with no harm or foul done. Many who expected these men to beheaded were awed by this move. But people like I, were always aware the level of campassion that alshabab has. No doubt every city they rule, the rule of law prevails. The weak and 'powerful' have same status and no 'major' qabiil can call the shots in any city. Everyone is equal. You can't say the same for the TFG or the Isbahaysiga baadiyoobay who suprisingly have chosen to run things based on 4.5 formula, which basically aliantes whole somali clans into being 'minority' in their own country. that is dulmi, anything built on dulmi to begin with, will not succeed. History is witness to that.


It's also important to note that Alshabaab never ran or surrendered their future aspirations one bit. :D

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Very good, below is an abstract of a series of confessions of a British spy in regards to Muslims of strong faith. He was sent by the Ministry of the Common Wealth to aggravate differences and schisms among Muslims so long as they continue their exploitation, luxury and welfare.



"They were insurmountable obstacles against our objectives. For they were the kind of people who will never compromise their principles to the tiniest extent because they had turned against transient pleasures and adornments of the world and fixed their eyes on the Paradise promised by Qur'an alkerim"


^does this historic description fit the Youth?

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